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  1. #1
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    Undecided's Proposed "Rebound Effect" Diet

    Hey boys, its time to see if I can't get my post contest diet ready to go for some serious "rebound effect" gains after my show....I think I'm gonna stay on this diet for 3 weeks after the show, or for as long as it takes to plateu/stop gaining....the goal of this diet is to take advantage of the leanness I have from the show, and have the weight that goes back on after the contest be as much LBM as possible...So i think if i can keep it as much of a lean bulk as possible, we can see some good body mass as a result...

    Meal 1:
    2 whole eggs, 3 egg whites, one scoop whey, one cup oats with flax oil, one banana....

    Meal 2:
    Large Chicken Breast, one cup brown rice, salad...


    PWO nutrition...5 scoops cytogainer (65 g of p, 95 g of carbs, 8 g of f) one serving Muscularity by Beverly International (Free Forming Amino Acids including leucine and Valine amongst others)....

    Meal 4:
    Steak, 1/2 cup cottage cheese and yogurt, 2 tablespoons PB

    Meal 5:
    Protein of choice (chicken, Steak, Tuna, etc), 1/2 cup brown rice, 1 large sweet potato, Broccoli/Salad

    Meal 6:
    Two scoops whey, 1 large sweet potato.....

    Now I know most will say don't mix Macros, but I'm not particularly sensative to fat retention, so I'm more concerned with keepin the cals rollin in than the mixing of the macros...and I am curious what you guys think about mixing fat and carbs as long as the carbs are low in sugar, thus not spiking your insulin and not making you sensative to absorbtion????


  2. #2
    chuck89gt5.0's Avatar
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    Dude your coming off a long cutting diet, dont make it too complicated, your going to grow regardless.....keep it simple.

    My plan will be to make up about 10 cups of rice and add in 3lbs of ground beef and 3 lbs of chicken add hot sause mix all together and divide it into seperate containers eat that for almost every meal.

  3. #3
    gio86 is offline Member
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    hey bro i hear you on that rebound effect. you will love it to tell you the truth. i blew the phuk up and still lean as hell. but anyways on the other hand i do separate my macros..but if you dont gain fat that easy and can hold on to your leaness even when conbining carbs and fats then go for it. and im glad you said low GI carbs.. which that will make a diffrence. keep high GI for your breakfast and Pwo shake...
    the other thing is that im not exactly sure how much you weigh and how tall are you. so i hope you did put that in consideration in your diet.
    i also suggest adding week by week few more calories insted of just starting a bulk diet w/ alot of calories from scrach after a show.

    pz bro and good luck. growing after my first show was the best.

  4. #4
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    I don't think it's too complicated I was right back on a leanbulk diet the Monday following the show and I've gained unbelievable amout of weight/LBM in the last 2months.

    I'd cut out some of the supplements and no reason to have Whey before bed, get a good casein protein or have that cottage cheese meal prebedtime and replace it with something else.

    What are your total calories/macros?

  5. #5
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    I don't think it's too complicated I was right back on a leanbulk diet the Monday following the show and I've gained unbelievable amout of weight/LBM in the last 2months.

    I'd cut out some of the supplements and no reason to have Whey before bed, get a good casein protein or have that cottage cheese meal prebedtime and replace it with something else.

    What are your total calories/macros?
    What supps would you cut out B D? I'd be lying if I said I wish I had a meal instead of a PWO shake, I love how quick it is, easy, and most of all cheap, hahah...I thought you were big on Amino's PWO???

    Ill do my macros for you right now, hang on a sec....

    Meal 1:

    50 g of p, 74 g of c, 25 g of f...

    Meal 2:

    60 g of p, 72 g of c, 15 g of f

    PWO nutrition:
    65 g of p, 95 g of c, 5 g of f

    Meal 4:
    60 g of p, 45 g of c, 25 g of f

    Meal 5:
    60 g of p, 85 g of c, 10 g of f

    Meal 6:
    50 g of casein p (lol), 45 g of c......


    345 g of p (4) + 416 g of c (3.25) + 80 g of f (9) =

    1460 cals of p + 1352 cals of c + 720 cals of f = 3,532 total cals....

    the total cals seems about right, but i don't like that my protein cals outweighs my carbs cals, fat seems about right, carbs could be higher, or my protein calculation is off per meal...on fitday it says that an 8 ounce breast of chicken is 58 g of p, i rounded to 60 to make it even/sometimes my breasts are larger than 8, but atleast for steak, 8 oz of steak it said 63, so it seems I would be right, maybe I'm just overportioning, but 8 oz is pretty standard....


  6. #6
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undecided09
    Meal 1:
    2 whole eggs, 3 egg whites, one scoop whey, one cup oats with flax oil, one banana.... Drop the scoop of whey and add 4-6more eggwhites, no need for flax with the 2whole eggs, I'd do either/or not both.

    Meal 2:
    Large Chicken Breast, one cup brown rice, salad...


    PWO nutrition...5 scoops cytogainer (65 g of p, 95 g of carbs, 8 g of f) one serving Muscularity by Beverly International (Free Forming Amino Acids including leucine and Valine amongst others)....
    Cytogainer is junk IMO, cheaply made supplement by a so-so company. I'd go with 40-50carbs here with 10-15g BCAA's followed by a meal 45mins-1hr later personally. I like to use Vitargo here mixed with maltodextrin

    Meal 4:
    Steak, 1/2 cup cottage cheese and yogurt, 2 tablespoons PB You're getting fats from the Steak, no need for the PB.. overdoing the fats a bit especially with the sugars from the yogurt which could be left out as well and replaced with a lower-GI carb
    Meal 5:
    Protein of choice (chicken, Steak, Tuna, etc), 1/2 cup brown rice, 1 large sweet potato, Broccoli/Salad

    Meal 6:
    Two scoops whey, 1 large sweet potato..... Why not salmon/steak/pork loin/lamb etc, A fattier meat would be WAY better than crappy whey protein and last you through the night much better as well.. I like to take Cottage cheese with eggbeaters and Flax directly before bed (egg/casein protein w/good fats). Also acts as my cheat for the day in a way because I blend it all up with f/f s/f Choc. Jello mix

    In Bold

  7. #7
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    That all makes sense B D....I know ur big on whole foods, and I have become the same way as well....As far as the yogurt goes, I'm not big on cottage cheese by itself, the yogurt gives it some flavor for me, and yeah its higher GI, but its bulking season after all!!!! haha, it shouldn't spike me too bad, especially if I can get a yogurt that is low in sugar....that PB part makes sense, I want PB somewhere though, where wuold u put it, if at all???

    I think I got a better idea, how about cottage cheese with the yogurt at night, casein for bedtime, with either some flax in the yogurt, or some walnuts...and that steak can stay there add in a low gi carb of choice, sweet potato, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, other ideas there???

    Also, I really like the Beverly International supps, I think I will use their mass maker/protein post lift, and their Free form amino acids as well there...u think I need some dex there though??? how important is that... heres my idea...

    Meal 1:
    2 whole eggs, 4/5 egg whites (I hate eggs, im trying to be realistic and tell the truth what i will do,haha) one cup oats, one banana....

    Meal 2:
    Large Chicken Breast, one cup brown rice, salad...


    PWO serving mass maker (43 g of c, 20 g of p) two scoops muslce provider (protein, 22g per), dex???

    Meal 4:

    Steak, 2 sweet potatoes (I can eat these all day, lol)/ or 1 cup brown rice....

    Meal 5:
    Protein of choice (chicken, Steak, Tuna, etc), 1/2 cup brown rice, 1 large sweet potato, Broccoli/Salad

    Meal 6:
    1 1/2 - 2 cups cottage cheese, mixed with yogurt and some walnuts...

  8. #8
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    btw, dextrose isn't needed.. A lower GI carb will work just fine... use maltodextrin if needed.

  9. #9
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr

    btw, dextrose isn't needed.. A lower GI carb will work just fine... use maltodextrin if needed.
    Well the carbs that are in the mass maker will be sufficient no?? thus no need for a low gi if I have 45 g of c in the mass maker???

    So you think the diet is pretty solid??? Good results should be seen???

    (next will be the training, haha....)


  10. #10
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    I don't eat the same everyday so considering that is a diet for one day it looks pretty descent..

  11. #11
    MIKE_XXL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuck89gt5.0
    Dude your coming off a long cutting diet, dont make it too complicated, your going to grow regardless.....keep it simple.

    My plan will be to make up about 10 cups of rice and add in 3lbs of ground beef and 3 lbs of chicken add hot sause mix all together and divide it into seperate containers eat that for almost every meal.
    Agree, JUST FKN EAT!!! i have gained as much as 27lbs in a week or so after the show, yes a lot was water retention but i grew as well...if it ain't tight down, JUST EAT IT!!!

  12. #12
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    haha, I hear ya double XXL, I'm just tryin to make sure i do it properly, and i don't think my proposed diet is too complicated do you?? I mean pretty standard, atleast 1g of c for every g of p in every meal, some fat, casein at night...nothing to crazy!! just trying to keep the cals up thats all...


  13. #13
    bigsd67's Avatar
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    I went from eating about 1500 cals during the last week to 3000 cals for two weeks. I blew up from 169 weigh in to 179 after three days...however then as i kept it clean i maintained 179 and kept very lean post contest. This was after two days of eating whatever i wanted and then just eating an assload of good clean carbs for a week. I dont think anyone should go apesh!t and get fat, but definitely dont need to think as much about what you eat for a little while.

  14. #14
    Columbus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undecided09
    haha, I hear ya double XXL, I'm just tryin to make sure i do it properly, and i don't think my proposed diet is too complicated do you?? I mean pretty standard, atleast 1g of c for every g of p in every meal, some fat, casein at night...nothing to crazy!! just trying to keep the cals up thats all...

    I know a lot of guys that have made some incredible gains using of the few mass shakes I would subscribe by...very low sugar and complex carbs.....don't you think you may need more than 45gcarbs pw? Just a thought...I am quite a bit less in weight and take in 60-70....remeber pw your body is a SPONGE...just my.-.02

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Columbus
    I know a lot of guys that have made some incredible gains using of the few mass shakes I would subscribe by...very low sugar and complex carbs.....don't you think you may need more than 45gcarbs pw? Just a thought...I am quite a bit less in weight and take in 60-70....remeber pw your body is a SPONGE...just my.-.02

    No i agree with the PWO high carb theory, but when i suggested cyto earlier I B D was against it and felt I could do better PWO, so thats when I suggested my beverly stuff, mass maker, and two scoops of muscle provider protein...


  16. #16
    Columbus's Avatar
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    Both are solid...Im sure you'd be happy with either, although I have never tried Bev., I was very intrigued and may give cyto a shot......

  17. #17
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    I've used basically every supplement made in the last 10years and have come to the conclusion that they're all about the same. Cytogainer worked great for me back when I didn't know any better so I'm sure it'll do fine for you as well. You should look into ABB's XXLs also.. They're great for someone like you looking to put on weight.

  18. #18
    Columbus's Avatar
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    Ill take a look at the this the one you would use IF you were to use it again? Keep you lean? vs cyto?

  19. #19
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    I've used basically every supplement made in the last 10years and have come to the conclusion that they're all about the same. Cytogainer worked great for me back when I didn't know any better so I'm sure it'll do fine for you as well. You should look into ABB's XXLs also.. They're great for someone like you looking to put on weight.
    was that at me B D??? OHHHH, lol

  20. #20
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    It's a good alternative to food if you're aren't dedicated enough to premake meals etc.. If I were to do it again I'd obviously do what I do now but at that time it was one of the better supplements I could've been using.. Does that make sense?

    Wasn't direct to you Udecided.. we each have our ways of doing things. Each of us will make progress at different rates and we each have different goals.. I'm pretty much through trying to convince people of better ways, I'll just give the info and let them decide.. doesn't affect me

  21. #21
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    I like that attitude B D, I think people are going to do what they want no matter what you tell them, whether its taking your advice or not....And I have no problem premaking my meals B D, I do that now, I'm tryin to figure out the best PWO nutrition at this point, thats the only one I'm struggling with, so many diff opinions thats all...


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