new avatar 120pds do i look like i could do a show
new avatar 120pds do i look like i could do a show
no! just jk man, u look good, real lean already, whats height? u would prolly be a lightweight im guessing. honestly man people compete for themselves, if u wanna go for it, just give it your all. **** i competed after only 10 months of lifting in my life!
thats cool im 5'4 120pds
well at 5'4" you could probably compete and win at 140-150 should think about putting on more size old are you and what does your diet/training look like.
Anyone can compete if they want to, its more of how well one would do, honestly at your size I would hold off and try to add more muscle.
bro you can compete, do it for the experience while yo uadd weight and when yo uare big enough you will already be experienced. go for it. you would be competing in Bantamweight and thats up to 143lbs. no one inyour class would be heavier than that, so you wont be standing next to anyone that looks like me except if you win and your going forthe overalls. good luck.
thanks guys i have a hyper active thyroid gland making it very hard for me to gain weight at restuarants i can eat a dinner for two no problem but buy the time i get home im going to the bathroom. Idont even run for fear of losing weight. what is everyone opinion on the best mass gainer? Im 30 yrs old by the way. oh chuck89 bro i think im bigger than you maybe you should pack on some more muscle too
The hyper active thyroid could definitely be a b!tch for you to gain size. Post your current nutrition plan and about how many calories you are taking in each day.
maybe u should look into a drug to correct that condition?.....and yes a weight gainer could be an option, i just ordered muscle juice(lotsa carbs), n2large looks ok but more $
at 5'4'' ill think u will look awesome at 165lbs light weight, 40 more lbs i think u can gain easy, but u do look good though way too cut for offseason, i think u need to upgrade ur calories and grow, but its fun to compete!!!
Dude I hope your kidding he's like 207!Originally Posted by little dyno
Agreed..Originally Posted by chuck89gt5.0
Do you have more muscle than me too? LMAO..
j/k bro but seriously you've not even built a foundation yet, start there.
Originally Posted by little dyno
Damn I didnt even catch this! I hope your joking. Dude your 30 years old and 120lbs thats kinda pathetic, my little sister is bigger than you. Im not gonna sit here and brag but my arms are bigger than your legs! Dude I was a pretty solid 240lbs before I started dieting and was able to bench more than you can squat and deadlift combined.![]()
jajajajja funny sh!T
ha ha chuck if i were 240 my shit would'nt even fit on my avatar i know a guy 240 huge he would make u his b!tch. im 120 i curl 50 pd dumbells not max. max is 115 thats 5 pds less than i weigh. ilike to see u curl 235 sh!t. tri pushdowns 4 sets 10 reps 160..also i dont have to go shit to look vascular. dude can u really see or what im 10 times more cut than u and i did it w/o juice or anything ive read ur posts you have done everything, if u wre as fat as u say u were then uyouve probably tried clen to.. there nothing wrong with juice but give any man props for being natural. They gain 3 times slower, with 5 times more work. Where is ur traps, abs,u do have abs dont u?? i think ur supposed to have a forearm muscle too.
lol.. dude seriously there is no reason to flame.
You're a skinny little guy with a few striations (or are those your bones?)
Don't we all "know" guys who are big and bad, that doesn't do much for your credentials now does it?
I'd suggest taking get the chip off your shoulder and calm down a bit, you're a 120lb twig, so obviously some guys here could teach you a thing or two about diet and training. You won't get far with the attitude you've brought to the table thus far.
oh yeah uve been lifting 7 yrs, me one year no bullsh!t on and off 1 year Dont worry though its allright to be a slow progressor maybe something not in ur juice! oh yeah bench 285 4 sets of 6 and remember i only 120pds.. scale size that means u need to bench 400 4 sets of 6. Send me video of that!!!!
haha, They'd diagnose you with "little-man" syndrome.. poor little fellow.
@this thread
The only thing 120 lbs is good for is curling (barbell); benching (dumbbells); or banging (girlfriend)
Originally Posted by Narkissos
Hey look.. i've got one of you in each arm![]()
Seriously tho man.. get over yourself.
As to your original question: You'd need more mass to be competitive.. but yes, if competing is your goal go for it.
Nothing replaces the experience a contest prep and showing will generate.
NARK totally pwnd this guy
Originally Posted by little dyno
All I got to say is your a 30 year old man that weighs 120lbs....NUFF SAID!![]()
Last edited by chuck89gt5.0; 10-18-2006 at 08:07 PM.
30 yr olds and 120lbs
Tip for you.. stay inside when it's windy outside.
tip for u get on ur knees and talk to zeus,
thanks for being a bunch of pricks,
scale strenght still stronger than yall ha ha
I am glad i opened this thread....![]()
hey nark ur a very impresive lifter and great body, thanks for ur smart ass comment, chuck has been talking sh!t to alot of people here like telling people they have arms like a 15yr old.. Its not cool to talk down to someone trying to better theirself, so thats why im talking smack, people like that piss me off im always for the underdog. Its easy to brag when ur ass is full of needle holes.
I'm gonna get rid of this thread if this $hit continues.
1. you attacked him 1stOriginally Posted by little dyno
2. this is
can't we all get along
10 points for you.Originally Posted by damiongage
Dyno, quit being so defensive and if someone is trying to hate on you fuk 'em. But to have the whole member base turn on you in one thread might tell you something?Originally Posted by little dyno
I could give a damn what you lift, I'm not hear to brag about my 400lb bench press etc, it doesn't matter.
If you truely want our help then stop being a little prick and act your age.
We're always here to help, I'd like to see you hit 140 by the end of this year and it's doable if you are serious about training and eating like you need to.
Btw, stop trying to outlift everybody in the gym, it's not going to do anything for your growth as your form is probably far from perfect. Stick with a training program that stimulates the muscle to grow and don't lift with your ego.
Btw, reread the above treads dyno, you attacked Chuck first as he was just giving you his opinion.
Last edited by IBdmfkr; 10-18-2006 at 08:52 PM.
hey gear get rid of this tread most of u make me sick
thanks ibf
i dont want to brag but people quite calling me a little boy
I'd suggest starting a new thread in the Diet section and list what you eat on a daily basis..
Then go to the training forum and do the same with your training routine..
Then we can critique and put you in the right direction.
btw, I started out at 135lbs, now I'm 225 so don't sweat it.
also quit making comments about "steroid this steroid that and needles in your ass etc".. it's a lame excuse for you not doing what you need to do to grow.. steroids don't build muscle, they are merely a supplement.
It takes hard work and dedication, no way around that.
I'm natty, you don't see me telling anyone else, meaning those who use, how to live??Originally Posted by little dyno
3 times slower with 5 times the work eh? lol curious where those statistics come from but im gonna have to say thats B.S. steroids arent miracle drugs...they dont build the muscle for you. you watch to much t.v. ur posting negative comments about steroids and their users on a steroid board...? im confused but you look lean add some size and ull look good.
crazy thread lol he has a short fuse no pun intended
Maybe you should find a new forum there mighty mouseOriginally Posted by little dyno
I realize this a body building forum, but in the grand scheme of things, size doesn't matter. Sure it helps in many ways, strengths and the look etc, but make no mistake size does not matter, by the way, im 260 lbs.
Yes size of your muscles does matter as does their development in bodybuilding.. That's the whole concept of the sport.
Symmetry/muscle definition/muscle size and development all count.
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