Hi guys/girls,
I have been faced with this problem, thought I would turn to you guys for some reflection. It is about my partner and her unwillingness to support me.
Firstly I will give you a bit of background info - I have been with my girl for about 2.5 years, she has a child (that is not mine) and we have had our ups and down. She is 30, I am 23! I like older women,.. always have always will. Anyway... I am a pretty obsessive person... actually lest say extreme, I dont do things by halves.
So naturally when I got off hard drugs (this is like 4 years ago) and picked back up my fitness,.. I loved it. I felt better, it kept me focused, it balanced out my energy. Girls... looked at me more... you know the whole kit and kaboodal. Know I used to get very stressed if I lost size or missed a meal etc.,... about the size thing I got down about it. But I had a bad motorbike accident and I was messed up... and I couldnt do anything about it. IT made me realise that if you are to obsessive about something in an unhealthy way, it get taken away from you. And you learn a lesson.
So I did... I learnt a lesson... but once again I got back into the gym and busted my ass to get where i am today. It made me realise that no matter what happens you keep coming back, gym is now a consistant part of my life. IT just is. It is comparable to breathing and eating, I just have to do it. But now it is not sooo obsessive, but consistant.
Naturally from all this my diet got cleaned up and regular. And that lead to a mate competing,... which lead to me getting right into the sport and the idea of natural competing.
So i dieted down (as a trial run) for a show that my training partner was going in (that finished yesterday).
So you know the feelign hungery, a bit cranky, not feeling social. Now my self and my training partner got lots of negitive shit and stupid questions fromn people we study with.
NOW THIS IS WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT - My girl is a massage therapist, she used to work in a gym, so she massages certain trainers etc. She kept coming back to me, telling me how unhealthy BB is, and all this constant negitive shit. Saying things like "Darren said why are you even dieting down if you are not competing"? "Dave say BB is a really selfish sport". All this was also mixed with she would get cranky when i was over her house and i was practicing my posing (plus seeing new found shreds/striations is always exciting). NOw all this and I reduced my contact time with negitive forces. So naturally she being one of them I saw less of her(i see it as her fault).
Now... I she got even shittier as i blocked her out, and didnt see her as much. I also spent a lot of time talking to my mate/training partner who I am studying personal training with, as he understood... he was dieting also,... he didnt give me flack.
I explained to her about why I do it. That I love all activity, that all this will help me with my personal training business. That I want to do powerlifting as well. That I like to set hard goals and achieve them. You know real stuff about who I am.
Now this is the really fucked bit - She siad,... i dont car what you say I think you have major self esteem issues... you cant loose size,... you are obsessed. You are the opp of anorexic. ect.etc.
I aM SHOCKED,.. of all the people she should understand me most. And this is what she pulled.... I see all these married people at comps that are supportive and competing. It makes me think fuck her off. IT is not the BB, it is that she just doesnt understand my motavation/motive. I am dumb founded.