Hey everyone, haven't been on in a while, too busy working, dieting, and training for my show coming up in 2 and half weeks on June 15. Anyway I started my diet 12 weeks out from the show date cause I had a little more weight to lose than some of the other guys at my gym who are also competing in this show. I started off the diet at 240 lbs. and now I'm around 205 lbs. But let me get back to my story. Ok, the first week of the diet I went without cheating, but the Sunday of that week was Easter and the trainer at my gym whose giving all the first time competitors their diets and posing routines, told me that I could cheat on Easter if I wanted cause I had 11 more weeks left. So, I did cheat on that day but only for dinner. That was a fucking mistake, the following week I wasn't able to stick with the diet the whole entire day without cheating at night, with candy and shit. So for the next 6 or so weeks I didn't cheat at all, I did cardio almost everyday if I could and weight trained almost everyday. And because of that I lost like 27-30 lbs. Then on the 5th week out, on the Thursday night of that week my mom went to a party at a restaurant and brought home some pasta and sauce, and I couldn't sleep that night so I ended up eating it. So, the next week I cheated a couple times that week. So, now its the 3rd week out from the show and haven't cheated since that one day last week, and I lost like 6 lbs. in that time. I'm taking Vanadyl PH and was taking Xenadrine, but ran out, and glutamine also, but the Vanadyl has really tightened me up in the last week and a half. So my point and question is, there is 2 and half weeks left, and I'm pretty lean, the only thing I'm waiting for is the higher seperations in my quads to come in but the rest of my body is pretty good and on track for the week I'm in. Also, I have all my abs developed and only the top one's are showing all the time and you can kind of see the middle one's a little bit, especially on a empty stomach like when I wake up but I still have a little bit of fat covering the lower one's. So since the show is so close I've been working my abs everday but still can't get the lower ones to show. And have also been doing cardio for an hour or alittle more a day on a empty stomach and still can't see them. The trainer said that it's possible for me to get them in by June 15, which is the show date, cause of the diet is changing the next two weeks to very very low carbs, I think the week of the show, there are no or almost no carbs in my diet. And my water will be cut down that week also. And I won't be carb loading cause the trainer said it only works if you do it right and since I'm not gonna be as ripped as a middle weight(cause I'm a heavyweight), I'm not gonna do it. So finally what I'm asking is do any of you think I can get my lower abs to show in the short time I have, I think I can and alot of other bb's and people I know said it's very possible on these pre-contest diets combined with cardio and training. And if there is anyway other way or anything else I can take to ensure that I make it to show date since I already payed for it. I know this is long as hell but it takes long to write what I want to say. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.