What training vids can you guys recommend? I have three really good ones that always get me fired up to hit the gym... all Mitsuru Okabe films, preparing for recent Olympias:
Ronnie Coleman the Unbelievable!
If you haven's seen it, get it now - big Ron training with insane weights, plus some footage from when he was a full-time cop. He trains alone, with occasional help from the guy who owns the gym. He is HUGE.
Jay Cutler: A Cut Above
A more clinical, serious approach than Ron, but a fantastic vid, with Jay looking BIG, training alone or with his wife. Some good posing stuff too.
Dennis James: This is how I do it!
DJ training in his gym in Thailand - what a cool, funny guy. He trains with a team of 3 or 4 guys who are helping him prepare.
What other training vids are worth a look?Anyone seen the Lee Priest ones?