Mission accomplished. 1st place in the superheavies, qualifies me for the nationals for two years. I did not win the overall as it went to a well deserved and lean middle weight, the guy was awesomely shredded. I felt bad when to crowd boooed the guy off the stage. As we all know most hardcore fans like the big men, and its not always the case that the biggest are the most deserving to win.
After the show I talked to th judging panel, who stated that I was the first BB that they've seen this year that has a big enough frame to be a pro BB. "Gee Thanks but no Thanks". They also told be some areas I needed to work on before I go to a national event. I will be ready for the big boys at 250+ I learn alot about dieting and did some drastic shit that is better off saved for another thread
Peace DD
I would like to thank everyone here for your support and especially primo, E-C~MXXL