I will tell you what I have been doing lately which I find works well. I rarely ever cycle carbs now, but I never have carbs in my last meal EVER, which I can tell is helping for sure.
I eat fairly low GI carbs year round and keep to eating every 2-2.5hrs during the day (no shakes of course

). And yes B D I eat 1 cup vegtables almost every meal. I never have veggies with breakfast though, no particular reason. Sometimes its half cup veggies with meals, all depends what im eating, say with oats I dont have as much...
I do cardio about 3 times a week now, down from 5 because of school now and already waking up at 6:30am for class. I still do it am empty stomach because I really think it works best, if im bulking or whatever I still do it that way. I will also put on 5 mins on the bike pre-workout to get the blood pumping.
Anyways I was saying I eat low GI, BUT i eat a little high GI food preworkout to fill liver glycogen with my amino's. This helps keep a reserve for when you are training, energy goes up a bit as well for the workout. I suggest everyone try this out and see.
I think what it comes down to is what works for you like everything else. I mean I know some Pro's go and eat KFC and McDonalds off season and i mean they are pro's. So its hard to say.
Also I train at the same gym as ******** (IFBB pro) from ******* and he just got *** place in his first pro show in ******* (beating out ******* etc). Anyways he will have big cheats, for example one meal he ate 10 chicken burgers from Wendys and 24 donuts.
I mean something I would NEVER do but hey he looks unbelievable.
But after talkin to some people like this and what not I am gonna try to do some different things with this next cycle. For example Mike Asiedu eats Jam (sugar free) with almost all meals in his oatmealand then its a little mix of high and low GI.
Also B D I dunno if you read in another thread but I now do my liquid amino's mixed with BCAA's and arginine/creatine while im working out. I sip a little between each set to keep a teady stream on aminos in me. Cuz those liquid aminos absorb SUPER fast.
Also Im gonna put some shakes back in my diet. A pre-bed formula with whey, milk, cassien, cassienate, egg white. So I have fast/med/slow digest in there before bed. May drink half right before i lay my head down and other half when I wake to piss, not sure.
Also im gonna hit pro/dex PWO again instead of the liquid amino's. But still BCAA's and all. I will be using egg white protein not whey though.
Hope this helps a little my friend. Good thread.