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I too am sick of hearing tall guys whine, i personally am 5'8 185 lbs, and honestly i would love to be 6'4 but its not gonna happen, part of the reason short guys are represented so well in BB is because we have a greater % of us working really hard in the gym as opposed to tall guys. Honestly, I went to the gym figuring if im not going to grow up I might as well grow out, tall guys dont have that mentality..A tall guy is "Big" regardless of weight, unless hes like 6'4 150. I have tall friends that $hit on my bench because im short have much shorter arms, nothing i can do about that..Tall people you have all the sports, basketball,football,baseball, stringbeans dominate the lower weight classes in boxing. And you whine because when lifting you have to move the weight proportion to your frame, thats only fair. if one of my tall friends benches the same ammount as me i guess they have more strength, but i wasnt blessed with a big frame like that so my bench is more impressive, unless i outweight them by a lot which i dont. Ill bet if I was 6'2 id bench more than I do now, while my arms would be longer, id have much stronger bones, and more weight behind me to push it. so it does even out. Bodybuilding is Body BUILDING, you dont build your height! Get it? while a tall guy might look bigger stronger, he didnt build his height and shouldnt get credit for it. Jeez, can you Giants let us average sized guys have anything be can compete with you in? there should be a name for tall man like napoleon complex, but when a tall gy has it hes just confident!