IM a competitive powerlifter but i come from a family of bodybuilders. The main difference between powerlifting and bodybuilding is politics. ever since bodybuilding started politics have been involved. in bodybuilding they look at a guy and think about how they can make money off them, how they can promote there gym, etc. and then all of a sudden when this guy should of placed 3rd hes 1st. they dont look at how much his body is flat, and how much the other lifter is hard and ripped. judges make it so obvious when it comes to politics. when it comes to powerlifting you walk in give 110% and what ever you end up with at the end of the meet you get what you earned plain and simple.
I went to a bodybuilding show here in town and it was ok it was a NPC show so it was sanctioned. this lady who owned a gym and was putting it on and had some of her members that train there entered. well guess what happened they almost won every class. and that is BS. especially when her competitors only had cuts from shaving and not dieting.
i always wanted to do a bodybuilding show and still do, but if it is gonna keep going on like this then i will never give it a try.
for some strange reason i only see politics in little show and some in ifbb shows. alot of people say there are politics in the olympia but i have to disagree with that, because i think that some people cant determine one guys shape between another.