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Thread: Dr. Derek how is the pigging out going :D

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla

    Dr. Derek how is the pigging out going :D

    Dr. D,

    How is it going and, what forbidden goodies have you munched on this week post-show?

  2. #2
    well its never taste as good as you think it will, I had everything that I wanted plus some. I did not upchuck this year, but I felt like I was going to. I'm now back to my offseason diet and weighing in around 250. I dont plan on eating many more dirty meals, I have goals for 2003, hope to weigh in around 285 to 300 by winter 03. that alot of calories between now and then.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla
    Originally posted by Dr. Derek
    well its never taste as good as you think it will, I had everything that I wanted plus some. I did not upchuck this year, but I felt like I was going to. I'm now back to my offseason diet and weighing in around 250. I dont plan on eating many more dirty meals, I have goals for 2003, hope to weigh in around 285 to 300 by winter 03. that alot of calories between now and then.
    Wow, thats great news....I was hoping you'd have been sated and satisfied.

    300 lbs is amazing bro, amazing. I want you on my side in a fight that's for sure.

    Are you looking at another show before the 2002 NPC Nationals ?

  4. #4
    I dont think I'm going to do the nationals, it's really political in that arena. You first have to do the Jrs, then if you haven't kissed this persons ass enough, you get passed over. I think that the least political national level show is the North Americans, I have seen alot of no names go in and place in the top 10, which is where I would like to place when I go in 2003, I will have 17 months to trian, eat, sleep, and get big, no contest prep, no nothing.

  5. #5
    dr.d what do you eat off season? i have a crappy metabolism and tend to put on way to much fat in the off season. its hard not to eat all the bad stuff.

  6. #6
    I eat seven meals a day consisiting of meat, chicken, fish, pasta, breads, rice, veggies,. The only thing that is really different is that I consume anything else ontop of these good meals that I want. Especially all the protien bars and shit like that. I try to eat clean but it is hard sometimes, I could not eat totally clean all year long..It would drive me up a f***cking wall

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    if you eat clean all year, what are you going to take out when you start dieting? one little granule of oat a day? 2 bites of rice?

    same rule applies to cardio to some extent...if you do an hour a day in the off season, you will eventually end up having to do 3-4 hours a day just to make a change for your prep and i guarantee you can kiss all of your muscle bye-bye if you do that

    moral of the crap in the off-season...

    (once in a while anyway)
    What happens here, stays here

  8. #8
    I agree primo, but I'm sure to get in all my good meals as well. I do not do one lick of cardio in the offseason. I agree wholeheartedly with primo on that, this year, as compaired to the last, I hardly did any cardio to get ready for the show.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Primo and Dr. D i agree 100%, very good friend of mine, national level 3rd last year, eats CLEAN year round, i mean super clean. He is sold 235 and about 10lbs of water out of contest shape all the time. If he would eat a few calories he would be on stage at 250 i am sure. But he will not do it. He doesn't diet for show, bit of E/C/A and that is it.

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