So I am seriously giving some thought to competiting in a local NPC show next year. I have done some digging and I think I could do well in the Novice category. I just have a few questions about local NPC's as well as a general diet question.

1: I was checking out some winners in the Novie NPC in different categories and was completely floored at the condition some of the competitiors were in...a few looked like they got up off the couch and signed up (well maybe not that bad....but pretty wet and soft). I have done one university BB contest back in undergrad and the 4 dudes that were competiting against me, brought it. Are these pictures I am seeing typical of Novice category local BB contests? Also is it better to be in the light heavyweight or heavyweight divisions typically? As far as competition goes?

2: Back when I did the university contest I was a grade A meat eater. I have been a vegetarian Ovo-veg actually for about 4 years and was wondering if anyone had some decent resources to lead me to a good diet for a show? Or any experiences witha vegetarian or pseudo-veg diet for contest? I am willing to slowly add fish back into my diet for Omega's. I already eat flax. Thanks in advance for any input!

By the way this site is quite awesome overall. I have learned a lot.