Women’s bodybuilding is to blame for this, of course, having imbued me with a sort of sexual snobbery. When I had “normal” tastes, the conventional standards of beauty were satisfactory. It seems odd to think that those malnourished models and pneumatic playmates once represented to me physical near perfection. Now that I look for muscle fullness and definition, they suddenly feel deficient. I wonder how Pamela Anderson would look with an extra 50 lbs of muscle. I’d much rather look at Valentina Chepiga or Yaxen Oriquen. Even this new class in the NPC, “Ms. Figure” are a serious dilution of the real thing. Many people say to me women bodybuilders look gross, most from outside our sport, I look at them, smile, biting my tongue. “different tastes”. They say to me you actually like women who look like that? You Betcha. These statements have to be made and I make them without hesitation, even if it rankles “polite” society. If muscular women are ever going to be accepted as anything more than an odd curiosity, it is going to take more men to openly express admiration and, yes, even preference for muscular women.
This new NPC class “Ms Figure”, is nothing more than an exhibition of T & A, these shows are enjoyable at times, but they are far from what bodybuilding should be about. In my opinion they wreck the mood at a bodybuilding competition and would more appropriately be held along with a beauty contest. Despite what the magazines potray most male bodybuilders on not attracted to female bodybuilders. Very few of the grinning muscular studs that we se smiling in the magazines enjoy women more physically formidable than say Marla Duncan. Of course neither do most of the magazine publishers. This must be part of being a “real man”. Me Tarzan you Jane. This is why we keep seeing the prize money lowered and lowered for professional female bodybuilders, they are simply according to the magazines, just not marketable. So I want to applaud those women who have thus far resisted it. They are years ahead of their time and should know that, commercial viability notwithstanding, those who accept them as they are probably are the only ones whose opinions are worth considering.
So if you ever given a survey that ask you to describe your perfect women, may be you should write…
------good with children
------good with the in-laws
and of course always feel compelled to write.
------good with a squat rack.