...that is the question...well guys i am facing a dylema, i still have some fire left but i am unsure what to do... i ahev been clean for 1-1/2 yeas now...i am ta bout 185lbs, possible 10-12%BF, i still have a sponsor although i do not ask them for any support at this time as i do not like to abuse this situation...in last while i had to babies, and both me and the wife are good with having two so i do not have to be fertile...i am considering late 2007 shows or early 2008 shows which should give me a lot of time to get where i want to be...anyway i have been dweling on this for a while and can't make up my mind, so i thought i would ask you guys as a lot of you have known me for a long time on here...so let me hear it...thanks!