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  1. #1
    gio86 is offline Member
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    7 1/2 weeks with VITARGO

    i posted this same thread on the supplement forum just thinking that im gonna get diffrent answers..but i realise that im 7 and half weeks out of my comp. and well i want answers hopefully based on that.

    So i bought a bottle today (VITARGO CGL). and what i plan on doing is replacing my DEXTROSE/PROTEIN pwo for VITARGO. i want to used it mostly because of the carbs and what they do and how they act even being SUGAR FREE. the creatin in it im hoping its gonna help me keep some clean weight on..and about 4 weeks out of my comp. i plan on just taking PURE VITARGO (waxy starch) with some BCA'S

    NOW MY QUESTION IS THIS "SHOULD I LOAD ON THIS CREATIN AS IT SAYS THAT FOR THE FIRST 5 DAYS TAKE 2 SERVINGS?" or should i just start with one serving pwo to try to restore my muscles glycogens as fast as possible hopefully making me look fuller while dieting for a comp.

    reason for this is because i want to drop sugars complete ans hopefully fill up a lil more since i started peeking to early.

    thanx alot

  2. #2
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    There is no such thing as loading creatine. Thats just for th ecompany to sell more. I dont know much about that product but dropping sugar is a great idea when on a diet for competition. I dont know the nutritional fact on it but it sound like it will work well. carbs but no sugar, nice.

  3. #3
    gio86 is offline Member
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    YEA MENT. its supposed to ski high your insuline leven even more than dextrose. and making it 80% faster the absorbtion in order to replenish the muscles glycogens which is the main idea i want. because i started peeking to early and i want to keep as much sice as possible. anyways well see what happens but thanx for that. lol save some money i was this close from loading today and i just deside to come here and ask. thanx alot.

    any more coments? bring them on

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by gio86
    YEA MENT. its supposed to ski high your insuline leven even more than dextrose. and making it 80% faster the absorbtion in order to replenish the muscles glycogens which is the main idea i want. because i started peeking to early and i want to keep as much sice as possible. anyways well see what happens but thanx for that. lol save some money i was this close from loading today and i just deside to come here and ask. thanx alot.

    any more coments? bring them on

    I use the pure Vitargo and I love it, nothing but results over here!!! I'm not a creatine responder, personally I hate the shit but if it works for you then go for it, however I'd only take it PWO. And yes, I would def drop it 4-6 wks out, I believe any type of creatine will hold water in your belly, even if it is Vitargo thats shuttling it. I myself wouldnt take any creatine during a diet if was cycling, but if your going clean then it's not a bad idea.

  5. #5
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    Seconded on vitargo.. good stuff, use a half scp pre + PWO with 10g's BCAA's and 25 grams maltodex.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    Seconded on vitargo.. good stuff, use a half scp pre + PWO with 10g's BCAA's and 25 grams maltodex.

    Exactly what I do, I take it with 3 or 4 BCAA caps and it shuttles it right to the muscle. I know it has to, I've never looked so full and pumped even on such low calories and carbs. It's the best supplement I've tried yet, most definitely.

  7. #7
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    How the hell did the show go!? or is it this weekend? UPDATES?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    How the hell did the show go!? or is it this weekend? UPDATES?

    It's this weekend bro, and I'm looking SICK lately. I started ramping up the carbs a little yesterday(like 300 grams) today will be 500 grams, I already have 200 in me as of 10am. I will get most of that 500 grams in me earlier in the day, then tomorrow is 600 grams, Friday back down to 250-300 as a fail safe day. I'm starting to look fuller, tighter, and more vascular. My bodyweight right now is 200 lbs in the morning, 204 or so by evening. I've backed off the protien intake a good bit, it's only about 100-150 grams/day right now, no need to have it any higher as the carbs are being increased and I still need a calorie deficit. I think I'm gonna make light heavies after the water depletion, if so I'm going to murder these guys, I look like a heavy, and will even more so after my junk load Sat. morning. I'm starting to make my Vitargo thick and spooning it out of the cup, I think it'll help it stick with me longer and also keep any excess water aside from what i'm drinking from being held. I'd post some pics right now, but my camera seriously sux ass, you'd hardly get the impression from it, piece of shit has bad focus and is only 2.1 megapixels. However, my brother is coming to the show and bringing his camera which is a Cannon thats like 7 megapix and I'll have plenty of pics for you fellas, both onstage and off. First coat of protan will go on tonight, after an ice cold shower(it helps tighten my skin up prior to the protan applications) and drying myself off w/ a towel soaked in rubbing alcohol.

  9. #9
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Keep us posted.. I'm hoping to come in top of LHW end of next year. Goodluck SS.

  10. #10
    gio86 is offline Member
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    yea good luck stacked. and no im not a creatine responder ether thats why im thinking and hoping that this vitargo its gonna work as well for me as it did for you. and i will drop it 4 weeks out and just stick to the pure vitargo. thanx alot

  11. #11
    gio86 is offline Member
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    hey I** when you say you take half of scoop pre + pwo how much of actually vitargo are you gettin in you. not counting the maltodex

  12. #12
    doittoit's Avatar
    doittoit is offline Associate Member
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    stayinstacked what is your height, 200 is huge!? u look thick as hell even in that hard to see avy lol, good luck, keep it tight!

  13. #13
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    I used Vitargo for my second show prep and it certainly helped although ill never use it again during the final carb load as it got way too clumpy 1 day out and it took me about an hour to take down 1 serving with so little water....

  14. #14
    chuck89gt5.0's Avatar
    chuck89gt5.0 is offline Senior Member
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    Can someone explain to me exactly how this works, and what would be the proper way to use vitargo for a carb during the last days of contest prep

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuck89gt5.0
    Can someone explain to me exactly how this works, and what would be the proper way to use vitargo for a carb during the last days of contest prep

    It works so well because of the molecular weight of the carb source. It has no sugar in it, however has a molecular weight like 3000 times greater than maltodextrin, it flushes nutrients(as well as carbs) straight into the muscles causing them to become full and pumped and no bloating in the a**omen at all. I find I get good results consuming it by itself, I'm loading with it right now, what I do is take it as a meal. You want to lower your protien intake anyways a week or so out from the show, so when you take this stuff as a meal, in conjunction w/ other whole food sources as well as whole food protien sources, it allows your carbohydrate intake to be higher while still consuming less than maintenance level calories before your show. In the weeks prior to this one I was still taking it as a replacement for a meal, but more like 5 food meals, and 2 Vitargo servings, one in the am, one pre workout

  16. #16
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gio86
    hey I** when you say you take half of scoop pre + pwo how much of actually vitargo are you gettin in you. not counting the maltodex
    2scps equals 75carbs I believe.. so 1/2 scp is around 20carbs. Then another 25g malto with that with 10g BCAA's... So far so good.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    2scps equals 75carbs I believe.. so 1/2 scp is around 20carbs. Then another 25g malto with that with 10g BCAA's... So far so good.

    I like the idea of taking w/ some maltodextrin, might save you some money and still yield great results

  18. #18
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Yea I predict my jug of vitargo will last quite some time being I only take it 3times/wk at 1scp total/day.. so 3scp/wk will go a long ways.
    I feel the malto helps shuttle the BCAA's more efficiently but the vitargo is a lower GI carb for prolonged energy levels and fuller glycogen stores if that makes sense.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by doittoit
    stayinstacked what is your height, 200 is huge!? u look thick as hell even in that hard to see avy lol, good luck, keep it tight!
    I'm 5'9", I look like nothing w/ a shirt on right now, but you take it off and it's very decieving. I weighed about 215 in that avatar.

  20. #20
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    lol yes when I was dieting it pissed me off daily when people would unknowingly ask me why I was getting so skinny and had I lost a bunch of weight etc.. Just gotta realize they are ignorant to the fact that you're on low carbs and depleted.. Still wanted to knock a few people out though.

  21. #21
    gio86 is offline Member
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    bro I HATE THAT........just today walked into my gym (work) and my mannager and this client look at me and said "oh boy you look like skinnier by the day" PHUKKKKKK i hate listening to that. i weighted my self today and im sitting on 167.5...started dieting at 184 and 8% bf and with in 2-3 weeks i was down to 170 5.8% i upped my carbs a lil bit (like i said before i look like i was peeking to early) so i uppthe carbs to about 215 protein about 300 and fats about 70gm coming mostly from flax and oatmeal. anyways so thats about 2.5 pounds in one week exactly. am I in track or loosing to much? like i said hopefully this vitargo its gonna help me fill up a bit and still stay as lean as i can...cause dam that shit "oh boy you looking skkiner by the day" freeken gets in my head and i think im looking like sh!t.

  22. #22
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    You do a consist number of macros each day? I find it better to cycle them and deplete glycogen stores, next time around I'm going to play with a lower protein/fat higher carb intake to see how it works and stay fuller.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    You do a consist number of macros each day? I find it better to cycle them and deplete glycogen stores, next time around I'm going to play with a lower protein/fat higher carb intake to see how it works and stay fuller.

    Exactly what I've found works best for me. IMO 100-150 grams of carbs/day should only be done very close to a competition, and not day in and day out either. I may go 150-200/day, but it's never more than 2 days in a row usually. I like to cycle them, as well as my fats. If my carb intake on a given day is 200grams, my fat intake will be 100 grams or so, if the carbs are 300 grams, I may bring the fat down to 40grams that day. I found that playing w/ my diet like this keeps me full and pumped, and still shedding fat, my body never gets used to it. Also, all this bullshit people will tell you about eating enough protien to feed an army "you need 400 grams/day, at least pal" **** that, when your carbs are upped a little more you dont need as much, and you feel better too!!! My protien intake on it's highest day during my whole diet was probably 250-300grams. The difference is on a diet like mine you could go to the gym and still lift heavy 4 weeks out, keeping your muscles full and staying big, where somebody else might struggle with 200 lbs on a bench press and ends up looking like an underwear model by the time it's all said and done. I cant stand this carb depletion trend going around, we're bodybuilders for Christ Sakes, we need the carbs to get through a workout!!

  24. #24
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Yep, what I've been trying to get across on many other threads SS.. Wondering if I was all alone on this topic lol.. Thanks for comments.

  25. #25
    gio86 is offline Member
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    yea i defently hear you. i starte with 160 gms of carbs in my diet and i lean really fast. i feel good in the gym and im gettin really good workouts and getting stronger every time if not just the same. and i do follow the same diet every day. the only thing is that on my days off like today i took the vitargo on empty stomach in the morning. so im still gonna get about 214gm today of carbs just earlier in the day and obviously keep my fat. which is about 72 gms.

    this is working good. but i gotta say i do feel stuck. the first 2 weeks i was droping fat/water very fast now it seems a lil stuck. i think im gonna up the fats this next week and down the carbs a liltle. dont know what you guys think?

  26. #26
    gio86 is offline Member
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    650 guys do think that loosing 2.5 pounds in one week is bad i know i should loose up to 3. but to tell you the truth i dont think i feel or look leaner than last week. like i said i droped 2.5 pounds in one week and that was upping my carbs a lil bit from 160 to 215...what do you guys think??
    I hope i get a responce today so i start my new week tomorow as far as dieting tweaking my macronutrients.

  27. #27
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    my body is wierd when it comes to loosing weight. I started my diet at 250 lbs, I dieted for 7 weeks and weighed 223 lbs. Then the scale would not budge for another 3 or 4weeks, I was stuck around the low 220's for what seemed like forever. Finally the weight started falling off fast, especially after I dropped the test 2 1/2 wks ago.

  28. #28
    mds's Avatar
    mds is offline Associate Member
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    Where you guys getting this stuff at

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by mds
    Where you guys getting this stuff at
    probably best to do a search for it online. I get it local here at a wholesale nutrition store, but most places probably wouldnt have it yet.

  30. #30
    gio86 is offline Member
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    my diet of about 214g of carbs 72g of fat (fat from oatmeal and flax oil) and 300g of protein.

    that gives me a diet of about 2704 kcl.

    from 184 to 170 in no time and so i added some numbers and thats my diet above. this week i plan on droping a carb meal on off days and replace it with a fat meal (hoping this keeps shoking my body). although i plan on taking the same amount of calories since this week i droped 2.5 pounds. hopefully i will drop only 1 or 2 this week and look a lil better HOPING THIS VITARGO ITS GONNA HELP ME FILL UP MORE.


  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by gio86
    my diet of about 214g of carbs 72g of fat (fat from oatmeal and flax oil) and 300g of protein.

    that gives me a diet of about 2704 kcl.

    from 184 to 170 in no time and so i added some numbers and thats my diet above. this week i plan on droping a carb meal on off days and replace it with a fat meal (hoping this keeps shoking my body). although i plan on taking the same amount of calories since this week i droped 2.5 pounds. hopefully i will drop only 1 or 2 this week and look a lil better HOPING THIS VITARGO ITS GONNA HELP ME FILL UP MORE.


    It'll def help you fill up more, just be sure to take your amino acids and multivatimins to also help keep your muscles full of needed nutrients

  32. #32
    gio86 is offline Member
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    i am im taking 5gm of bcaa's with the vitargo. and animal pack before my work out and somewhere in my meals throughout the day i add glutamine and more bcaa's.

    by the way GOT MY BF TAKEN TODAY i had a shake didnt really drink water and my bf was 5.3%!! which is great. last week was about 6
    now i need to get some color to show the cuts cause im as white as a freeken lizard.

  33. #33
    chuck89gt5.0's Avatar
    chuck89gt5.0 is offline Senior Member
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    So would this be a good thing to take right before show time, or start taking it a few days before a show?

  34. #34
    gio86 is offline Member
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    Im taking vitargo all the way the only diffrence is that im gonna cut the vitargo with creatine 4 weeks out. im about 7 weeks now. and its only being 3 days since i started but shit do i feel good after i drink that. first day i felt great and thought it was just placebo. off day just normal. but today after killing it at the gym and drinking that no joke i felt like full. hard to explain but its a great product.

  35. #35
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    So would this be a good thing to take right before show time, or start taking it a few days before a show?
    It is used by many top pros in the days leading up to the definitely works, the secret is just finding out how much water to use with it and when it can be taken without risk of spilling over....

  36. #36
    chuck89gt5.0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    It is used by many top pros in the days leading up to the definitely works, the secret is just finding out how much water to use with it and when it can be taken without risk of spilling over....

    Any suggestions? I bet it would be pretty hard to take without water....

  37. #37
    gio86 is offline Member
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    well the stuff its already pretty dense even with water. its almost like syrup kinda liquid. so with very lil water it may be like eating a preatty solid syrup almos with a spoon i would guess. not even drinking it. just kinda eating it.

  38. #38
    chuck89gt5.0's Avatar
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    So would this be a good idea to take the day of the show or during the carb up days leading up to the show. Would I take it with other carbs or protein?

  39. #39
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Any suggestions? I bet it would be pretty hard to take without water
    Yup, it took me about an hour to finish!!!!! i think i used something like 4 oz of water...!!!! Brutal!!

    so with very lil water it may be like eating a preatty solid syrup almos with a spoon i would guess. not even drinking it. just kinda eating it.
    HAH yea it was eating, as there was no liquid in any way!!!

    My feelings on vitargo are like with my feelings on water before the show....when youre so dehydrated i feel that adding water at the right amounts can actually help you fill out...

    Now, the question is....Who is willing to risk a whole season of dieting to take the gamble on mixing vitargo as the label instructions say for precontest ( with a good amount of water?????

    On paper it looks good, i just dont know if im willing to put that much water im my system that close to a show and rely on a product which does have some marketing....but thats the gamble...


  40. #40
    gio86 is offline Member
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    how boout just eating it little by little. no water wha so ever? lol may sound crazy but dont i don think i would be to hard. just lots of time lol

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