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Thread: Contest Prep Questions asked and Answered: Narkissos

  1. #1
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    Contest Prep Questions asked and Answered: Narkissos

    I'm starting this thread in response to PMs i get on various sites regarding contest prep.

    The questions used here are being used with the permission of those that PMed me.

    All responses are written by me

    You may append your own questions and experiences


    The last week

    by Narkissos

    I'll try to go tru your questions one by one.

    Being a noob is no prob's body changes from year to year so techincally everyone's a noob lol.

    Firstly...don't obsess with bodyweight. Because you come in at the high end of the scale does NOT mean that you'll look bigger/better than if you were 5 pounds lighter. Weight is just another number. So go ahead and drop your protein intake to 200 ASAP!

    Is the show drugs tested? I anticipate that it isn't since you're asking about diuretics. Get back to me in regards to the type show it is ASAP. Diuretics...i've only used the herbal kind(s) because 1. the pharmaceutical kinds can be dangerous/overkill 2. i've found them unnecessary. One week before the show i start to incorporate herbal diuretic teas into my water intake. One week before the i also bump (double) my water intake to facilitate 'flushing'. I may up my sodium at this point also.

    If the show is last training day is wednesday. If my last training day is wednesday, i cut my sodium from wednesday evening prior to the training session. This is due to that being the last time my muscles'd need sodium (long story..dealing with recovery). I start to cut my water intake from Thursday morning. Thursday, if usually i'd been drinking 2 litres, i'd drop it to 1.5 litres. Friday i'll ingest 1 litre. And Saturday, the day of the show, .5 litres is supposed to last tru-out the day.Usually tho, on the day of the show i don't ingest ANY water. Maybe a sip with my meals to aide digestion and swallow a couple b-complex pills...but water on the day comes from foods ingested...namely english potatoes.

    WOW you're carbs are low. I myself don't do low-carb...i lose too much muscle. Don't change if it's working for you tho. Where's your fat intake at?

    On the carbing up issue..that depends on the day the weigh-in falls. It's usually the thursday b4 the show here. On the day of the weigh-in i really don't eat persay. I go to the health shop... purchase some 'kamut' (that's sodium free puffed rice) or i get sodium free rice cakes and i eat them and a handful of aminos tru-out the day when i get hungry. This way i easily make the weight i need at the weigh-in in the evening. I start to carb up (and put back in some protein that i couldn't earlier due to trying to make the weight) after the weigh-in.

    The carb-up starts post-weigh-in as i said before and the main carb source is english potatoes. I'll get in 2 or 3 (protein/carb) meals after the weigh in...The carb-up continues on friday... The difference being that the emphasis is on carb consumption as opposed to protein comsumption. Too much protein on those last days will cause you to hold water. Each meal on friday should be 2-3 english potatoes and 15 gram of protein (from a freshwater fish these are low-sodium)....This'll continue till you fall asleep. With each meal take a sip of water and ingest a b-complex capsule. With the 1st, 3rd and 6th meal, ingest a chromium capsule. These two substances will inable you to utilise your carbs better. Your water intake shoudl be tapered. English potatoes are prefered over rice at this point because overall they're lower in calories, AND, more importantly, high in potassium and water.

    How you eat on saturday is determined by how you look when you get up in the morning.

    Sidenote: On saturday your activity level should be at it's you're trying not to further dehydrate yourself.

    On saturday...if you get up and are at your desired level of fullness, don't eat much else...have a small pro/carb meal and go back to sleep.

    If you get thirsty...have a mouthful of water...better yet...i usually suck on a block of ice.

    If you get up again look at yourself again...if you're still full have another small meal(1 potato...&15 grams of protein) ...if you've started to flatten out...have a larger pro/carb meal (15 grams of protein... 2-3 potatoes..chromium and b-complex...potassium) and go back to sleep.

    Cut water intake completely 6 hours before the show.

    Continue to eat according to appearance...

    You last meal being at least 2 hours before the show so your lower abdomen isn't distended

    After the prejudging... ingest a 1/4 litre of water and a pro/carb meal...and go home and sleep.

    Repeat saturday's eating plan for sunday's nite show...the only difference being when you cut your water intake(around 12 p.m).... dont' ingest ANY water with your next meal. 1 hour before you step on stage...ingest 1/2 a bottle of honey. If you get thirsty...drink honey.'ll be dry enough that you won't spill over or bloat.

    When you're pumping up...drink be more vascular. The sugar will pull water from under the there's very little water anywhere else...

    Holla back...this is all i got off the top of my head.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Contest Prep Questions asked and Answered: Narkissos

    Um...going tru them one by one.

    If the weigh-in is friday as opposed to still cut your sodium on the day of your last training session.

    Cut training Wednesday... if your muscles are tired on saturday, flattening out is a definate possibility...and you want to avoid that at ALL costs.

    Train legs first in the week. They'll require more rest.

    **Sidenote** Train legs last in the week only if they're your weakest bodypart. If you train them last, they won't be as separated...and they'll have a film of water over them, but they'll look fuller. That'll make them look almost on par with the rest of your bodyparts.

    You need to find out if the show is drug-tested early bro. It's not something you can fix at the last minute.

    Jeez, the shows are both on saturday, that's gonna change the carb-up quite a bit. I'm tempted to tell you to start carbing up from friday still but...that'd only work if you're well under the cut-off weight on friday.


    Run the week like i said eatingwise... cept, on thursday, repeat wednesday's eating regime...and on friday, have a small meal in the a.m. Then at regular intervals tru-out the day (namely when you get hungry) ingest the amino acid tabs and snack on a rice cake till the weigh-in. Prior to the weigh-in, arrange a bowel movement. You should be set.

    Right after you step of the scale, start your carb up..don't go over board. Try to eat when hungry. Try to eat at regular intervals (i.e. 7pm, 9pm, 11pm).

    English potatoes are the regular 'white' potatoes. I'm from the caribbean...and having so much variety everything is explicit.

    So your carb-up'll be 2-4 english potatoes and 15-20 grams of protein per meal.

    Don't worry about protein ingestion over these last few days. The important factor is trying to get 'full'. The lowered protein intake will not result in a loss of don't worry about it. Worrying is couterproductive anyway, as it causes one to hold water.

    On the protein issue.

    Your carbs ARE low... I do however think it's essential to have your macronutrients exact if you plan to meet weight-classes.

    However, if you're currently near where you want to be with your current protein intake....don't change it unless you reach a sticking point.

    On sodium loading, i don't actively record how much my increase is. A friend of mine uses an extended load of about 3 grams...but i personally think that's dangerous. A pro advised he do this...but i'm yet to try it personally, so i don't advise it. Personally i just double what i currently ingest...adding table salt to each meal etc.

    My protein intake over the last couple days is from, as i stated before, fresh water fish... it doesn't matter what kind per say...just make sure it is low/non-fat freshwater fish. Avoid saltwater fish and egg-whites as they are high in sodium. If freshwater fish isn't available..stick to chicken breasts...Can't go wrong with chicken.

    Holla back if you've anymore questions


  3. #3
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    May 2004

    Narkissos on Posing.

    I recently received a PM from a cool bro over at **...thought my reply'd make a good article. For privacy reasons, i'm not including his screen name in the article.

    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Since you guys compete, I need some advice. During my individual posing routine, is it better to stand predominatly in one place and make small transitions from pose to pose, or to move around alot on stage and walk back and forth?? Also, could you share a sequence of poses you do for your individual routines, any help is appreciated

    No Prob Bro.

    Depends on a myriad of conditions.

    Is it your first contest?

    Do you feel at home (i.e. comfortable) onstage?

    Do you have many physique flaws?

    How comfortable are you with the mandatory poses?

    Do you practise posing regularly?

    Do you make good 'contact' with your muscles?

    There're actually a number of other external factors that too influence your choice of choreography.

    One such thing would be: choice of music (this is both: chosing music suiting your personality... and physique.)

    On your question about whether to stand in one place or walk about...

    That depends on how 'light' you are on your feet. For me... i personally (after finding my onstage centre of balance) will only move within a 1 foot radius of where i begin my routine.

    Transition from pose to pose should be smooth. Really, IMO the only 'rough' part of a routine (irregardless of the music chosen) should be the muscle contraction (which should coincide with beats of the song chosen....building upon the song's crescendo).

    As you execute transitional poses, hand and feet movements should draw the audiences attention. i.e. the point of transitions is to distract the audience enough so as to allow you to comfortably set-up and execute your next pose... This leads me to my point: Walking around stage will distract too much from the routine at hand... breaking the spell that you're attemtpting to weave over the audience.

    Sequence of poses:

    Generally... the trick is to hit the audience hard with your best pose. Force it into their subconscious... Rule of thumb, is to also end your routine with a variation of your best pose so as to solidify your exit.

    If you look best from the Front...start with a front shot that shows plenty of muscle... your routine should show your strengths..not your weaknesses. i.e. you should continue to hit only your strong shots... For this reason you should get someone to veiw your routine you yourself will be unable to play the role of your audience objectively.

    Toss in the compulsaries in there and you're good to go.

    Hope this helps Bro... i was just brainstorming.

    i'll append to this in time

  4. #4
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    May 2004

    Narkissos on Posing.

    I recently received another PM from a cool bro over at **...thought my reply'd make a good article. For privacy reasons, i'm not including his screen name in the article.

    Originally Posted by *********
    I am not on a set scheduel now. What do you recommend. I usually pose after back day, chest day, shoulder day and sometimes on arms day. I do not pose on leg day, as I can't contract the quads, hehe. I probably run through the mandatories 2-3 times and hold each for about 15 seconds. So I only practice 3-5 miutes tops about 3-4 times per week. I am going to step it up over these next 8 weeks, but if you have a routine, hit me up

    To start... i think you should do two 1/2 hour sessions for the 1st 2 weeks (post-workout)... adding a session every week till you're doing 7 sessions a week on the last week before the show.

    The 1/2 hour sessions should 6+ rounds of the end you should hit some muscle shots ('most musculars' etc.) because these shots causes one to actively contract every voluntary muscle in the body.

    Initially as you start you should hold the shots for 10-15 seconds... In later rounds...get the person working with you to clap every couple of seconds...everytime the person claps you'll go to the next'll be a smooth..tiring..perpetual posing session

    Lastly... pose on your leg day...seeing it's harder to make contact with your quad muscles after your leg'll be good practice.It'll emulate being on stage... Onstage you'll get tired..your quads'll get fatigue..but you can't give up... now it you want to win. So you see it makes sense to paractice squeezing em when they're pre-fatigued.

    Hope it helps

  5. #5
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    I'm adding to this thread as i get PMed...

    Originally Posted by *******
    Holy shit!
    I had no idea that it required that amount of time. So glad I talked to you. Yeah, I bet you do get fatigued onstage, especially being in depleted and all. Well, I am going to start those sessions tonight, at least try to make it 30 minutes. Basically, you are saying to run through my 7 mandatory poses 6 times each, holding 15-20 seconds?

    Basically... go tru the 7 poses...1 after the this a 'round' (like boxing)...the points are: make contact with your muscle...

    tru this process to:

    2. attain better control of them squeeze out subcutaneous water

    4. burn some more calories

    Six rounds is a good place to start...Increasing in number as your condition improves. The first couple of sessions, you'll find that you end up breathing heavily. This is because (although you may be cardiovascularly fit) the process of rythmic muscle contraction is an unaccustomed stimuli..requiring a different degree of cardiovascular fitness. You're realise the guys that don't pose a lot...on stage they're huffing and puffing after a couple rounds of mandatories...those guys fade fast...and usually don't place well.

    While on the breathing note...i think you should also practice breathing as part of your posing. Your gut should not hang out at any point while onstage.

    Poses like the double biceps for should pull your stomach as far in as possible...keeping the abdominal muscle contracted internally...and concentrate breathing to the upper diaphram.


  6. #6
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    i'll bump this.

    Add your questions...answers...and experiences

    Lets give this forum more traffic


    Last edited by *Narkissos*; 10-27-2005 at 12:01 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    i'll bump this.

    Add your questions...answers...and experiences

    Lets give this forum more traffic


    I will throw in my 0.02 cents in this thread as well, i think we have one of the best precontest forums on the net, so let's make it THE BEST

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Thanks for vote of confidence...i agree Mike.

    Where are all the competitors at?

    Get your butts in here guys...

    Mike..maybe it's time we start advertising in the lounge

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    bumping this dinosaur of a thread.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Nark -

    Couple questions for ya. If I'm getting 90g total carbs for the day, and I eat 30g for breakfast... I usually am able to get breakfast and 2 other meals in before I work out. Should one of these meals have 30g carbs, or should I just do carbs in my PWO and then a 30g meal after that? I guess I'm asking is it better to have 2/3 of my carbs before I work out, or 2/3 after? Are carbs 2-3 hrs before bedtime bad?

    Also, what can I do besides getting lean to bring out quad striations? Will the bike help?

    BTW I'm 5 1/2 weeks out, hopefully losing another 15lbs or so before water.


  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    Nark -
    Hey buddy.

    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    Couple questions for ya.

    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    If I'm getting 90g total carbs for the day, and I eat 30g for breakfast... I usually am able to get breakfast and 2 other meals in before I work out. Should one of these meals have 30g carbs, or should I just do carbs in my PWO and then a 30g meal after that? I guess I'm asking is it better to have 2/3 of my carbs before I work out, or 2/3 after?
    w/ the amount you're referring'd be inconsequential.

    That's my honest opinion.

    If we were talking higher amounts... then i'd ask if you were using a nutrient-partitioning agent.

    If no, you'd consume 2/3 prior to training.

    Are you doing cardio pwo?

    If you are currently, I'd have one serving of carbs directly pre-workout.

    One serving directly after...and one 2-3 hours later in my ppwo meal.

    Again... the amount you're consuming is low... so it does not matter.

    You're trading partial glycogen replenishment for the minimal of training fuel.

    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    Are carbs 2-3 hrs before bedtime bad?

    I have carbs tru-out the day when i'm cutting for competition.

    How applicable it is however depends on your dieting style and to a lesser extent the proximity of your last meal to your training session.

    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    Also, what can I do besides getting lean to bring out quad striations? Will the bike help?
    Some have argued that spot-reduction does not work.

    Bodybuilders have known otherwise for years.

    Furthermore, a Danish scientist proved it last year1

    ^^High-intensity exercise increases local fat utilization.

    Furthermore... High-intensity training is correlated to changes in the density to musculature.

    So...high-intensity, short-interval work will bring out those striations.

    Sprinting...HIIT cardio.

    Explosive squatting or GVT squatting with short rest periods.

    Use of the stair master...and bike (high degrees of hip flexion...thus more musculature is recruited)

    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    BTW I'm 5 1/2 weeks out, hopefully losing another 15lbs or so before water.



    Feel free to post pics on this thread.

    It'd be good to see your condition...and maybe make suggestions to your posing if any are warranted.



    1. American Journal Physiology Endocrinology Metabolism, 292: 394-399, 2007
    Last edited by Narkissos; 03-10-2008 at 01:56 PM.

  12. #12
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    glad to see your back nark!

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    ^^Thanks for the welcome.


  14. #14
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    Nark -

    Got another ? for ya... I have a feeling I'm going to be in here quite a bit as I think of things.

    What supplements should I take just to help my body metabolize fat... I'm taking Stacker 3's right now, I like em, have liked em in the past. Should I look into R-ALA or some other things too?

    Thanks bro

  15. #15
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    I've got a couple ?'s that would be more appropriate in private, do you have AIM or something?

  16. #16
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    Dallas, TX
    This is great info for me as well. I am 6 1/2 weeks out from the Ronnie. So I'm training like a mad-man, the posing info is a huge help. I know that definitely one of my strong points is my front, but I know when you turn around, the back shot is what seperates the top competitors. I'm still holding water right now, so not sure how my back is going to fill out in the end, but time will tell. Regardless, your info is priceless!!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    Nark -

    Got another ? for ya... I have a feeling I'm going to be in here quite a bit as I think of things.
    That's cool by me

    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    What supplements should I take just to help my body metabolize fat... I'm taking Stacker 3's right now, I like em, have liked em in the past. Should I look into R-ALA or some other things too?

    Thanks bro
    Let's see.

    Metabolizing fat with primary preference where? Lower body?

    You mentioned stacker 3. I haven't used it...probably never will (Nothing's beaten the ECA to date in my opinion).

    Upon checking out the ingredient list I'd say, stack Yohimbine HCL with this product.

    I'm seeing basically caffeine; caffeine and more caffeine.

    I'm honestly not impressed with the formula at all.

    Anyway... back to your question.

    I'd add an alpha2-adrenoceptor antagonist like it'd stimulate fat utilization from the problem areas: glutes & love handles.

    This is especially pertinent for those prepping for contests as the 'gold standard' of conditioning today is striated glutes.

    Additionally, for those who have high natural aromatase activity (as characterised by very full but 'watery' builds) I'd add a SERM or AI at a low dose... 6-oxo would do.

    Thyroid output stimulating supplements would also be a great addition... great cheap addition.

    Seaweed/kelp is something Vince Gironda used to suggest all the time back in the day.

    It's been dismissed as a joke novelty supplement... but may have had merit.

    I know that when i started to compete that it was suggested to me...I added it, and it worked.

    Recently i came across a study which correlated increased TSH output (among other metabolic increases) with seaweed supplementation.

    The study: "Seaweed and soy: companion foods in Asian cuisine and their effects on thyroid function in American women."(1)

    Anything that has potential action on thyroid output (specifically with increasing/improving said output) is of specific relevance to the dieter.

    And an insulin-sensitizing agent: metformin; avandia; or R-ALA, would complete the fat-attack

    I'm tentative to suggest the incorporation of R-ALA as i have no practical experience with it.

    Did i miss anything?



    1. Teas J, Braverman LE, Kurzer MS, Pino S, Hurley TG, Hebert JR. Seaweed and soy: companion foods in Asian cuisine and their effects on thyroid function in American women. J Med Food. 2007 Mar;10(1):90-100

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    I've got a couple ?'s that would be more appropriate in private, do you have AIM or something?
    Hit me with a PM for my private email.

    I have aim but i don't use it.

    Clients; family; friends, i refer to my contest prep forum or my private msn.

    I must warn you however that my forum, should you find it, is drug-free.

    So it would serve better, should your contest-prep question be contest-prep-drug-related, to request my private email soley.


  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fletch3138 View Post
    This is great info for me as well. I am 6 1/2 weeks out from the Ronnie. So I'm training like a mad-man, the posing info is a huge help. I know that definitely one of my strong points is my front, but I know when you turn around, the back shot is what seperates the top competitors. I'm still holding water right now, so not sure how my back is going to fill out in the end, but time will tell. Regardless, your info is priceless!!
    Thanks for the good words mate.

    If you don't mind.. put up some pics as you are now so i can get a peek at what you're working with.

    If privacy is an issue you can send the pics to me via email for me to review... or for me to edit (hiding tattoos/scars/birth marks) and repost on your behalf on this thread.


  20. #20
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    Welcome Back Nark good to see you on here

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by "Narkissos" View Post
    That's cool by me

    I'd add an alpha2-adrenoceptor antagonist like it'd stimulate fat utilization from the problem areas: glutes & love handles.

    This is especially pertinent for those prepping for contests as the 'gold standard' of conditioning today is striated glutes.
    Hey Nark, im getting ready for an NPC national qualifier so being shredded to the glutes has never been more important than now for me. I am currently following a pre contest plan very similar to Mike XXL's sticky minus the ECA stack. So are you basically saying that Yohimbe is pretty much a must have in order to achieve this goal? If so I'd just like a little more info on how much and when to start using it. So instead of telling you what my current plan is, just look at Mike's old one and its almost indentical minus the ECA. So my clen/t3 will be 7 days/ week.

    Also, if you think ECA is another MUST use for these types of shows.. please give me your opinoin because its not to late for me to throw that into my precontest as well. Thanks for any help you can offer. And Mike XXL, if ur around id like your .02 as well =)

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by MIKE_XXL View Post
    Welcome Back Nark good to see you on here
    Thanks for the welcome mate.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fjock View Post
    Hey Nark,
    Hey buddy

    Quote Originally Posted by Fjock View Post
    im getting ready for an NPC national qualifier so being shredded to the glutes has never been more important than now for me.

    How many comps. have you done prior to this one?

    How long are your preps on average...and what kind of shape do you usually show up in? (post pics where possible).

    I ask because if shredded glutes have eluded in the past, it may simply be because you need to extend the duration of your prep.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fjock View Post
    I am currently following a pre contest plan very similar to Mike XXL's sticky minus the ECA stack.
    Which part of the prep are you using as your guide?

    12 weeks outs?
    8 weeks out?

    Please outline your prep in reponse

    Quote Originally Posted by Fjock View Post
    So are you basically saying that Yohimbe is pretty much a must have in order to achieve this goal?
    Nothing's a 'must have'.

    I've gotten in shape with zero supplements period.

    People before me have.. others after me will.

    But... supplements definitely do help.

    And..yohimbe (Yohimbine rather) is one such supplement.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fjock View Post
    If so I'd just like a little more info on how much and when to start using it. So instead of telling you what my current plan is, just look at Mike's old one and its almost indentical minus the ECA. So my clen/t3 will be 7 days/ week.
    I'd start using the Yohimbine right now.

    If you can get pure yohimbine HCL.. go with 8-16 mg daily.. split in 2 servings.

    Dose it pre-workout on training days[1] (Split doses according to tolerance)

    If you can only get Yohimbe.. go with a standardized extract...and shoot for the same mg amount.

    e.g. 1% standardized herb = 800-1600 mg administered daily to provide 8-16 mg yohimbine.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fjock View Post
    Also, if you think ECA is another MUST use for these types of shows.. please give me your opinoin because its not to late for me to throw that into my precontest as well. Thanks for any help you can offer. And Mike XXL, if ur around id like your .02 as well =)
    It isn't a 'must'... I just prefer the ECA to any other thermogenics.

    ..even clen.

    I don't get cramps... the energy is clean.. not jitters, no shaking.

    Anyway.. back to your prep.

    Keep everything as is.. no need to add an ECA to the mix.

    I would add Yohimbine in though.. to target the alpha-2s.

    And avandia if you're a high-carb/moderate-carb dieter.



    1. Mark F. McCarty. Pre-exercise administration of yohimbine may enhance the efficacy of exercise training as a fat loss strategy by boosting lipolysis.
    Medical Hypotheses. Volume 58, Issue 6, June 2002, Pages 491-495

  24. #24
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    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by "Narkissos" View Post
    Hey buddy


    How many comps. have you done prior to this one?

    How long are your preps on average...and what kind of shape do you usually show up in? (post pics where possible).

    I ask because if shredded glutes have eluded in the past, it may simply be because you need to extend the duration of your prep.

    Which part of the prep are you using as your guide?

    12 weeks outs?
    8 weeks out?

    Please outline your prep in reponse

    Nothing's a 'must have'.

    I've gotten in shape with zero supplements period.

    People before me have.. others after me will.

    But... supplements definitely do help.

    And..yohimbe (Yohimbine rather) is one such supplement.
    Ive done 4 NPC contest in the past so this will be my 5th and first time actually shooting to win a National Qualifier. I will be prepping this time longer than ever before. 13.5 weeks in total. In the past ive continually gotten stuck with having to choose shows that I didnt have full time to prep for. Usually ended up only being 8 or 9 weeks. So i think you may have hit the nail on the head for me already.. im hoping that the fact that im dieting a good 5 more weeks than im used to will sure help with bringing out the glutes. If not i atleast want shredded hams which will be a big improvement for me. Im currently 10 weeks out now and am cutting down very nicely, its hard for me to tell if I will end up ahead of schedule or not because of the length, but I think I will be doing myself more good than bad. Im 5'11 and 245 right now.

    I will also be cutting my calories at 8 weeks out and switching to all chicken breast, tuna, egg whites, and isopure for protein. Grits, sweet potatos, white potatos (PWO) for carbs. fats will be coming from olive oil and peanut butter during fat loads. Not worried about my diet though because it seems to do pretty damn well even when im very limited on time. It was written up for me by a 2006 top 5 Nationals HW competitor. I attached a picture of me after only 8 weeks of diet. A good 5 extra weeks should definately help me complete the job this time and bring in my leg definition. Ill try and post a picture tonight of how i currently look at 10 weeks. And thanks for the Yohimbe info btw! very helpful and i think im gonna go for it. Im going to PM you with my age.
    Last edited by Fjock; 03-23-2008 at 12:18 PM.

  25. #25
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    Removed pics...
    Last edited by Fjock; 03-12-2008 at 07:53 PM.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Got your PM bro

    Quote Originally Posted by Fjock View Post
    today at 10 weeks out. Tell me whatcha think as far as mass gains.
    Your shape is similar to mine.

    You're carrying a lot of mass however.


    As to condition however, I think you're behind for 10 weeks out.

    Step it up and you should do well!

    Awesome build!


  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by "Narkissos" View Post
    Got your PM bro

    Your shape is similar to mine.

    You're carrying a lot of mass however.


    As to condition however, I think you're behind for 10 weeks out.

    Step it up and you should do well!

    Awesome build!

    Thanks for the support bro. Its funny because I was thinking i was a little ahead until I took these pictures and looked at them myself on the computer haha. Now I can see I have my work cut out for me these next 10 weeks. Hopefully the clen/t3/yohimbe combo will do its share. Plus im bumping up my cardio up about 5 minutes every week or so. These are the first pics ive taken of myself since Ive started to diet so I guess I should do it more often to really critique myself. Thanks again for the help bro. You gonna be competing anytime in 2008 yourself?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fjock View Post
    Thanks for the support bro. Its funny because I was thinking i was a little ahead until I took these pictures and looked at them myself on the computer haha.
    It happens mate...

    That's why it always helps to have a second pair of (experienced) eyes.

    See if you can find a competitor who isn't doing this show to watch you pose at least once per week. That'll give you the feedback you need.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fjock View Post
    Now I can see I have my work cut out for me these next 10 weeks.
    You can do it mate. From where you at, you can be shredded in 8 weeks, providing that you know what you're about. Plug away at it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fjock View Post
    Hopefully the clen/t3/yohimbe combo will do its share. Plus im bumping up my cardio up about 5 minutes every week or so.
    Leave nothing to chance.

    Bump your training intensity and cardio up now.

    If you get ahead of schedule, you can always bring the cardio back down while keeping the intensity high.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fjock View Post
    These are the first pics ive taken of myself since Ive started to diet so I guess I should do it more often to really critique myself.

    Some suggest taking 'em every 2 weeks.

    Personally i take them from week to week... cus drastic shit happens when i'm cutting.

    If it isn't happening, I'm doing something wrong.

    Every week i MUST look better than the week prior.

    Not the same.. better.

    Always take the pics around the same time, and around the same conditions (i.e. first thing in the morning when you're flat.. etc. Last thing at night, provided that: carb intake was the same etc,)

    Quote Originally Posted by Fjock View Post
    Thanks again for the help bro.
    np bro

    Quote Originally Posted by Fjock View Post
    You gonna be competing anytime in 2008 yourself?
    I'm hoping to.

    Got injured pretty seriously in 2007.

    This caused me to take the year off.

    Got injured again at the start of this year.

    The body's telling me to take it i will.

    Imma start my prep for Nationals 6 months out, as opposed to my usual 3.

    Depending on where i'm at 3 months out, I'll decide if i'm competing or not.

    The nationals here are on August 16th.

    I'm starting my prep on the 17th of March.

    I know i won't be huge... but i plan on being striated from neck to ankle.

    Busted both knees, so i figure that my best bodypart (legs) will be my worst this time around.

    Bumping the ante on calves, back and arms (my better bodyparts) to add width to my torso and extremeties.

    My calves are already the same size as my arms... but I'm hoping to get them larger to pull attention away from my quads.

    Hams will be large despite the ACL/LCL injury.

    I'm still able to do deadlifts/SLDLs in the interim.

    Wish me luck


  29. #29
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    Jul 2005
    I have my new girlfriend who is doing nationals this year here in the states that will be helping critique my posing this year. So im excited about that. Ill be taking pictures every couple weeks at the longest. You're like my coach this year since I cant really afford one right now...

    I already bumped up my cardio today by 5 minutes, Im going to take your advice and up the intensity/duration for sure.

    Sorry to hear about your injuries bro, thats somethin that always scares me about this sport... But its surely part of it and you just gotta learn to work around it and keep pushing. If anyone has what it takes to work through injuries and still kick ass at Nationals, its you my man. You have the knowledge to make it work, and im just happy to have gained just a little bit of it from ya. Good luck with the rest of your recovery and your shot at natioanls man! you can do it!
    Last edited by Fjock; 03-23-2008 at 12:18 PM.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2004
    ^^Thanks man..

    Keep me in the loop w/ regard to your progress.


  31. #31
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  32. #32
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    Jun 2003
    Guys -

    A couple questions... I started doing HIIT 3x a week, and steady state cardio 3x/week in the morning on an empty stomach. HIIT is usually 6-8 intervals of 30 second sprints, followed by 2-3 minutes walking. Usually lasts less than a half an hour. Is this too short?

    Steady state cardio is 45 minutes on the treadmill or bike, at 150bpm.

    I can tell results are happening but I don't know if there's a quicker way without losing more muscle. I'm 3 1/2 weeks out and I have about 10 lbs to lose, plus water.

    Diet looks like this

    6 meals per day
    240g protein divided evenly
    30g fat (6 in the morning with egg, 14 from PB later, and 10 from flax at night)
    90g carbs (30 in the morning, 40 PWO, 30 PPWO)

    Is it bad at this late phase to be eating 10g fat from flax at night? I usually have it with 40g protein from casein. I'll have pictures up in a couple days. Posing is getting better.


  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    Guys -

    A couple questions... I started doing HIIT 3x a week, and steady state cardio 3x/week in the morning on an empty stomach. HIIT is usually 6-8 intervals of 30 second sprints, followed by 2-3 minutes walking. Usually lasts less than a half an hour. Is this too short?
    If you're getting results... maybe not.

    I, however, keep cardio around 45 minutes regardless.

    This is... regardless of the style of cardio being executed.

    Personally i use a MMIIT style (mixed/moderate intensity intervals).

    I have the 45-minute duration in mind... and i go all out, followed by a maintenance speed to catch my breath... then a moderate intensity.. followed by high.. then low.. etc.

    I think duration and intensity are both important... Many sacrifice one for the other.

    But... putting it in relative terms, you wouldn't make that choice in a weight-training session would you?

    ...Even if it was volume-mediated.

    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post

    Steady state cardio is 45 minutes on the treadmill or bike, at 150bpm.

    I can tell results are happening but I don't know if there's a quicker way without losing more muscle. I'm 3 1/2 weeks out and I have about 10 lbs to lose, plus water.
    Well... there's always a way.

    Don't fixate on muscle loss.

    As long as you're doing the right things diet-wise, you're somewhat safe in that regard.

    w/ 3 & 1/2 weeks to go.. If you're behind, you'll need to take risks.

    A pwo cardio session or two could plausibly benefit you.

    It'd help to have another pair of eyes look you over before you try anything drastic though.

    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    Diet looks like this

    6 meals per day
    240g protein divided evenly
    30g fat (6 in the morning with egg, 14 from PB later, and 10 from flax at night)
    90g carbs (30 in the morning, 40 PWO, 30 PPWO)

    Is it bad at this late phase to be eating 10g fat from flax at night? I usually have it with 40g protein from casein. I'll have pictures up in a couple days. Posing is getting better.

    If you're still losing fat, nope.. don't change a thing.

    Your carbs are low.. Your protein is high... your fat is moderate.

    I think you're on the right track.


  34. #34
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    Thanks a lot man I'll get some pics up here this weekend. I'm going to do some HIIT tomorrow probably 10 intervals and if that doesnt get me to 45 min then I'll just go moderate intensity till then.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    Thanks a lot man I'll get some pics up here this weekend. I'm going to do some HIIT tomorrow probably 10 intervals and if that doesnt get me to 45 min then I'll just go moderate intensity till then.
    Good stuff mate



  36. #36
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    Jun 2005
    Great to see you back Nark! Can an admin make this mans username glow green or blue ASAP.

  37. #37
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    ^^good to be back

  38. #38
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    Jun 2003
    Alright fellers.

    I'm 12 days out from a show on 4/12. I did the same show 2 years ago, and feel like I didn't get carbed up enough. I only did 300-400g from sweet potatoes on Thursday and the same on Friday, and didn't eat a whole lot on Saturday morning. I actually looked better at the night show (pictures) after a steak and sweet potato.

    Anyway my last week is looking something like this right now. My avatar is from about a week ago.. its very blurry, you can't really see the cuts but I wanted to show the size difference between now and 2 yrs ago. I brought my traps and back up a lot, as well as shoulders. Arms almost look big enough too haha

    Monday - cardio in AM, high rep lower body work, carbs about 90g
    Tuesday - final cardio workout, high rep upper body work, carbs about 60g
    Wednesday - start carb up in the AM, shoot for 350-400g. 2gal water
    Thursday - Carb up, 300-350g. 2gal water. 300mg potassium
    Friday - 250g carbs, cut water by 3pm, 20mg lasix at 4pm. 1gal water by 3pm. 300mg potassium
    Saturday - 7am shitloading... hash browns, steak+eggs, toast with jelly. 300mg potassium
    930am - small meal w/ chicken and sweet potato
    Right before going onstage - honey or chocolate

    1 - I'm kind of nervous about spilling over, even though I obviously wasn't filled out enough by doing a Thurs/Friday carb load. How many g of carbs can your body hold? Is a 3 day carb-up + shitload saturday morning good enough without risking spilling over?

    2 - I've been eating oatmeal as my primary carb source, I was planning on using that on Weds and Thursday, but switching to sweet potatos after I cut water. Is there a problem with that?

    3 - What is fat intake supposed to look like while carbing up?

    4 - Also, I'm feeling depleted as shit right now all day even though I eat 90g carbs (30g AM, 30g PWO, 30g PPWO). Is it normal to feel depleted? Is it OK or should I eat an apple before I workout too? I'm burning about 450 kcal every day from cardio.

    5 - I'm taking Arginine at 6g/ed to pump myself up before and during workouts. Is it good or bad to take this on Friday and Saturday?

    6 - Should I mess w/ sodium at all, or is 3 potassium pills weds-sat good enough? I wasn't planning on loading but was thinking maybe I'd lower it on Friday by going w/ low sodium chicken and distilled water.


    Pics from 2 yrs ago, 3.5 weeks out. VERY depleted.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Front collage.JPG 
Views:	1892 
Size:	44.4 KB 
ID:	89277   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Back collage.JPG 
Views:	1609 
Size:	43.4 KB 
ID:	89278  
    Last edited by AandF6969; 03-31-2008 at 01:00 PM.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I was planning on taking my last shot of test prop 9 days out... should I stop earlier? And is it ok to run the masteron/tren until 3 days out (last shot)?

  40. #40
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    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post

    Monday - cardio in AM, high rep lower body work, carbs about 90g
    Tuesday - final cardio workout, high rep upper body work, carbs about 60g
    Wednesday - start carb up in the AM, shoot for 350-400g. 2gal water
    Thursday - Carb up, 300-350g. 2gal water. 300mg potassium
    Friday - 250g carbs, cut water by 3pm, 20mg lasix at 4pm. 1gal water by 3pm. 300mg potassium
    Saturday - 7am shitloading... hash browns, steak+eggs, toast with jelly. 300mg potassium
    930am - small meal w/ chicken and sweet potato
    Right before going onstage - honey or chocolate
    Looks decent.

    I don't shitload, or use diuretics.. So i can't advise on those.

    Looks like a decent plan however.

    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    1 - I'm kind of nervous about spilling over, even though I obviously wasn't filled out enough by doing a Thurs/Friday carb load. How many g of carbs can your body hold? Is a 3 day carb-up + shitload saturday morning good enough without risking spilling over?
    Depends on how depleted you were.

    Plans are not supposed to be set in stone.

    Look at yourself as you carb-up.

    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    2 - I've been eating oatmeal as my primary carb source, I was planning on using that on Weds and Thursday, but switching to sweet potatos after I cut water. Is there a problem with that?

    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    3 - What is fat intake supposed to look like while carbing up?
    Almost nil.

    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post

    4 - Also, I'm feeling depleted as shit right now all day even though I eat 90g carbs (30g AM, 30g PWO, 30g PPWO). Is it normal to feel depleted? Is it OK or should I eat an apple before I workout too? I'm burning about 450 kcal every day from cardio.
    90gr/day IS depleted... So what you're feeling is expected.

    Personally, I don't go below 150gr/day.

    Anyway.. re: apple.

    No.. Leave it out.

    Don't change anything you've been doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    5 - I'm taking Arginine at 6g/ed to pump myself up before and during workouts. Is it good or bad to take this on Friday and Saturday?
    Good? Bad?

    Try pointless

    On Friday.

    On saturday however... 1hr prior to stepping on stage, add your arginine.

    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    6 - Should I mess w/ sodium at all, or is 3 potassium pills weds-sat good enough? I wasn't planning on loading but was thinking maybe I'd lower it on Friday by going w/ low sodium chicken and distilled water.
    Lower it wednes-frid. (Lower.. not eliminate)

    Re-add with your shitload.


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