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Thread: 6wks Out Pics

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    6wks Out Pics

    bw down to 208.droped 2lbs this week.whats everyone think.been practicing my posing but on my own,realy have no help.
    Last edited by Iron freak; 09-26-2009 at 07:22 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Looking thick.. but a little behind imo.

    What's your bf%?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    not sure,this is my first time even being this thin.any thoughts on catching up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Iron freak
    not sure,this is my first time even being this thin.any thoughts on catching up.
    Congrats on getting this far.

    Catching up.. hm

    Lay out everything you're doing right now:

    diet; cardio; training; supplementation; gear if any

    In separate consecutive posts for analysis

    I'll see what i can do



    You should get you bodyfat percentage tested ASAP. And what weight class are you currently shooting for?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    diet. 325gm pro everyday.carbs start 180gm mon.drop 30gm eveyday tell sun.250gm carbs on sun.then back to 180gm on mon.chicken,rice,sweet potato,pro shakes.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    cardio 45min slow jog everynight.I train very body part a week.3 movements 4sets 8-10

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    just started winny 50mg ed.50mg trin ed,400mg eq w,50mg prop ed.300mg test enant w.thats about it.multi/vit,b-12,vit-c.doing novice npc can weight anything
    Last edited by Iron freak; 04-30-2006 at 08:32 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Let me put my $0.02 in. like Nark said bro, you are behind for 6 weeks out you should be some where around 6 to 7% BF the most. I'd guess your at 14% not good. now if you really want to do this show you will have to suffer. option 2, you could alway wait for the next show. but if you really want to do this show, then here is what you will have to do to really get down, and by not having enough time you are gong to loose some muscles also, you will need to do like a 3 days no carb one day carb diet. i've a big advocate of carbs all the way thru til one week out, but remember your case is different... Now as far as cardio... STOP RUNNING (running burns muscles) walk on the treadmil at 2.5 to 3.0 at an incline of 10 to 12. this will have to be done first thing in the morning on an empty stomach for 1 hour and the same at night for 45 minutes and you will make it bro.. now your gear, you are 6 weeks out so drop the EQ and test E keep the winny tren and prop. up the doses to about a buck for prop and tren ED, you can keep the winny at 50mg and you should make middle weight in 6 weeks. dont freak out when you start to look like you are withering away. good luck bro, and remember we are here to help.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I will start the new diet.what about clen.have not used it ,but have much a day.thanks

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Georgia and Texas
    Start out slow at around 40-50mcg ED, and up the dose every few days as long as you are comfortable...don't get too crazy. DOnt go higher than 150-200mcg ED. RUn it two weeks on/two off. Drop it at least a week before the show or it will be harder to carb up

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    this no carb thing is for the birds.I am taking 21hrs at school this semester.not to easy to think on a empty stomach.cardio this morning on empty stomach,that is bs.than again after school.Mrment1on I will probly not like you after this week or anyone or love you have not decided of a bodybuilder.while I was powerlifting I TRIED TO EAT THE HOUSE DOWN.I do like the bodybuilding,just taking some getting used to.or do you ever get used to it.this shi* is addictive.I am excited everday thinking of how I will transform my body today.just needed to complane a little and say thanks to eveyone helping me.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MrMent1on
    Let me put my $0.02 in. like Nark said bro, you are behind for 6 weeks out you should be some where around 6 to 7% BF the most. I'd guess your at 14% not good. now if you really want to do this show you will have to suffer. option 2, you could alway wait for the next show. but if you really want to do this show, then here is what you will have to do to really get down, and by not having enough time you are gong to loose some muscles also, you will need to do like a 3 days no carb one day carb diet. i've a big advocate of carbs all the way thru til one week out, but remember your case is different... Now as far as cardio... STOP RUNNING (running burns muscles) walk on the treadmil at 2.5 to 3.0 at an incline of 10 to 12. this will have to be done first thing in the morning on an empty stomach for 1 hour and the same at night for 45 minutes and you will make it bro.. now your gear, you are 6 weeks out so drop the EQ and test E keep the winny tren and prop. up the doses to about a buck for prop and tren ED, you can keep the winny at 50mg and you should make middle weight in 6 weeks. dont freak out when you start to look like you are withering away. good luck bro, and remember we are here to help.
    I like all of what Big A suggested... he's spot-on.

    I think at 6 weeks out you need to be more specific tho... that's why i suggested you get you bodyfat tested.

    Big A estimated your bodyfat at appr. %16... that'd give you approximately 174.72 lbs lean body mass... providing your weight of 208 still stands.

    We'll give a mean estimate of 180 lbs lean (180-184 would put you at between 3-5% bf)

    You need to eat to support this 180 lbs.

    kcals need to be adjusted to around: 2160 kcals ED

    Too much protein (if causes a caloric surplus) will curtail your fat-loss at this time where you need to be specific.

    So we're not going to overshoot... just consume enough to keep you form being catabolic.

    Also we'll drop kcals at approximately 150 gr tru-out.. instead of cycling. (Add input here Big A). I agree with Big A on that point that.. being behind you've got to suffer... but your workouts need not. 150 gr should provide just enough to fuel your workouts.. without impeding fat-loss


    Protein: 270 gr
    Carbs: 150 gr
    fat: negligible... a couple grams of EFAs with pre-bed meal should cover it.

    (fat should be at 53 gr to make 'maintenance' kcals... Seeing that we need to create a caloric deficit.. cutting the fat should do nicely)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Iron freak
    just started winny 50mg ed.50mg trin ed,400mg eq w,50mg prop ed.300mg test enant w.thats about it.multi/vit,b-12,vit-c.doing novice npc can weight anything
    Big A was spot-on with the gear advice.. keep the tren; prop; and winny.

    I'd bump the winny to 100 mg ED also.

    As a dht-derivative...It'll prevent estrogen-related fat-gain from the aromatising of the test.. and it may prevent any progestinic sides from the tren.

    Tren: 100 mg ED
    Test-P: 100 mg ED
    Winny: 100 mg ED


    You didn't say just HOW much vit C etc. you were taking

    I suggest:

    5-6 grams Vitamin C ED.. this should help with recovery... 3 grams pre-workout a.m. ... 3 grams pre-cardio p.m.

    I'd also suggest you add a b-complex vitamin twice per day plus 200 mcg chromium picolinate twice per day.

    The b-12.. i assume you're using the injectable version 1000mcg/ml... If such is the case... 1 ml per week should help with the energy levels.


    I think you should be doing two 1-hour sessions per day. At least one of these sessions should be on the stair-master imo.

    Big A has it right here... as usual

    WALK.. don't run.

    Good luck


  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by spound
    Start out slow at around 40-50mcg ED, and up the dose every few days as long as you are comfortable...don't get too crazy. DOnt go higher than 150-200mcg ED. RUn it two weeks on/two off. Drop it at least a week before the show or it will be harder to carb up
    Aye.. how could i forget the clen?

    Do you have access to t3 as well?

    If you do.. i'd run 50 mcg of t3 and 80 mcg of clen straight up til 4 days out from the show

    No need to run 2 on 2 off with the clen... I've never used benadryl to counteract receptor-downregulation.. but anecdotal evidence suggests that the addition of 50 mg of benadryl pre-bed per night during the 3rd week of clen use will up-regulate the receptors.

    Usually i just run clen straight... never noticing any diminished returns.


    You cycle for the next week should look like this imo:

    Prop weeks 1-5: 100 mg ED
    Tren-A weeks 1-5: 100 mg ED
    Winstrol weeks: 1-5 100 mg ED
    Clen week 1: 40 mcg
    Clen weeks 2-5: 80 mcgs
    T3 weeks 1-5: 50 mcgs

    You'd note that i've set it out for 5 weeks.. not 6.

    This is because most guys cut injectables 1 week out... to allow any definition blurring oil deposits to dissapate.. etc.

    You'll drop injectables 7 days out however.. and increase or maintain your intake of the dht-derivative up to the day of the contest.

    Clen and T3 will be cut 4 days prior to the contest.

    Shout us back so we can instruct you during the last week on sodium/water manipulation


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    You look really good man, start doing some AM cardio, 45 minutes or so on top of what you do now, and I think you'll be ok.. it's your first show.. so its not like you can really expect to throw in a win.. but the expeirence will def give you advantage for your next show

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I have the t-3 and clen,will start in morning.just never used them.I will give them a try .thanks

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    so its not like you can really expect to throw in a win..
    Can't go into a competition not expecting/wanting to win.

    The desire drives you...and ultimately defines your end-results.

    Go all out Iron Freak... or don't go at all.


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    I like all of what Big A suggested... he's spot-on.

    I think at 6 weeks out you need to be more specific tho... that's why i suggested you get you bodyfat tested.

    Big A estimated your bodyfat at appr. %16... that'd give you approximately 174.72 lbs lean body mass... providing your weight of 208 still stands.

    We'll give a mean estimate of 180 lbs lean (180-184 would put you at between 3-5% bf)

    You need to eat to support this 180 lbs.

    kcals need to be adjusted to around: 2160 kcals ED

    Too much protein (if causes a caloric surplus) will curtail your fat-loss at this time where you need to be specific.

    So we're not going to overshoot... just consume enough to keep you form being catabolic.

    Also we'll drop kcals at approximately 150 gr tru-out.. instead of cycling. (Add input here Big A). I agree with Big A on that point that.. being behind you've got to suffer... but your workouts need not. 150 gr should provide just enough to fuel your workouts.. without impeding fat-loss


    Protein: 270 gr
    Carbs: 150 gr
    fat: negligible... a couple grams of EFAs with pre-bed meal should cover it.

    (fat should be at 53 gr to make 'maintenance' kcals... Seeing that we need to create a caloric deficit.. cutting the fat should do nicely)
    There's your map. I couldnt have mapped i tout better. now you have your map its up to you to follow it to get to your destination.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Can't go into a competition not expecting/wanting to win.

    The desire drives you...and ultimately defines your end-results.

    Go all out Iron Freak... or don't go at all.

    Well of course you should have the desire to win....but to be realistic, lets say I'm gonna do my first show next summer, and I'm in the same weight class at Mr.Mention... theres no way I can compete with him, but if I can at least get into contest shape then after some years learn what to do/what not to do etc, then hopefully really kick it into gear.

    Hey Arnold didnt win the first Mr. Universe he competed in

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