After trying to tell people how I went from 12% BF to 4% for my show I looked at all of the things that I felt were key. Non bodybuilder friends are always asking for advice on how they can get ripped.
Below is the list of the things that I beleive were the keys. As it is difficult for a non bodybuilder to go from doing few to none of these to doing all of these every day I am trying to determine a method for introducing these behaviors step by step.
I am looking to the AR brothers and sisters to help me stack rank these from the first behavior someone should incorporate to the last. (ans add any that you see fit). The initial order is my personal order of difficulty thus in reverse implementation order. The idea is that if a person would add one behavior a week for 10-12 weeks they would be doing all of the right things at the end and make great progress. This is not meant to replace a contest diet but to use the principles for a normal person. Unlike us ;-)
1) Cardio x 45 min/ 6 days/week pre breakfast
2) 1 gallon of water per day
3) No high GI carbs
4) Cardio x 30 min/ 6 days/week before bed
5) No carbs after noon
6) Low fat meals
7) Take vitamins/ECA
8) 6 small meals/day
9) 1.5g protein per lb
10) Intense weight training x 4-5 days/week
This is the order that I found the most difficult so I might reccomend someone incorporate them in reverse order. Can anyone suggest a better order? Do you think that having someone master one behavior at a time would be effective for long term change?
As always I eagerly await the AR wisdom!