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Thread: 2002 All Natural Texas Shredder Classic

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    2002 All Natural Texas Shredder Classic

    Last weekend I attended the 2002 All Natural Texas Shredder Classic because my best friend competed. The show combined the INBF Proffesionals and the WNBF Amateurs. The Pros competed against each other for money and the Amateurs competed against each other for a pro card. Here's a few links to some pics of the overall amateur winner who won his pro card. He's got phenomenal genetics and will make it big in the natural pros and if he ever decides to start taking drugs there's no telling how he could look. lbum=0&adjust=-1 here's another one and another one and a final one
    I couldn't cut and paste the pics cuz they were copyrighted. Here is a link to my friend. He's 20 yrs. old and wasn't quite ready for the show but is going to continue his diet and do another one at the end of June and I think he plans on beginning his first cycle this fall. lbum=0&adjust=-1

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla
    Hey thanks bro, great pix ! How did your friend do in the competition ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Hmmm I just realized only two of those links worked, but if you type the addresses in manually the pics will come up. My friend received 4th place out of 5 in the light-heavyweight open division. Like I said, he wasn't in shape for it yet and he was also holding alot of water, but hopefully he will be ready for his June show. Here's a couple more pics of the amateur winner maybe these links will work: lbum=0&adjust=-1
    Oh and here is a father and son pic, the father placed third in the pro division and the son was second in the teen division.
    Man that would be awesome to be bodybuilding with your father and competing in the same competitions-talk about bonding lol. lbum=0&adjust=-1
    Here is a pic of the teen winner, he looked fantastic as well. lbum=0&adjust=-1

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Ah man I don't know why those links aren't working, oh well if you feel like it I guess you could type the addresses manually.

  5. #5
    Unfortunately I know one WNBF pro, who is a very large man. And you guessed it he is the farthest from natural. But I'm sure there are natural pros out there. Thanks for the pics

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    St. Pete, FL and Evansville, IN
    I hear you Dr. Derek and that is very sad. People have to cheat to win. I am all natural for life and hopefully plan on becomming a wnbf pro one day. I have met several WNBF pros including Dave Goodin, Dr. Joe Klemczewski, and Mike Carter...all nice gentlemen and were more than willing to take a few minutes to talk to me about diet and trainnig.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    My friend and I sat and ate at the table with Dave Goodin for a post competition Mexican meal and he is a very nice gentleman and had a few gorgeous females around him. I guess it comes with the territory.

    Dr. Derek- regarding all the WNBF competitors I don't know but you can be confident the amateur winner of that show is all natural, as he has passed numerous polygraph tests. I don't see how any of the amateur competitors could be on drugs though because EVERY competitor must pass a polygraph test before they are allowed to enter. Then, the winner of every class has to take a urinalysis. Now, one could argue that someone clever enough can pass a drug test but no matter how your blood or urine looks it doesn't help you pass a polygraph. The winner of that show has also passed a lifetime drug free polygraph test, he just has excellent genetics. Regarding the competitors using drugs who try to compete in natural competitions,all I can say is they are nothing more than pathetic. That is completely unethical and I don't see how anyone on drugs can feel they have accomplished anything by beating a natural. It's not like there is much money involved either.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    St. Pete, FL and Evansville, IN
    The cheaters just do it to boost their ego. But it's getting harder and harder for people to cheat the system. It's not 100% but it's all we've got and I want to compete and maybe in a couple of years I could do respectable in an NPC show but I would like a level of a playing field as possible. And if your natural competing in the NPC you really don't get that. Although I'd like to give a shout out to my buddy Drew who won the NPC Mr. Buffolo teenage division, and beat a couple of guys who were on the sauce (nothing against them of course) in the novice and open divisions. That's an awsome accomplishment!

  9. #9
    Hey, awesome to see you hear Layne!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    St. Pete, FL and Evansville, IN
    Yo what's up big man...looks like we frequent the same places!

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