Hey guys and girls i just wanted to know if this split is good and should i change anything in it?
Mon. chest:
FB 1 warm up set 15 reps
4 sets of 12-6 reps
Incline B or Decline B
4 sets of 10-6 reps
Flat flies
4 sets 10-8 reps
Tues. Bi's and Tri's
BB curls 1 warm up set
4 sets of 10-8 reps
preacher curls
4 sets 10-8 reps
alt curls
4 sets of 10-8 reps
skull crushers super w/close grip press
4 sets of 12-8 reps
push downs
3 sets of 10-8 reps
kickbacks or one arms
3 sets of 12-8 reps
wed. legs
Leg press,squat or hack squat
1 warm up 15 reps
4 sets of 12-10 reps
4 sets of 12-10 reps
straight leg dead lifts
4 sets of 12-10 reps
leg curls
3 sets of 10 reps
calf raises on leg press
4 sets of 12-10 reps
seated calf raises or standing calf raises
3 sets of 10 reps with
thurs. shoulders
db or bb press
1 warm up 15 reps
3 sets of 10-8
1 set of 10-8
side raises
4 sets of 10 reps
bent over raises
3 set of 10 reps
upright rows
4 sets of 10 reps
4 sets of 12-10 reps
fri back
BB rows or db rows
1 warm up of 15 reps
4 sets of 10
4 sets of 10-6 reps
close grip pulldowns
4 sets of 10-8 reps
one arm cable rows
3 sets of 10