This thread is a follow up from my tread from last week about taking 25mg aldactone a day.
OK if you follow the thread you will know I was trying to make middle weight 176 1/4 pounds. I started the aldactone on Wed. only used 25mg first day and then went to 37mg/split Thur, Fri and Sat. I started the week at 180 pounds and woke up Sat. morning and weigh 176 at home 7:00 am. Weigh in was 12:30. I made a breakfast pancake out of 5 oz flank steak, 1/2 cup oats, 5 egg white. Then I weigh it 12oz. I didn't start eating till 10:00 and made it last till11:00. I had 4 oz of water with the pancake. I steped on the scale at 12:45. It was eletronic and went right up to 176 and stopped. COOL.
I sat down and enjoyed 4 cream filled donuts with 6 oz water. Later I was back on the tuna and broc. I only felt a rush from the sugar. Maybe I should have eaten 6 donuts. maybe I wan't depleted enough. I'm not so sure if it helped fill me out or not. I wasn't flat.
The call outs went well 10 guys in my class. I ended up finishing 2nd to a guy gunning for the the show. He was ripped. No problem. I was only tuning up. When I step on stage in 2 weeks I'll be more like 173 to 174 and hard and graining only like us old guys get.
Thanks to everyone who tried to help me with the aldactone thing. Dr. D.
I tapered the aldactone on Sunday. Today I'm at 180 and the water is
flowing very well. In a few days all extra water should be gone.
I'm back to 2 gallons a day. So I would have to say the rebound for me was no more then normal.
Thanks again,
Got to go,