I've decided to compete on Nov 25th. I will start the madness in a few days giving me 10 weeks for prep. My last contest was a 10 week prep as well but I was cheating half the time, or over dieting to make up, and it showed at the big day. This time I'm not gonna obsess over making weight class, instead just look towards the mirror for continued progress. I've made some improvements over the last few months and I hope to show the best package possible. I'm 5'7, 182, 10-12%. These are my changes and areas that I'm unsure of...

1.) I did cardio last time for 20min postwo but I now feel that it's not needed, thinking of maybe cardioless prep(maybe last weeks if behind), would this help me maintian more mass and still be able to be shredded? The theories on when/how to do cardio or driving me insane! Any comments?

2) I'm lowering my t-3 dose to 50mcg(went up to 200mcg last time!) to just boost levels to upper high range, without burning muscle, good idea? Or should I cycle it?

3) Is there a particular way I should structure my macro intake throught the day, or should I just focus on the daily totals?

4) I'm familiar with slin, does anybody use it during the prep to ward off catabolism? Would be willing to give this a try.

sorry for the long post, Any input welcome, thank you