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Thread: A little help :)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    A little help :)

    Looking for some comments, critiques or suggestions. Thanks in advance. I'm currently in the process of getting ready for my first ever show (April 5th). I started at 245lbs in early October and as of last Wednesday I was 218lbs. My goal is to be around 185lbs-190lbs on stage. My arms, legs and upper back are all leaning up nicely but I'm still carrying excess bf on my problem areas (lower back, lower chest, abdomen....can't see abs yet). Wieght training 4 days per week high intensity and cardio 5-7 times per week (30 min bike, 30 minutes walking on treadmill....don't want catabolism). Strength is still very good, have not lost strength and have actually hit a few PB's as my bodyweight has decreased. Using 400mg/week EQ, 750mg/week enanthate, start clen in 1.5 weeks and will be using suspina (suspension/tren blend) three weeks leading up to the show. Dropped calories and carbs again this week and here is my diet:

    8am - oats + 1 scoop whey and water
    9:30am - train
    11:30am - 2 scoops dextrose, 2 scoops whey, tbls flax
    1pm - chicken breast + 3.5oz sweet potato
    3:30pm - chicken breast
    5:15pm - cardio
    6:30pm - chicken breast + salad (or greens)
    8pm - ultra low fat microwave popcorn (fibre)
    9pm - chicken breast
    11pm - 2 scoops whey + water

    6-8 litres of water per day (1.5-2 gallons)

    Totals: 1725cals - pro 277g (64%), carbs 88g (20%), fat 30g (16%)
    I don't count post-workout carbs(dextrose) or fats (flax) towards totals as I feel they are neccesary. ( If fat seems high, remember, a 6oz chicken breast has 4.5g of fat).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    About the diet. Carbs seem ultra low already. That is about the lowest I have ever went. Now you have mentioned that you aren't losing any strength, which as you know is a good sign. However once you get a little closer and if you find yourself having trouble dialing in that last little bit it is hard to go below the gms of carbs you are at already without losing lean body mass. I would up it slightly since you still have approx. 12 weeks or so to go. Then you can adjust them accordingly to that, and you will remain fuller. Keep the carbs either greens or anything low glycemic like you have already. You can add this at your 3:30 meal.

    I would up the water a bit just to make sure you min. is 2 gallons and not 1.5 gallons it will make more of a difference then you would think.

    Your diet has you eating chicken 3 times a day. I can see you possiblely going crazy with this. I love chicken but 3 times a day for 12 or so weeks plus what you have done already would send me over the wall. How about substituting one chicken meal with fish ie: orange roughy or tuna.

    The cardio looks great as well..I am like you and can't do say just the bike for the full hour so I split it up too. I wouldn't go 7 days a week 5 max for the next 3-4 weeks and then you can up it to 6 times a week after that. You don't want to overtrain.

    Other then that...amazing transformation thus far Pete you have what it takes and know how to go about achieving it. The best of luck to you at your up coming shows and with your dieting.

    Hope this helps!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Hi Pete, I just wanted to congratulate you on your progress so far! You know I will be there to cheer you on!
    One today is worth two tomorrows.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Pete Congrats brother...No wonder I havent seen/heard from ya..

    Man youre gonna hit it bro. The only thing I could see you changing is your sources of protein....( Mix it up man, Chicken, Tuna, Salmon,Sirloin etc) You would be suprised how close they are in protein and fats.....

    Just my .02 bro.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    I was just checking out your other thread..and I also agree with who ever it was that posted about changing your cardio to the am and the training to the PM. It will be more productive.

    If you are already doing cardio for an hour I wouldn't think that it would be a time reason that you do cardio in the afternoon and not in the morning. Why have you opted to go with this??

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    What i would do is split the crdio into 2 sessions of 30min each, one first thing in the monring and one later in the day, also i would take the flaxseed oil and put it in with the breakfast, instead of post training meal, if you must have the popcorn, i would bump it up 30min and have it with the chicken as it is very high-glycimic (sp) the protein will slow doen the digestion, i would also through in a little bit of flax-oil in there maybe 5ml (1 teaspoon) to further slow down the digestion. The over all calories seem fine for your size (i figure about 2500cal / day with post workout meal) One sudgestion about the diet, try manipulating your carbs on daily basis, increase them by 20gm every day and then after3 days go back to the base line ex. Day 1 100gm, day 2 120gm, Day 3 140gm, Day 4 100gm etc...It worked wonders for me to keep my body always guessing and leave the other micro-nutrients the same. Training is fine, and as long as your strength does not deminish you are doing good. One thing i can sudgest is Arimidex at .5mg a day, once you eliminate the conversion of test to estrogen, your fat will melt away a bit quicker, and you will hold a lot less water, i have used Nolva & Clomid to combat estro before, but i must say nothing works like Armidex, i am bulking right now with 125mg of test suspession a day and using .5mg of arimidex, no bloat, no water retention and no fat gain yet. Hope that helps...XXL

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Shredz, I 've made some changes and listed them in this thread, thanks for your help bro. Nuke, thanks for the support brotha man!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I have to agree with everything that has been said excellent advice, and shit bro you is getting lean :d

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    HELL - I got the last col
    Pete you big pimp! April 5th man I had no idea... You rock! My bet is for April 3rd, but I figure to get to the bodyfat your going to be at I'll have to shoot for May 3rd...I'm hoping to be 7 come April 3rd and I'm guessing you'll be 5-6 if not lower for your show! I can not wait to see the pics!!!!!

    I wish I had someone here to train with that was doing a show, push me harder and harder! "wanna move to NC?" LOL



  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    ontario, midland
    i think that it is cool that you are competeing i think that it is one of the hardest thing to do

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