Looking for some comments, critiques or suggestions. Thanks in advance. I'm currently in the process of getting ready for my first ever show (April 5th). I started at 245lbs in early October and as of last Wednesday I was 218lbs. My goal is to be around 185lbs-190lbs on stage. My arms, legs and upper back are all leaning up nicely but I'm still carrying excess bf on my problem areas (lower back, lower chest, abdomen....can't see abs yet). Wieght training 4 days per week high intensity and cardio 5-7 times per week (30 min bike, 30 minutes walking on treadmill....don't want catabolism). Strength is still very good, have not lost strength and have actually hit a few PB's as my bodyweight has decreased. Using 400mg/week EQ, 750mg/week enanthate, start clen in 1.5 weeks and will be using suspina (suspension/tren blend) three weeks leading up to the show. Dropped calories and carbs again this week and here is my diet:
8am - oats + 1 scoop whey and water
9:30am - train
11:30am - 2 scoops dextrose, 2 scoops whey, tbls flax
1pm - chicken breast + 3.5oz sweet potato
3:30pm - chicken breast
5:15pm - cardio
6:30pm - chicken breast + salad (or greens)
8pm - ultra low fat microwave popcorn (fibre)
9pm - chicken breast
11pm - 2 scoops whey + water
6-8 litres of water per day (1.5-2 gallons)
Totals: 1725cals - pro 277g (64%), carbs 88g (20%), fat 30g (16%)
I don't count post-workout carbs(dextrose) or fats (flax) towards totals as I feel they are neccesary. ( If fat seems high, remember, a 6oz chicken breast has 4.5g of fat).