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  1. #1
    ricogl40 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    help on getting bigger and more cut

    i am 6'5" 190 i am trying to put on weight while staying as cut as possible. i know you can't really do both at the same time.... but i have been eating 6 meals a day, 2 shakes and 4 meals. average meal is like 5 or 6 chicken breasts, two or three plates of raw vegetables, and an occasional steak or fillet of fish thrown in. i often eat until i am really stuffed... and i have also just recently (two weeks ago) dropped my lifting to 3 days a week, down from 5 or 6, and really limited cardio. i am 20 years old, by the way. havent roided yet, just looking for suggestions. i will do basically any amount of work and limit/push my diet to whatever it needs to be. please give me ideas i can do before i have to start with the juice.

  2. #2
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    i see you have a duplicate thread. just concentrate on one goal at a time bulk first then cut. it takes 2 different diets to do what you want

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