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  1. #1
    McFly's Avatar
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    Diet crash stories

    Guys I'm on a precontest diet and doing a photo shoot in 5.2 weeks.
    Today my diet crashed.. I couldn't help myself feeling fat, no energy ect and I ate 2 hamburgers, fish, dim sims , potatoe cake and ice cream.
    I feel so full but I think it might help me get through the next 5 weeks.
    Anyone els have stories like this?

  2. #2
    elcrisp76's Avatar
    elcrisp76 is offline Junior Member
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    Mate, don't let it worry you too much.. You've got the dedication and discipline to train hard - you just have to extend that motivation towards dieting strictly.. You're going to screw up a few times, but in the act of failing you're going to strengthen your resolve and inevitably succeed..

    Its a bit of a toughie that you've set yourself such a strict deadline, esp when you can't hit the cardio side very hard, but you'll get there.. Hit me up sometime for a few recipes that should make the transition easier - it helps with the mind numbing diet if you can eat a few things that help preserve your sanity

  3. #3
    McFly's Avatar
    McFly is offline Associate Member
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    Thanx bro meens alot, I'm back ontrack now anyway!
    Are you from Melbourne?

  4. #4
    elcrisp76's Avatar
    elcrisp76 is offline Junior Member
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    Bwahahaha.. You know it

  5. #5
    McFly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elcrisp76 View Post
    Bwahahaha.. You know it
    I know you don't I? Lol

  6. #6
    terraj's Avatar
    terraj is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I remember your old pics, when you were just starting.

    Got any new ones?

  7. #7
    McFly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    I remember your old pics, when you were just starting.

    Got any new ones?

    Yeah just uploaded pics in members pics.. Check them out

  8. #8
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    bro relax we all cheat sometimes

    i looked at ur carb cycling diet, i think ur high carb day is stuffed, your not eating enough, its no wonder why ur feeling so lethargic

    also ur protein intake is to high in my opinion

    if ya feeling lethargic on ya low carb days, i always like to implment a carb up day to give yaself the energy and make yaself look full

    btw if your from melbourne aswell where ya training at?
    Last edited by ranging1; 12-29-2010 at 05:14 AM.

  9. #9
    Narkissos's Avatar
    Narkissos is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~Diet Guru~
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    I don't cheat on contest diets.

    I can't see how, if one feels fat, grabbing a couple hamburgers is going to make one feel less fat.

    So my mind doesn't compel me to.
    -Corey "Narkissos" Springer

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    Quote Originally Posted by texasmk4
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    Here's a little-known-secret, that most people won't tell you: In the sphere of fitness, everything works.
    Every(intelligent)thing works (once aptly and consistently applied)
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  10. #10
    Kawigirl's Avatar
    Kawigirl is offline Knowledgeable~Female Member
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    IMO...seems men usually have an easier time with not cheating. I know I go crazy at some points during dieting. And, it usually happens around the 10 week mark for me.
    I have cheated...not gonna lie, but I've never gone crazy. That would wreck havoc and I'd be screwed. All that blow it all at once? Iv'e certainly learned a few lessons doing so.

  11. #11
    McFly's Avatar
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    A 24 hour gym in s.e suburbs u?

  12. #12
    csavage0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos View Post
    I don't cheat on contest diets.

    I can't see how, if one feels fat, grabbing a couple hamburgers is going to make one feel less fat.

    So my mind doesn't compel me to.

    One strong minded individual lol. Just takes discipline like this. It takes someone who really wants it and reminds them self of what they want through out the day to be like this in my opinion.

  13. #13
    boz's Avatar
    boz is offline R.I.P. T-Gunz Gone but, Never Forgotten.
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    IMO for size i reckon you can cheat at least once a fortnight, anything else though such as cutting, I would be worried about high calorie intake of fatty foods.

    Also depends on how often your actually doing cardio or some sort of HIT, and not just the weights.

  14. #14
    dec11's Avatar
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    i rem trying to make weight for a plift comp once, i encountered a cheese cake one evening just sitting around doing nothing minding its own business, at one stage i nearly had my face buried in it, ate the whole fookn thing lol. the missus near killed me

  15. #15
    rocknRIGGAR's Avatar
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    Hi fly iv successfully cut 20kg start to finish clean no cheat day! I'm in Melb look me up if u need some solid advice chhers dude!
    I dropped my cheat days my social outing friends !!!! It's all about maintaing the frame of mind all the time even in ur sleep lol! Nothing nor anyone can get between u and your food training full stop on my Sunday I'd go out breakfast fin a cafe to accommodate me and my food! I'd order a 10 egg white omelet w spinage mushroom and fresh tomatoe for example... 3 month dude it gos quick and ur body dose adjust !!! Gosh I was depleting on chook and tuna p powder and body was no longer craving ! Go thought the pain and once u enter the clean zone ur sweet and it's easy !! Ur body no longer craves but I must say it like giving up smoking and worth it ur body starts harmonizing and u begin to become very intune w your pure inner self !! Which is a great feeling once achieved !

  16. #16
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    I am 8 weeks into my contest contest and have not cheated. I won't even consider it. I'm surprised at hearing that not everyonr has my mindset. This is my 2nd show. The last time the worst thing I did was eat to many cashews in one sitting. I lost my mind for a minute and had 3x what I was suppose to.

  17. #17
    JMumf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    I am 8 weeks into my contest contest and have not cheated. I won't even consider it. I'm surprised at hearing that not everyonr has my mindset. This is my 2nd show. The last time the worst thing I did was eat to many cashews in one sitting. I lost my mind for a minute and had 3x what I was suppose to.
    There is always more than one way to approach a contest diet brother. I have one meal a week of whatever I want all the way up to a week before a show. I've never had a problem getting into contest shape following this formula.

  18. #18
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMumf View Post
    There is always more than one way to approach a contest diet brother. I have one meal a week of whatever I want all the way up to a week before a show. I've never had a problem getting into contest shape following this formula.
    That sound great. Do you work with someone or do you do your own prep?

  19. #19
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    I think also if it is a planned cheat meal then it's not really's just part your your diet.

  20. #20
    JMumf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    That sound great. Do you work with someone or do you do your own prep?
    I've been working with the same guy for almost 15 years....although I've only been competing since 2005. I guess my point was that contest dieting doesn't have to be miserable. I'm about 8 weeks out now and eating 3600 cals a day and getting leaner by the day. I just hate to see these young guys torturing themselves only to burn out not so far down the road.

  21. #21
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    melbourne must b where all the big boys live... haha im in brissy but i might have to move to melbourne for inspiration

  22. #22
    MIKE_XXL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMumf View Post
    There is always more than one way to approach a contest diet brother. I have one meal a week of whatever I want all the way up to a week before a show. I've never had a problem getting into contest shape following this formula.
    I sopport this way of thinking, i promote 1 cheat meal per week while in contest prerp i eliminate it anywhere between 2-4 weeks out depends on the prep status...if everything is done well the rest of the week the one mel is a marely a recharge for the body, soul and mind...must be kept to one meal though...XXL

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