Hey bros !!
still on my cutting cycle, just finished week 5,now I'm 205 pounds... good results using
-kyno+t3+just add winny (zambon) this week 1 ed
-good diet : low fat ,150-200g prot/ day 50-100g carbs/day,shit days on the week end ( i eat what I want but stay clean in my diet)
-cardio 4 or 5 X45 min/week
-arimides .25 ed
...now the top of my abs looked better (not very good but..),went from 16% to +/-13%... but damn I STILL HAVE THOSE FU***N LOVE HANDLES AND FAT ON LOW ABS and I can't have that six pack I want !!
In fact I lost fat in every part of my body:shoulders,arms,have a few striations on the quads..but not on the abs !! i know it's a common man's problem but...
guys who had the same problem like me and who had a slow metabolism like mine, how did you do to obtain a six pack abs????? more cardio? more cytomel?more arimidex? less carbs? (if I do I'm gonna get crazy lol)
Please help bros I'm desesperate and it pisses me off
just really need your help !!