Well as you know guys my show was this past weekend, as whole the expirance was excelent i learned a lot about my body and what i should do the last week before the show to peak right on saturday's show. My carb up and fat loading worked real well for me i wasn't 100% full (maybe 85%-90%) but i didn't spill over and that was very important to me, i was dry (thanks E_C).
As for my placing i was 4th out of seven guys, every body said it was the toughest class to judge and it was extremely competitive, i think the top 6 guys all could have been as high as second, it was that close. (i have done 4 shows placing 4th in all of them, i must say i think it's a conspiracy...J/K...) NO EXCUSES I LOOKED THE BEST I COULD HAVE, AND I AM VERY HAPPY WITH THE RESULTS OF THE SHOW. I will post pictures from the show next weekend i need to get them scaned i have a very busy week so i won't be able to do it till the weekend.
I would like to thank all of you guys for your help Dr.D, Primo, E_C...and everybody else and for all of your encouragements.