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Thread: post show anticipation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    post show anticipation

    I have a show comming up on may 11. only a fiew days away, i am little fed up of looking so small. this is my first show and i dont know what kind of weight i might put back on but i hope it is alot. i have went from 190 to 150. most people say that if i eat alot i will probably be 205 in less than a month. my question is, is this possible? wouldnt your muscles grow too fast and you would get killer cramps and stretch marks. dont get me wrong i would love to gain that kind of weight but i just dont see that being humanly possible.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Brooklyn, New York

  3. #3
    No your not going to grow that fast, but I can tell you that post contest growth does occur, I find that about two weeks after I compete I really start to pack on muscle but nothing like 20 pounds, thats unheard of, unless of course your Jay Cutler and running 25 IU of GH a day.

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