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Thread: contest prep training

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    contest prep training

    I am a strong believer in higher volume workouts especially when bulking. I also like to train 5-6 times a week as opposed to 3-4. Now, when dieting for a comp, will this type of routine push one into a state or overtraining, eating away at one's hard earned muscle? Would it be better to lower the volume while dieting? or should I continue this higher volume training, just keeping the cardio volume a little lower?

    Also, I would be curious to see everyone else's precontest workout splits.

    Any input would be appreciated.


    Just a little note about myself: 22 years old, ~7 weeks out from first competiton (natural), 5'9'' 185lbs 9-10% BF(on tanita scale so I do not know how accurate that is...I think I may be a little lower)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    I usually don't train more then 4 days a week while dieting.

    When on a Keto diet i would train legs, chest & abs on monday, back, tries and calfss on tuesday, shoulders, bis and abs on wednestday take thursday off and on friday whole body decarb workout before my weekly alowance of carbs for 36 hours. All mon, tues & wed sets are done to failure, but only about 3-6 sets per bodypart (6 sets on larger muscle groups and 3-4 on smaller parts)

    If not following a Keto diet, but a more regural low carb diet, i would train Mon legs and calfs, Tues chest and bies, Wed OFF, Thurs back and tries and Fri shoulders and abs...still all sets to failure but volume low 4-8 sets per body part.

    Good luck at your show...XXL

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    thanks bro...


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Personally i don't really change much in terms of training i go to 6 on 1 off, instead of my 4 on 3 off, but still train each body part 1x week for most part. I think you want to keep doing what got you there. When you start training lighter etc.. good way to lose hard earned muscle. Just add in cardio as need, and clean up diet of course. Up intenisity a bit more, do some drop sets, forced reps, rest pauses, that type of thing.

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