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Thread: competition cycles and pct timing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    competition cycles and pct timing

    I have several questions and would really appreciate any help.

    When you are peaking for a comp i know there are several rules of thumb about when to cut out anabolics. My main question is how do you structure your pct around the comp?

    example. if you cut out prop (and other oil based compounds) 2 weeks out, HGH 2 weeks out, cut clen 2 or 3 days out, run winny (or the like) up to contest . . .

    - do you continue adex up to the show?
    - do you start pct before - eg a week after you stop the prop? or just wait until after the comp??

    so im assuming you would just start pct after the comp - since you would probably run something like var or winny up to the comp. so then the sunday after the comp do you run your hcg for a week then start up clomids and nova?

    thanks in advance . . .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    very interesting question, one which I had to deal with this past Aug....I pretty much did what you laid out (as far as dropping oils 2wk out, continuing var/winny throughout)...I started my pct the monday following my last show...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So var can be run up to the day of the show? How about materlone or masteron?

    Other than maybe water retention - what is the reason for stopping all AAS? If it is NPC it should not matter right?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by bigtraps
    So var can be run up to the day of the show? How about materlone or masteron?

    Other than maybe water retention - what is the reason for stopping all AAS? If it is NPC it should not matter right?
    it is my assumption that it is about the water retention . . . i think you just need to stop the oil based stuff . . .

    what do you do if you are competing in multiple shows . . . do you kick test back in between shows??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    intresting stopping the oils and not var?
    could some one give a time line example?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    I agree with DoctorHerb, i would start PCT monday following the show, you will be in a major anabolic state anyway, with your insulin sensitivity high, all nutrients will be absorbed efficiantly in turn making recover more efficiant and helping in muscle retention...

    as for quiting oil based AS, it is about water retantion, i would only recomend running oral through the show...

    Good luck...XXL

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