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Thread: Is 280 big enough? Opinions?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    north of the South, east

    Is 280 big enough? Opinions?

    I'm thinking about a show in May. Is 280 lbs at 7.5% bodyfat big enough to realistically diet and compete in the 255 to 260 range? I think 280 is an attainable goal. Right now, I'm 255 at 6'3" and my bodyfat as of 3 weeks ago was 6.2%. The most I've ever tipped the scale at was 270 and I felt I was holding a ton of water. Some of you guys that have been competing for a while, please give me your opinions.


  2. #2
    Lets do the math!! If you were to achieve 280lbs at 7.5% bf, without losing any muscle during dieting, that would put you at 259lbs with 0% bf, which we both know is unachievable unless your dead, since most good national level ameaturs compete between 4% to 6% bf. If you got up to 280lbs that would mean you would only have to drop 3% bf to achieve 4.5%, which would put you in a weight range of 271 lbs, thats if you did not loose any muscle. Shit Bro thats about the size of Gunter. If its not big enough I dont know what the hell is.

    IMO with your stats 6'3 255 6% bf your big enough right now. If you dieted correctly you should come in around 250 at 4%, thats a big friggin man anywhere on the ameatur circuit.

    Good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    north of the South, east
    Just the guy I was hoping to hear from! What about water weight? Is it possible to maintain the muscle mass to compete at 260 while dieting down? I did the numbers with the bodyfat, but was more curious about dehydrating and losing muscle while dieting.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    somewhere in reality
    Originally posted by Dr. Derek
    Lets do the math!! If you were to achieve 280lbs at 7.5% bf, without losing any muscle during dieting, that would put you at 259lbs with 0% bf, which we both know is unachievable unless your dead, since most good national level ameaturs compete between 4% to 6% bf. If you got up to 280lbs that would mean you would only have to drop 3% bf to achieve 4.5%, which would put you in a weight range of 271 lbs, thats if you did not loose any muscle. Shit Bro thats about the size of Gunter. If its not big enough I dont know what the hell is.

    IMO with your stats 6'3 255 6% bf your big enough right now. If you dieted correctly you should come in around 250 at 4%, thats a big friggin man anywhere on the ameatur circuit.

    Good luck
    he's not called DR for his medical knowledge!! well put Dr. D

  5. #5
    IMO you dont really need to worry about water weight until the last few weeks (really the last few days) I think when dieting it is crucial to keep your body super saturated thats why I eat all the sodium I want. With your years of training and dieting experience I am sure you know your body by now so you should not lose much muscle while dieting.

    IMO I would rather reduce calories then do more cardio, I hardly do any cardio when dieting for a show compared to most BBers. To actually find out just how much to eat and how much cardio to do, you need to figure out your BMR, which will be hard with you because your already lean and you eat like an elephant (I have read other posts of yours). Basically IMO what I think you should do to prepare for a show is slightly reduce your calories, keeping protien high. Watch your BF and weight very very carefully, then if you need to add in a tad of cardio, more than you do now, then add it. Shit bro if you 6-8% BF already it wont take you long, 10 weeks is my conservative guess.

    Good luck and let me know if I can help in any way.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    north of the South, east
    Yes, I've been training long enough to know my body really well.That is why I think that I can compete at that weight. I've had a few people tell me that I was being unrealistic. I just needed to hear a sound opinion to make sure that I am not off in left field somewhere. You told me exactly what I wanted to hear.

    Thanks again, Doc!

    I'll keep you guys posted when I decide to compete for sure and how things are going.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    Dr. D hit it right on. So I really don't have anything else to say but this damn post has made me feel so DAMN small....

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