Guys and girls I'm a little concerned, I'm in my tenth week of a cutting diet...
Started @ 219 (5"7") and now 183.....I used clen/t3 for 6 weeks...I'm done with it...My diet consist of the same meals.....
530am protein shake
830am 5oz chicken 1/2 of veggies
1030 same
1230 same
-----gym-------->65 min cardio @ level 12 burn 850-920 calories (intense)
35 min of weights (7 days a week)
500 pm 5 oz chicken spinach 2 tbs of 2gram fat dressing
700 pm 5 0z chicken and 1/3 of liquid egg white scrambled with onions, mushrooms
900pm protein shake with some fruit and 2tbs of natural organic p.butter
This is it for 10 weeks, -----> I need to get to 165- 170 my goal 10%BF by mid september... I feel great, just a little (hoping on scale every 2days paranoid)
I need to know, What if any changes I need to make after clen/ t3 cycle, eating and work out habits have not changed....I'm so f-ing close, and working my ass off to achieve the impossible for myself!!!
I really appreciate your feed back, I admire all of you for your abilities to
be what you are and what I'm trying to be......Thanks