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Thread: my comeback

  1. #1

    my comeback

    Hello all..I frequently read the post on here, and enjoy it...I have mostly posted on the powerlifting forum...but im making a comeback in bodybuilding, let me tell you my story....Im 37, been competing in powerlifting since i was 18..have went to the nationals, worlds 92, i compiled numerous injuries, 3 torn pecs, torm bicep, numerous torn quads, torn bicep, and just started falling apart...a training partner talked me into BBing, and i was hooked! So, i competed in bodybuilding since 92, 3 years ago, I tore my patella tendon all the way loose, had to get it surgically repaired, my knee cap and quad all rolled up into my groin! it had to be pulled back down and reatatched! I thought it was all over! So i started competing at powerlifting again, bench meets only, have had a blast doing it! I trained with Ryan Kennelly for a short period of time, the best training partner i ever had! It filled the void of BBing! I just recently did the worlds and national bench press contests, and won my class in both (275's) But i had the itch to BB problem, one one leg was so much smaller! So i started from scratch! couldnt barely squat 225! Im back up to 315 for easy reps, I do extra work on the leg, its almost caught up! Keep in mind, i was told by docs, the leg would never be the same, but hard work, and a never quit attitude has over come that! I have been back to full blown bb style training for 3 weeks, and i feel great, im 5'10" 265..I plan to hit the southern states! I just wanted to relate this story to you hard core bros! I was in the gym 2 days after surguery training with crutches and a brace, never missed a workout! I enclosed a pic of my last bros, never give up on your dreams! IM BACK!!! In the pic, im the white guy with the shaved head and black truncks! never quite guys!
    Last edited by musclehed275; 12-02-2002 at 07:08 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You will do great man! I look forward to see ya do it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    6,509 there any kind of injury you haven't had? Just kidding! Well congats on your comeback and wish you the best of luck! Stay healthy brother.

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