Hey all. I am going to be running a cycle soon in hopes to help my look on stage. Was wondering if anyone could help.
Stats: Just under 6 ft, 215 pounds, 11-13 percent BF
History: Lifting 8 yrs, Bodybuilding 3 yrs, First cycle was TBOL only for 6 wks, Second cycle was VAR only for 10wks, Last cycle was Test E only 500mgs 10 wks
Now for what I think. Please feel free to tweak, change, and slap me in the face when needed. If you think a different compound would be better, let it be known.
250mg Test E twice a week Weeks 1-10
150mg Test P EOD Weeks 10-12
50 mg Winny ED Weeks 8-12
Possibly some TBOL in there to jumpstart.
Followed by proper PCT
Show would be at the end of week 12.
Been around juice for awhile. Just no good expierence with getting ready for a show with it.