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Thread: help of ex "fat bros" who now have a six pack

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    help of ex "fat bros" who now have a six pack

    Hey bros !!
    still on my cutting cycle, just finished week 5,now I'm 205 pounds... good results using
    -kyno+t3+just add winny (zambon) this week 1 ed
    -good diet : low fat ,150-200g prot/ day 50-100g carbs/day,shit days on the week end ( i eat what I want but stay clean in my diet)
    -cardio 4 or 5 X45 min/week
    -arimides .25 ed the top of my abs looked better (not very good but..),went from 16% to +/-13%... but damn I STILL HAVE THOSE FU***N LOVE HANDLES AND FAT ON LOW ABS and I can't have that six pack I want !!
    In fact I lost fat in every part of my body:shoulders,arms,have a few striations on the quads..but not on the abs !! i know it's a common man's problem but...
    guys who had the same problem like me and who had a slow metabolism like mine, how did you do to obtain a six pack abs????? more cardio? more cytomel?more arimidex? less carbs? (if I do I'm gonna get crazy lol)
    Please help bros I'm desesperate and it pisses me off
    just really need your help !!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    new york
    What's up bro good progress .
    below is a link for a great thread we had on this
    I broke it down for everything I did to get ripped for vacation and it worked from the equipment to diet and training. Just look for
    Last edited by williampowers; 06-12-2002 at 02:12 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Mine waited until...

    about 5-6% bf. I went from 12% 12 weeks out to 4% for my show and thought I would never get lower abs. Keep working they will come. Most likely the love handles are more water than fat. Until you dry out they may not leave you!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    thanx for your help and support bros !!
    hey letmein , what did your pre-show diet lookerd like?? -8% in 12 weeks it's very good!!
    williampowers ,thanx for your link bro !!

  5. #5
    we will never have the six pack we want. I have a friend that thinks hes fat, he fucking lean as shit, because when he sits down he has a roll on his lower ab, it just skin I tell him but he thinks it fat. Plus the lower abdomen is the last place for fat to leave. Hang in there it will come

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    My 12 week diet was the same every damn day!

    first 6 weeks:
    meal 1: eggbeaters and oatmeal
    meal 2: RTD40
    meal 3: 8 oz meat, brown rice, broc or spinach
    meal 4: RTD40
    meal 5: Lean Body cookies and cream bar
    Meal 6: 16 oz meat, brown rice, broc or spinach
    1 piece of chocolate cake on Saturday night

    Next 3 weeks
    replaced shakes and bars with meat
    cut out the cake
    no equal or sweet and low

    last 3 weeks
    moved all carbs to before noon
    only oatmeal, barley, or sweet potato
    50% flank steak, 50% chicken

    Last week
    eliminated all carbs Sun through Wed noon
    Cut water to 32 oz Thursday noon
    Cut water to 16 oz Friday
    took aldactone Tuesday through Fri

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Las Vegas
    What kind of supplement is RTD 40?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Metrx shake. Tastes great 40P 15c 3 f. Best I have ever tried. I like the vanilla best

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    West Coast
    I think having great abs is partly genetics, because some guys work really hard and have low bodyfat in the abdomen, yet their abs still don't look as good as the guy who hardly does crap and has 12 % bf.

    In fact, I know I guy that does nothing for his abs, yet has a perfect six pack (that all the girls love to feel, boy I can't wait for that).

    Only tips I have is cut out all soda (which you have probably done by now), drink ten glasses of water a day, lower the carbs and up the intensity of the cardio (it may be 45 minutes long, but it might not be intense, try 'interval' training), and attack the abs 3 times a week, hitting all the muscles. Best single exercise that hits the most abdominal muscles is the twisting crunch.

    Just wait, you will see your six pack in 2 weeks with the way you are going. Good luck!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    New York
    do you really think its ok to not eat and pump ? wouldnt you have no energy?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Originally posted by TwixGT
    do you really think its ok to not eat and pump ? wouldnt you have no energy?
    not eat ? you must eat or you won't have energy at all,in fact I'd say that you have to eat less carbs than usual in the beginning and then cut all carbs dor the last weeks...BUT EVER KEEP AN IMPORTANT PROTEIN INTAKE worked good for me

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