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Thread: Carbing up???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Carbing up???

    Im kinda looklin for Mike XXL on this one because i saw a well written out one on this subject by him, only problem it was for iron queen(female). But if you can do it just as well, by all means please do. Thing is... id like some info about how to deplete and how long to. Then when to carb up and how to do it. Here is the link to the article i was referring to, as an example.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    I will get back to you tomorrow on this i am beat today, but tomorrow you can count on it...alright...XXL

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Ok all of the things i said (and attached below for your ease of reading) would hold true for you as well. The only differance would be the amount of carbs & protein consumed. I was a middle weight i weight about 172lbs at that point, so if you are more or less, then you need to adjust things up or down. I will give you the guide line of basiclly how i calculate my carb requierments

    First 24 hours - 4.65gm of carbs per pound of body weight

    Second 24 hours - 2.8 gm of carbs per pound of body weight

    Once you reach the point of cutting water out, wait 3-4 hours and start having fat and carb loading meals, McDonalds, cheescake (some don't like it because it is a dairy product and might hold water, i don't feel my body reacts like that though, use you descretion) dry cake, chocolate, some icecream might be alright, because you want some water to drive all of these nutrients into the muscle bellies, Pizza...etc...well you get the point if you crave it have it...LOL...make sure you do not eat untill you are hungry again, do not force feed get really fool, and then wait till you are hungry again, you could have a oine great big meal like that and then go back to potato and chicken and steak if you want to keep it safe, but if not then do it again once hungry.

    As for the day of the show, donuts, donuts, donuts...and some chocolate, that is what i'll be doing...i don't care what weight i came in at i just want to be hard, full and ripped...i will go for breakfast at McDonalds, big out and about 1-2 hours before the prejudging will get onto my donuts...can you see peoples face backstage...LOL...

    Anyway hope this gives you some idea on what i do, and what i have people i work with do, the only thing that changes id quantity deending on persons weight...good lcuk...XXL

    Original message below:

    6:00am thursday - wake up have 1 apple and a little bite of chicken
    the apple will introduce sugar to your system and because you bady is relying on fat for fuel at this point, you want to make sure you are burning glucose again as a main fuel before completing you decarb workout.

    7:00am decarb workout i do circuit training, my whole body done about 4 times...1 set of each, followed by another (ex, squads, bench, rows, leg curls, shoulder press, pull downs to the back, calfs, curls, push downs, abs, deadlifts, leg extentions, flyes, side latterals, shrugs, forarms) now that would be one circuit 15-20 reps with about 50% max weight, you don't want to get sore because that will only slow down the carb up process, no slow negatives either. Now do this 4 or 5 times and you are done. rest about 5 min between circuits. Tid Bit: only the bodyparts worked imidiatly before the carb up will be carbed up properly and supercompensated.

    8:30-9:00 am right after workout, liquid carbs (maltodextrin and dextrose mix) and whey isolate

    11:00 repeat liquid carb meal

    1:00 switch to simple sugars but in a solid form. cereal is a good example here (must be low fat)

    3:00 to be on a safer side switch to potatos and/or yams for carbs and chicken

    5:00 repeat the above

    7:00 reapeat the above and add a little bit of fat, i like walnuts here.

    9:00 and 11:00 meals are the same as the above.

    if you wake up hungry in the middle of the night have alittle meal like the one above.

    Friday morning:

    6:00 am potato or yam and chicken and some walnuts

    8:30, 11:00, 1:30 and 4:00 are all the same

    Assuming the prejudging is on saturday at around 11:00am, cut the water at 5:00 (18 hours out) and start fat loading with a 6:00 meal.

    6:30 pm once again to be on a safer side i would go with steak and and potato or yam

    9:00 and 11:30 are the same and if you wake up hungry in the middle of the night, well you knao what to do.

    SATURDAY, the day of the show.

    6:00am fat loadin continues with any fat sources that are dry (nothing with high water content) cream filled donuts, cheescake, dry cakes, peanut butter on rice cakes, chocolate...etc...must be fats and sugars together, or go to the breakfast buffet down the street and have a great big breakfast, pancakes with syrup, toast with butter anything your heart disires...get full, real full and watch and wait as your body looks better and better every hour.

    9:00 you can repeat if you want just no to the same extand, do not want that bloaded look right...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    sounds good to me mike. Maybe a little info about when to start depleting and how???

    Also, i have another show exactly 2 weeks later after the first ( Oct 26 and Nov 9). Should i do anything differently? Diet? Exercise? Loading? Water? What can i eat in between prejudging and the night show, with in mind that i still have to be in good shape for the second show in 2 weeks? What can i eat in between times at the second show?

    What diuretics do you reccommend? What am i going to need them for?

    Lemme c if i got this water thing right. I should be drinking about 1 1/2 gallons up until 18hrs before the show and cut it completly? Thats it to deplete water?

    Im sorry for being a pain in the butt, but im a compedator in everything. If im gonna do anything, i do it RIGHT, and with 110% of everything i got.
    Last edited by toopowerful4u; 09-07-2002 at 05:26 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    I start depleting on sunday before the show, i don't go below 100gm of carbs a day, i will go with that Sun, Mn, Tues & Weds.
    On thursday morning i will do a decarb workout, high reps low weight, in a circut fashion, each body part gets one set and then i will imidiatly move to the next body part and perform anther set, and then move on to the next and so on...On you first show i would go with maybe 60-75% of the carb up foods i would take for the second show, just to stay on the safer side plus you will learn from the expiriance and be able to adjut later on for the second show. The water intake should be the same as second show will be, just make sure to drink a shit load right after your first show and jkeep drinking lots to get your body used to fluids again and stop holding extra water. Yes drink as much water as you can untill 18 hours out of prejudging and then cut it all at once...

    Between morning and evening show, i will eat basiclly chicken, steak, potato and vegie mix about every 2 1/2 hours, i will have 1 chessless pizza, but othere then that that will be all, that is for the first show.

    As for the second i don't know yet, i think i will probably do the same with a few chocolate bars as an addition...hope that helps you out Bro...good luck...XXL

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