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Thread: lets see some OFFSEASON DIETS

  1. #1

    lets see some OFFSEASON DIETS

    I know this is the wrong forum for it but I could careless about what the average weightlifter eats, I want to see what a competative bodybuilder eats offseason. That means I start. Here it is---------

    2scoops whey protien
    2cups milk
    grapes on ocassion

    10egg whites 2yolks
    1cup oatmeal dry
    1large fork full of peanutbutter
    1scoop whey protien

    10ozs ground beef 95%
    1cup beans
    1cup rice cooked
    Ketchup and lots of salt


    10ozs chicken breast
    1large potato
    1cup veggies

    2slices WW bread
    1can tuna



    10ozs ground beef
    1cup beans
    1cup rice


    2slices WW bread
    1 can tuna

    3cups vanilla ice cream
    1/2 cup walnuts

    There ya have it all that shit and one day and I still have trouble gaining weight, what the hell is going on? OK lets see what the rest of you eat... Yep you have to tell us MikeXXXXXXXL

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada

    I'll go second... i already miss eating all that...that is about 3400 calories, and no problem gaining weight on that for me

    carbs - 380gm
    protein - 340gm
    fat - 60gm

    7:45 250 ml of egg whites
    1 sml. tortila, mushrooms, fat free cheese & salsa
    1 english muffin with jam&natural peanut butter
    60 gm of oatmeal

    10:15 1 1/2 can of tuna
    10 ml of flax seed oil
    1 cup of green beans

    12:45 8 egg whites-1 yolk egg salad with light mayo
    3 pieces of 12 grain bread w/ ham
    1 bannana
    1 yougurt (no fat no sugar added)

    3:15 1 1/2 can of tuna
    10 ml of flax seed oil
    80 gm of carrots

    5:15 120 gm of flank steak
    20 gm of whey protein

    WORKOUT 6:15-7:15

    7:15 30 gm of nitro-tech and 20 gm of whey
    35 gm of maltodextrin
    35 gm of dextrose
    5 gm of creatine and 5 gm of glutamine

    8:00 30 gm of whey
    30 gm of reese puffs
    1 rice crispy or extra 20 gm of above

    9:00 30 gm of whey
    1 apple
    40 gm of oatmeal
    5 ml of peanut butter

    10:30 250 gm of cottage cheese
    w/ 15 ml of light jam
    50 gm of carrotts
    5 gm glutamine


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Here's my "routine" (if i had one now)

    1 c oatmeal
    8 egg whites/2 whole eggs
    1-2 TB PB
    5 g glutamine
    grapes on occasion

    8 oz ground beef (96%)
    1 c brown rice

    post training
    75g dextrose
    40g whey protein
    10g glutamine

    8 oz top round steak
    1 c oatmeal

    8 oz beef
    1 c rice

    10 egg whites
    5 g glutamine

    ~ 2 shakes (of 40g protein between some of those meals)

    right before bed: 1 box of zingers (12), 1 box of ho ho's (12), 6 servings of nestle choc chip cookie dough (frozen), 2 cups of ice cream melted with 6 servings of brownies (microwaved not cooked)
    Last edited by primodonna; 08-19-2002 at 10:14 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    4,335 i the only one that doesn't have grapes for breakfast on occasion anyway, now i know what the missing ingridient was in my bulk up and i can't get as big as you guys...that and the before bed meal you guys are it sounds even better, are you gonna torture me like this for the next 11 weeks...???...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    meal 1 5-6 whole eggs, bagel with PB, or Cerial shedded wheat
    meal 2 10oz of meat of day (tuna, chicken, ground beef (whatever i cooked for the day) 6-10oz carbs usually rice or Sweet Potato's
    Meal 3 same as 2
    Meal 4 same
    Post workout, 5g C, 10G G, 80G Dextrose
    shake 50-60g whey
    meal 6 again usually same as above
    meal 7 same again plus whatever junk food i want when i want it when not dieting. Not very exciting way to eat, but too lazy to cook different food for each of the meals. I take 1000mg Vit C, 400ius of E and multi that it for sups.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    7:00 am
    2 scoops whey
    1 cup skim milk
    ~cup oatmeal

    9:00 am
    proteinplus power bar

    2 slices light wheat bread
    1 can solid tuna

    1:00 pm
    2 slices light wheat bread
    2 slices FF cheese
    4 oz turkey

    3:00 pm
    Myoplex MRP
    ~cup oatmeal

    5:00 pm
    8-10 oz chicken/turkey/pork/steak

    7:30 pm
    5 g c, 5g g, BCAAs, 40g whey
    1 tbsp Flax
    12-16 oz skim milk
    8 oz grape juice

    8:15 pm
    4 slices ww bread
    2 chicken breasts/turkey burgers
    1 cup vegetables

    10:00 pm
    2 scoops whey
    2 tbsp natty PB

    And usually whatever else I feel like in between......
    As you can see, I am pretty much eating all day!!!!!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Anything and Everything....protein around 360, carbs around 400

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    West Coast
    My offseason diet:

    Everything in sight. Some of you know how it is being an ectomorph.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    New York City
    meal 1 - beef ravioli + egg whites ~ 40g protein 90g carbs 20g fat
    meal 2 - protein shake (30g)
    workout - during workout 50-75g maltodextrin
    meal 3 - 50g protein, 80g dextrose/maltodextrin
    meal 4 - mexican rice + grilled steak + beans ~ 40g protein 60-80g carbs + lot of fat
    meal 5 - chicken breast + [buckwheat or pasta] ~ 30g protein + 40-80g carbs
    meal 6 - same as #5
    meal 7 - same as #5 (usually finish 1-2 pounds of chicken breast by this point)
    meal 8 (before bed) - nonfat cottage cheese + skim milk + peanut butter (40g protein, ~50g lactose + sucrose carbs, 12g fat)
    meal 9 (middle of night #1) - 20g protein
    meal 10 (middle of night #2) - 20g protein
    (I usually wake up twice because I drink a lot of water/milk during the day, and the first protein shake makes me wake up 2nd time 3 hours later... I try to limit this to 3 days/week, and other days get 8-9 hours straight with REM sleep. Remember it important to stay hydrated at night, you loose a lot of water and dehydration is a no no)

    Don't really care much for precise calorie counting at this point, rough approximations tend to suffice.

    Once in a while, we go to burger king and smack down 4-5 king supreme sandwiches (at like 500 cal/sandwich).

    One more thing, this is probably a slight overestimate, this is my goal and I sometimes don't hit it everyday, but its good to have a gameplan to follow. I do this at least 3 days per week and especially on workout days.

    Happy growing.
    Last edited by Gene; 08-23-2002 at 09:45 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Diet.....who needs a stinking diet. I rather enjoy looking like anna nicole smith on steriods while not dieting


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    West Coast
    Jesus Christ, Gene! How many calories does your offseason diet consist of?!? You must truly be more of an ectomorph than myself!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Originally posted by ann
    Diet.....who needs a stinking diet. I rather enjoy looking like anna nicole smith on steriods while not dieting
    Hehehee...Too much, Ann. Gee, I remember a conversation about this not too long ago

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2002
    New York City
    Originally posted by The French Curler
    Jesus Christ, Gene! How many calories does your offseason diet consist of?!? You must truly be more of an ectomorph than myself!
    Yea it's a little tough for me. Supposedly I'm an ectomorph with a fast metabolism, but I don't buy all that sissycrap. Just stuff yourself with hardcore protein and carb calories and eventually your body has only one choice -- grow.

    I do a lot of crazy macronutrient cycling, I cycle everything -- protein, carb, fat, post-workout carb amounts... whatever it takes.

    Look around the board, you'll see some off-season diets that will make my look like nothing. I know Superbeast's diet is like 6,000 calories of hell, my is nothign by comparison. and Mike XXL got a wickedly organized diet.

  14. #14
    meal 1
    2 whole eggs
    5 egg whites
    4 oz cooked chicken
    1/2 cup of oatmeal
    1000 mg ginger
    500 mgs ALA

    meal 2
    6 oz 93% ground turkey
    1 small apple
    1/4 cuo cashews
    250 mgs ALA
    1000 mgs Ginger root

    meal 3
    6 oz chicken cooked
    6 oz yam
    500 mg ALA
    1000 Mgs ginger root

    Meal 4
    1.5 cans tuna fish
    1 whole egg
    1/2 cup pineapple
    1 TBsp Flax
    apple cider viegar
    1000 mgs ginger
    250 ALA

    before workout 1/2
    40 grams isopure protein
    2 grams creatine
    5 grams glutemien

    after wards
    25 grams isopure 5 grams glutemeine 5 grams BCAAS

    wait 30 minutes

    40 grams isopure
    1.5 cup oatmeal
    1000 mgs ALA
    1000 mgs Ginger

    wait an hour and a half

    last meal before bedd
    4 oz chciken cooked
    5 egg wwhites
    1 whole egg
    apple cider vineagr
    1 ttablsppon EFas

    first 5 meals 4 liver tabs /4 mass aminos

    5'9 5.5 % body fat
    210 and gaining have not added anabolics yet and have been off completely for 26 weeks and feeling great !!

    cardio 2 times HIT and one longer duration
    ECA stack
    trying to gain lean body mass with little or no fat
    by fat never goes over 6% offseason !!

    any comments be grately appreciated

  15. #15
    PX never above 6% bf in the offseason, your inhuman, I haven't even been 6% for a show well maybe once in my life. Diet looks great, I guess I just like to eat crap too much.....

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