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Thread: 5 weeks out test prop/mast cycle

  1. #1

    Cool 5 weeks out test prop/mast cycle

    hey bros new to board, and i am looking for advice on doing my test/mast cycle, to make sure i stay hard with size, i am always ripped and shredded natural in shows, but i lack the size to take it home every time, usually lose to the bigger guy.. im 5'5 155 on stage and want to make that 165or bigger and just as shredded, any advice on dosage and when to stop gear? this is what i have come up with thus far.. week1-4 200 test every 3 days and then run mast as follows.starting at week 4-2 days before show, 200 eod just a note. i do off season bulking cycles, wiht no care of water retention, etc,, but this wil be first "mini" show prep cycle
    Last edited by hotguy23320; 04-09-2006 at 06:09 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Well let me see if i'm understanding what you are saying , you are currently 5 weeks out and you want to add about 10 lbs of lean mass in 5 weeks correct. if yes. Thats a negative. not going to happen. one reason why, you should be on a strict cutting diet (not enough calories or carb to build muscles), which means you are not going to add any muscles my man, you are hoping to maintain all the mass you currently have.
    You also have to drop your oils 1 to 2 weeks out of your show, in your case 1 weeks. I usually drop 2 weeks out. if you drop 2 days out you will hold water and come in smooth. What else can I tell you. i can advise you next time start about 12 weeks out, that will give you plenty of time to add some size and shred. If I misunderstood anything you stated please correct the wrong and I shall make my adjustments. anyone else have an input feel free to add.

  3. #3
    thanx. i was adding the prop due to what i read about mast it has sai to take last 4 weeks to get hard as well as it blocks the estrogen recpetors so i figured i would ad the prop to add some volume not so much acutal size and swell why maintaig my hardensss,, i ahve read various posts on here and some say you can use oils up to the show, so i guess i asuemd that the mast would "control, minimize my water retention, and so i opted for test prop with its charsteristics, instaed of my usual test cyp i am already shreedded and lean, and i am on strict diet, i was goign to up my calories a lil to compensate for the added nitrogen retnetion of the as, i have a super fast metabolism, 3400 caloried is my diet intake,,

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