View Poll Results: Do you think Bodybuilding is all about politics?

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Thread: Bodybuilding shows will never change.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    A ScIeNcE LaB In FlOrIdA

    Post Bodybuilding shows will never change.

    IM a competitive powerlifter but i come from a family of bodybuilders. The main difference between powerlifting and bodybuilding is politics. ever since bodybuilding started politics have been involved. in bodybuilding they look at a guy and think about how they can make money off them, how they can promote there gym, etc. and then all of a sudden when this guy should of placed 3rd hes 1st. they dont look at how much his body is flat, and how much the other lifter is hard and ripped. judges make it so obvious when it comes to politics. when it comes to powerlifting you walk in give 110% and what ever you end up with at the end of the meet you get what you earned plain and simple.

    I went to a bodybuilding show here in town and it was ok it was a NPC show so it was sanctioned. this lady who owned a gym and was putting it on and had some of her members that train there entered. well guess what happened they almost won every class. and that is BS. especially when her competitors only had cuts from shaving and not dieting.

    i always wanted to do a bodybuilding show and still do, but if it is gonna keep going on like this then i will never give it a try.

    for some strange reason i only see politics in little show and some in ifbb shows. alot of people say there are politics in the olympia but i have to disagree with that, because i think that some people cant determine one guys shape between another.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Not just bodybuilding...any sport where a judge determines the outcome is going to be influenced by politics...bodybuilding, gymnastics, figure skating, diving, synchronized swimming...etc. Some obviously let politics play a bigger role than others but it still sucks when no matter how hard you train and prepare, the final word is somebody else's. In powerlifting it's cut and dry...period!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Home at last
    I entered a small show when I was still in the teen class. Same deal, a local gym put on the show, and their members swept all the classes. It was almost a joke. There were several of us from the gym I went to, and some of the guys were jacked, and they still lost to smaller, pale guys.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Brisbane, Qld. Australia
    I've come across poiltics several times in past comps. Even to the point where 2 pro builders told me I was severely ripped off and they didn't even know me. All competitors no matter what the sport, should be judged on their merit, not who kiss's arse the best. That's just my personal opinion.
    Cheers Chyna

  5. #5
    Unfortunately Politics are here to stay, they will never leave....There are many ameaturs that are just as good as alot of the pros. I think that if your going to try to shoot for the stars then unfortunately you must play politics. I do agree that people should be judged on thier merit, but alot of the time thats not the way it goes. the higher you get into the nationals the more politics you have to play.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    A ScIeNcE LaB In FlOrIdA
    And it is sad how these judges pick the winners. and it aint fair but like you said politics are here to stay. at the show i went to it was kinda of like a pose down for the ladies figure and the people in the crowd the belonged to the gym that was putting it on saw that there girl was on stage for the pose down they all cheered for her and called out her number and so on. and let me tell you she look liked S**T, she had scars on her body, no abs, no shape whats so ever. but guess what she won overall. and that is BS but once again people will do anything to wanna promte there gym.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    At sea
    Hmmm...Let's ask Lou Ferrigno and Bev Francis...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    A ScIeNcE LaB In FlOrIdA
    HMMMMMMMM.....about what!

  9. #9
    This may sound odd, but there are possible ways to fix the judging (perhaps).

    The best way may be to take the new figure skating approach. For example, have a panel of 18 judges, all placing their votes and whatnot, and have a computer randomly pick only 6 of the votes made by different judges. This way it's basically impossible to know if your vote will make an impact or not, so rigging it could be pretty tough.

    Granted, it won't work if they've all been bought off, but that could become difficult.

    Any thoughts?


  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    New York City
    Originally posted by Thorazine
    This may sound odd, but there are possible ways to fix the judging (perhaps).

    The best way may be to take the new figure skating approach. For example, have a panel of 18 judges, all placing their votes and whatnot, and have a computer randomly pick only 6 of the votes made by different judges. This way it's basically impossible to know if your vote will make an impact or not, so rigging it could be pretty tough.

    Granted, it won't work if they've all been bought off, but that could become difficult.

    Any thoughts?

    You're not going to find/hire 18 judges for a local NPC show...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    thats why judges should be apart form each other and sign there point pages ,

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2002
    A ScIeNcE LaB In FlOrIdA
    Or They can cut the Bull**** and drop all this POLITIC shit and Give it how you see it. Not on WHO he/she trains with, or how they can sell.

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