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Thread: 9 Weeks Out

  1. #1

    9 Weeks Out

    my diet now is around 300grams protein, 240 carbs, and 25 grams fat....Im doing 45 min cardio in the morning 5 days a posing needs practice, but gonna work on it......However, i cannot seem to lose a single pound.....let me know what you think about my progress?
    Last edited by Uconish; 09-25-2007 at 08:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Looking great and on track, you eat the same thing everyday? That might be partially the cause. Also you might be at or slightly above maintenance. Try slowly dropping carbs a bit and see how it affects you, maybe even drop them low for a couple days (200/day) then back up for a day.. play with it, you still have time to learn your body.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    hey man lookin solid!! what is your current weight? what class are you shooting for??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Maybe the fats are a little low? Also try bumping your cardio to 60/60/45/45/45 OR you can also try a PWO HIT cardio session once a week. I know that steady state empty stomach cardio is supposed to be the best, but I know some top level competitors that do just two 10-15 minute PWO HIT cardio sessions with great results and really great fat loss.

  5. #5
    First off thank you for your comments, they really do help you stay motivated.....As of right now im 200lbs first thing in the morning, which is down from 210lbs first thing in the morning from 3 weeks ago, but my weight has been stuck for the past week......Im shooting to be a middle weight......Starting today im planning on lower my carbs to 240grams on training days (5 days a week) keeping proteins and fats the same, and on non training days take my carbs down to 125grams and up my fat intake and keep my proteins the same.....I will begin to lower my carbs weekly for the next 9 weeks on training days, adjusting fats as needed. My goal is to keep as much dense muslce as i can, which i think im accomplishing.......Im goining to try to switch up my cardio sessions because someone from the gym also suggested i do so, the theory being that my body as gotton used to the cardio......Anyways il keep the board updated, and take progress pics again in a week...Thanks

  6. #6
    One more thing, i know my body is the furthest thing from perfect, but do you see anything i should try to concentrate on over the next couple of weeks....For example i think my lower back needs work....ANd give my suggestions about things in the gym i could do......Dont be shy cuz you wont hurt my feelings, im asking for the critisicism....Thanks

  7. #7
    I'd deff say your back is your weak point as with most novice competitors.. but your legs are looking great.

    Hit deadlifts, even partials are great for thickness.. really though in 9wks there is little you can do to build mass, deal with what you got.. train hard.. and come in as conditioned as possible to the show, worry about adding mass in the offseason. When you strip off more fat your flaws will stick out at you so you'll have a much better idea what needs work.

    Btw, are you on anabolics or natural? this will make a big difference on how you approach the calories/cardio coming into the show.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    I'd deff say your back is your weak point as with most novice competitors.. but your legs are looking great.

    Hit deadlifts, even partials are great for thickness.. really though in 9wks there is little you can do to build mass, deal with what you got.. train hard.. and come in as conditioned as possible to the show, worry about adding mass in the offseason. When you strip off more fat your flaws will stick out at you so you'll have a much better idea what needs work.

    Btw, are you on anabolics or natural? this will make a big difference on how you approach the calories/cardio coming into the show.

    Yes i agree, i think my upper back is good, its the lower part right above my butt....No, im am not nautral......what difference does that make on my calorie intake and cardio....I now i can eat less and retain more while on something, but how little are we talking?
    Last edited by Uconish; 10-06-2006 at 02:47 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    At 200 lbs now, and your 9wks out, middleweights shouldn't be a problem to get to. My advice to you is to cycle your carbs and fats. Divide your carb and fat intake into 3 day cycles. Day 1 is high carb/low fat, 250-300 grams carbs/30 grams of fat. Make day 2 a moderate carb/fat day ie; 200 grams carbs/60 grams of fat, and make day 3 a low carb high fat day where the carbs are 120-150 grams/ fat intake is 100 grams. Your body doesnt seem to get used to this so quickly and the lbs will start moving again. Be sure to take plenty of BCAA's to retain the muscle, and right now I'd do cardio 4-5x week, and once you get 5-6 wks out, evaluate progress and up it to 6-7x/wk if necessary. Your looking great, right on time for 9 wks out IMO, you'll do very well, legs and arms look thick

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by Uconish
    Yes i agree, i think my upper back is good, its the lower part right above my butt....No, im am not nautral......what difference does that make on my calorie intake and cardio....I now i can eat less and retain more will on something, but how little are we talking?

    Good question, I have a great answer. Estimate every meal as far as calories go. If you get to the end of the day and try listing it or listing every little thing you eat you'll go nuts. If your 200 lbs now, my goal would be an approximate 400 calories x 7 meals, so 2800 calories/ day for now. I'd keep the calories at this for a couple wks and see if the scale moves, I'm sure it will w/ the cardio.

  11. #11
    i get done working out in the late which time i have my post workout nutrition which includes protien and simple carbs, then i eat two meals before with complex carbs and one without....My question is, is it necessary to include carbs in any of the two meals after my PWO, or will i still grow and retain muscle density by including fiberous greens like green beans or brocilli and no complex carbs?

  12. #12
    Reason mentioning the use of anabolics is that you can dip way below your maintenance caloric needs and still retain muscle depending on drugs etc.. Seems you were offended by the question so I revoke it. When I write a competitors diet/training drugs are always evaluated as well because it will alter my approach on what I suggest doing..
    Best of luck to you.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    Reason mentioning the use of anabolics is that you can dip way below your maintenance caloric needs and still retain muscle depending on drugs etc.. Seems you were offended by the question so I revoke it. When I write a competitors diet/training drugs are always evaluated as well because it will alter my approach on what I suggest doing..
    Best of luck to you.
    i was in no way offened by your comment and actually aprreciate your on tren prop and masteron right now, and can definatley see the changes in my body that it is allowing me to make.....please continue to comment on my progress
    Last edited by Uconish; 10-06-2006 at 11:37 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    looking good bro..I am anxious to see your progress...I am of similar build although a bit lighter & will be doing midldeweight next year. keep cranking'll be a great middlewiehgt....

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Bro you have plenty of time. I personally think your carbs are a bit high.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by MrMent1on
    Bro you have plenty of time. I personally think your carbs are a bit high.

    What would be a better was a trainging day and i decided to take it down to 230 after talking to some of the guys at the gym, and planning on doing about 125-150 on non training days....What do you think?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    I think that would be a good idea. I told you to drop your carbs lower!! I talked to other people at the gym they said to do a 3 day carb cycle high, medium, low then repeat

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Uconish
    What would be a better was a trainging day and i decided to take it down to 230 after talking to some of the guys at the gym, and planning on doing about 125-150 on non training days....What do you think?
    I can tell you what works for me, 150 to 200gm and the closer i get to a show the closer i stick with 150 gram. i'm 5'9" 225lbs so if your lighter you can do less.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Hell I remember staying at 75-100grams at 5'8" 165 and dipping below 50 on my lower carb days...Can't wait to do this again next year.

  20. #20
    bro you just gotta find what works for you. play with the number for about 2 weeks. Im 3 weeks out now and i got to the point to find out that 150 carbs on non work out days and 200 on workouts is working great. I started with lower carbs and i was loosing bf to fast. i upped my calories a lil bit wiht the carbs and then i got it "i think to the point i want". but remember im dieting natural so i dont have the advantage of going lower than my caloric need. so if your not dieting natural i would defently drop the carbs. by the way im 5'8 165 and im about 4.5-5 % bf right now. so that lets you know that everyone is diffrent and not the same numbers for me or for mr. Ment and other guys are gonna work for you. but just take the advice in consideration and play witht the number you have lots of time.
    Good luck bro

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    i think everybody pretty much covered everything so there is nothing inciteful for me to add but you look great and 9 weeks is PLENTY of time you will do well bro don't sweat it. You could always just add an extra fat burner - believe it or not TwinLabs Ripped Fuel worked better for me than Clen

  22. #22
    Im going to go with 200 carbs on training days and 100 carbs on non training days....Im going to keep my fats moderate on training days, but include more fats on non training days....Im going to do this for a week or two and see what happens.........Thanks

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    I agree with the lower carb idea, I was always so afraid of dropping my carbs too low and burning muscle, but if your protein is high enough you will be fine. I am actually consuming very little carbs usually no more than 100g.....

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