Hello All,

My wife is competing in her first show this summer. She is 11 weeks out from her first show and 13 weeks out from the second. She has made excellent progress in conditioning but feels as though she is too skinny. She has only been training to build muscle for the past two years. Is it NOT recommended for a woman to switch her weight training to reflect more of a bulk strategy as opposed to cutting this late in the prep ? My only experiance is with bodybuilding and i am training her with a similar pre contest body building diet with high intensity high rep weight training. Her cardio is 5 days per week at 30 -45 minute intervals. By looking at her physique, she only lacks a little more muscularity in the lower part of her quads and triceps. I have done my research and know what the judges look for in figures. I dont want to switch things up and alter her progress. If there are any experts on Figures training, your input is highly needed and appreciated.

Her stats are 29 years old, 5'5", 124lbs and 13 - 15 % BF.... I will try and get some pics for those of you who are CURIOUS....
