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Thread: xpell(diuretic) and carb loading help please!?!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    xpell(diuretic) and carb loading help please!?!

    Ok so im trying to get ready for a river trip on memorial weekend (this saturday) and i need some advice on how to plan this..
    I have been on a keto diet for 1.5 weeks now, no carb loading yet.

    I have lasix(prescription) and xpell(otc). I think lasix would be a bad idea, especially if i have to float a 6 hour river in texas heat.

    So i am wondering how i would go about using xpell and carb loading with it.
    It is a natural diuretic that doesnt pull you potassium, so it is much safer. But it doesnt work as fast i think or as well obviously. You are supposed to take a week of it, 4 caps morning and night. Now the question is, if i take xpell right now would i still get the benifit of carb loading on it, will my muscles still get full? should i do a 2-3 day carb load before saturday like i would for my comps when taking lasix?
    Need some help and direction please!!!??
    remember im carb depleted right now with about 35g of carbs per day..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    DO NOT take lasix. take expel to the MAX of the label recommendations from m-f. use normal water load/taper protocol & carb up depending on your weight/condition..

    EDIT.......shit-just noticed that ur show may have passed... sorry

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