hey boys, just started dieting for the second time in my short bb careerand just wanted to post my diet, training, gear, and other information,but first here are my stats:
27 years old
BF% 10
finished second in my last competition, which was a provincial show. i went from 278@20% to a ripped, dry, hard 213. i hope to be on stage at close to 225-228 my trainer figures i will be close to that and one of the local judges says more like 230, but i want to be as dry as posiible so if i am 225dry that will be better that 230 kinda soggy, imo.
Diet week 1-6:
40 min cardio heart rate at 126, then abs and calves 3 days on 1 day off
protein shake (40g protien) after cardio before starting abs and calves
1st meal 10 egg whites 1 cup of oats
2nd meal chicken breast and 1/2 cucumber 1 cup brocolli 1 tbsp flax
3rd meal chicken breast and 1 sweet potatoe
4th meal chicken breast and 1/2 cucumber 1 cup brocolli 1 tbsp flax
5th meal chicken breast and 1 cup broccoli 1 cucumber 1 tbsp flax
protein shake (40g protein)
6th meal 8egg whites
5 litres of h2o daily
my diet will change and i will post it when i get to 2 weeks out but this is what i am eating now.
day1 chest
day2 back
day3 shoulders
day4 arms
day5 legs
day6 repeat
i am doing four sets per body part and doing between 12-15 reps each i also lowered my weight and trying to concentrate more on the squeeze, and also doing flys, crossovers, and leg extentions more.
vitamin c 3000mg ed before i train
vitamin b6 and b12 complex every morning
niacin just before cardio to help get me sweating
Clen .125mcg every morning for 2 weeks on 2 weeks off 3 weeks on 2 weeks off to make carb loading easier.
winny 100mg ed in capsule form till day of show
tren 75mg ed till 10 days out,
test e 500mg weekly for week 8 only
test p 100 mg ed till week 1
I think thats all, i will try and get some progress pics up asap. please help any advice would be much appreciated.