I am currently 20 years old as Feb, and want to be able to make bodybuilding a career one day. I have been lifting my whole life but did not get serious about it until this year (as far as eating down to a science and getting the correct amount of everything.) My question is, did I start to late? Am I setting myself up for failure? I am so motivated and just want would like to know if I started to late. This is an expensive sport as far as nutrition and supps go and its only going to get more expensive when I start with steroids in a few years. If there is no way of making it in this buisness then I want to know so i can switch and make this a hobby instead of my life.
I will always continue to lift and train and eat right either way. But just so I know, thanks
avatar pic was taken before gettin really serious will post a new pic in about a week
also, since I enjoy this sport so much what are some other options of incorperating it into a career.
Oh and just so I know, how much are you guys speding bi weekly in your groceries? I dont mind it being so expensive because i dont have a family to take care of or anything but i just wanted to know. This is not including protein powders-prewouts-aminos-vitamans-and oils