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Thread: Experts help my worries....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    west pal beach, fl

    Red face Experts help my worries....

    Guys and girls I'm a little concerned, I'm in my tenth week of a cutting diet...
    Started @ 219 (5"7") and now 183.....I used clen/t3 for 6 weeks...I'm done with it...My diet consist of the same meals.....
    530am protein shake
    830am 5oz chicken 1/2 of veggies
    1030 same
    1230 same

    -----gym-------->65 min cardio @ level 12 burn 850-920 calories (intense)
    35 min of weights (7 days a week)

    500 pm 5 oz chicken spinach 2 tbs of 2gram fat dressing
    700 pm 5 0z chicken and 1/3 of liquid egg white scrambled with onions, mushrooms

    900pm protein shake with some fruit and 2tbs of natural organic p.butter

    This is it for 10 weeks, -----> I need to get to 165- 170 my goal 10%BF by mid september... I feel great, just a little (hoping on scale every 2days paranoid)

    I need to know, What if any changes I need to make after clen/ t3 cycle, eating and work out habits have not changed....I'm so f-ing close, and working my ass off to achieve the impossible for myself!!!

    I really appreciate your feed back, I admire all of you for your abilities to
    be what you are and what I'm trying to be......Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    step it up a knotch... do you cardio in the morning on an empty stomach. Be sure to take some glutamine seeing as you are probably depleating an emmence amount of muscle mass.
    Drop the peanut butter, get some flax oil instead... pb is not a good cutting agent.
    Drop the fruit or use low GI fruit in mild portions. Sub in something else here.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    west pal beach, fl
    Thanks bro, unfortunatley I have to be @ work by 545am, and I work for trugreen chemlawn fertilizing lawns all days in hot s florida sun..So I get plenty of sweat out and water intake....

    I'll switch to flax instead of pb, and rid of the fruit...thanks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by mac6262
    Thanks bro, unfortunatley I have to be @ work by 545am, and I work for trugreen chemlawn fertilizing lawns all days in hot s florida sun..So I get plenty of sweat out and water intake....

    I'll switch to flax instead of pb, and rid of the fruit...thanks
    make sure you are drinking ample amounts of water. If you are working outside, you need to keep replenishing your system, and this will encourage weight loss as well.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    west pal beach, fl
    my concerns were post t3 and clen cycle, and keeping the cutting cycle going..Novice here not knowing to cut out or reduce food intake... thanks again

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by mac6262
    my concerns were post t3 and clen cycle, and keeping the cutting cycle going..Novice here not knowing to cut out or reduce food intake... thanks again
    read the cutting sticky if you are concerned with diet... as far as coming off t3, I have always tapered down the doses toward the end to prevent the thyroid from slowing down when off. Remember to keep your potasium up when on the clen, and when off you can always continue ECA stacks.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Firstly...your carbs are too low.'re doing (by your own admission) high intensity cardio PLUS a high-energy job.

    The combination of the the absence of carbs leads me to suspect you've catabolised a fair amount of muscle on this cut.

    You've seven meals listed..and of them, none are listed as meals for the specific purpose of glycogen replenishment.

    This is a dieting...and bodybuilding no-no.

    I'll put up an outline for you...suggesting macros you could follow for the remaining days of your cutting cycle.

    You're at 183 aiming for 170. (even tho you plan to hit 170 @ 10% BF i.e. 153 lbs LBM)I'll use 170 as your LBM for this equations.

    Maximum Daily Kcal intake: 2040 kcals

    Macro Allotment:

    training days: pro: 170 grams; Carbs: 170 grams; fat: 51-75 grams

    non-training days: pro: 170 grams; carbs: 51 grams; fat: 75 grams

    On training days, allot your carb intake into the first meal of the day..the meal after training...and the next consecutive meal. (i.e. meals 1; 5; and 6)

    On non-training days, allot your carb intake to the first meal of the day... the other meals will be pro/veg/flax

    Your post-workout meal should be the one highest in carbs AND protein.

    Protein intake in this meal should be .4 x LBM (i.e. 68 grams). Carb intake in this meal should be on a 1:1 or 2:1 (carbs to protein) ratio

    Thus your diet'll look something like this

    Meal 1: (appr. 20 gr pro; 35-50 gr carb; neg fat)
    Meal 2: (appr. 20 gr pro; neg carb; appr. 20 gr fat)
    Meal 3: same as meal 2
    Meal 4: same as meal 2
    Meal 5: PWO (pro: 68 gr; carb: 70; fat: 0)
    Meal 6: PPWO (appr. 20 gr pro; 35-50 gr carb; neg fat)
    Meal 7: (appr. 20 gr pro; neg carb; appr. 20 gr fat)


  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Justin Sane
    Drop the peanut butter, get some flax oil instead... pb is not a good cutting agent.
    Ditto...i mentioned this a couple days ago in another thread.

    It isn't that natty PB isn't a good cutting agent...but, that the flax is more manageable...more exact...and lower in overall calories. The point of adding natty PB is for the fat content...but natty PB also comes with carbs, and protein...making flax a better fat choice...especially in the latter stages of cutting diet...where you are now...where one needs to specific in order to lose those last couple pounds.

    Quote Originally Posted by Justin Sane
    Drop the fruit or use low GI fruit in mild portions. Sub in something else here.
    Ditto. You can add a couple pieces of citrus fruits to your first meal...Making sure not to go over your carb allotment for that meal...Making sure also that you do not consume the fruit at the expense of (i.e. in the place of) a complex carb like oatmeal/brown rice/cream-of-wheat etc.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    What Nark said......also Flaxseed oil helps in maintaing your metabolism, and a whole wack of other health benifits...also i would NOT train 7 days a week, i am thinking 4 at the max with your job, cardio and over all workload...good luck...XXL

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    west pal beach, fl
    Thank You....I admire all of you....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Ditto...i mentioned this a couple days ago in another thread.

    It isn't that natty PB isn't a good cutting agent...but, that the flax is more manageable...more exact...and lower in overall calories. The point of adding natty PB is for the fat content...but natty PB also comes with carbs, and protein...making flax a better fat choice...especially in the latter stages of cutting diet...where you are now...where one needs to specific in order to lose those last couple pounds.
    Thanks for clarifying Nark. Great breakdown.

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