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Thread: Contest diets and Keto???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    New Zealand

    Contest diets and Keto???

    I'm wondering if i was to be doing a contest in 10 weeks and my b/f% is 13% is it possible to get to around 6%? And If i was to use a keto diet would i gain the fat back? how hard would it be to keep it of?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    for my first show this year I did a low fat, moderate carb, high protein diet... came in tight.. for my second show six weeks later I did a keto diet of high fat, high protein and next to no carbs.. came in harder and tighter...

    my experience is that the keto diet worked better... on the keto diet I ate chicken, lean red meat, and walnuts... for the other diet I ate chicken and yams... experiment with what works for you...

    chemical child

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    New Zealand
    I really appreciate the help thanks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Dallas TX
    I am like N80, I plan on competing in 11-12 weeks. I have seen many of the high protein diet books out on the market. If I wanted to do a keto diet which would you recommend.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Originally posted by GymGryl
    I am like N80, I plan on competing in 11-12 weeks. I have seen many of the high protein diet books out on the market. If I wanted to do a keto diet which would you recommend.

    Body Opus - Dan Duchaine

    The Ketogenic Diet - Lyle Macdonald

    Metabolic Diet - Mauro diPasquale

    All these books are really good.
    I've worn out my copy Body Opus, the book was written in
    the late 80's or early 90's has lots of tips and tricks to
    deplete your body of glycogen and pre-contest preparations.
    I've used the Body Opus Diet for 3yrs. off and on and have gotten
    good results. The first time I used it my body weight was 190lb
    and got down to 168lbs.
    All my friends said I looked smaller with clothes on but it was a
    different story once they saw me working out in a tank top.

    But I think my body adapted to that diet after 3yrs. That's when I got
    the The Ketogenic Diet Book. The Book has a multitude of
    variations on a Keto diet eg CKD, TKD etc...
    Need to keep changing things up so your body doesn't adapt to a
    certain diet.

    As for finding these books, don't go to Chapters – they don't carry these
    hardcore books they carry mostly that FOO FOO stuff.

    Hope this helps.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    If you do it right you should lose 1% per week especially if you are stopping at 6%. I went from 12 to sub 4 in 12 weeks without it being too painful. (except for the last week!)

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