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  1. #1
    silverrangel is offline New Member
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    Dec 2010

    Need help with my CYCLE please..

    Hi I'm a female bodybuilder.. I have been into bodybuilding for quite some time and i have also competed in several BB competitions.. I just wanted to try a new cycle stack that i never tried before.. i was wondering if the professionals and well experienced people here can help me prepare for my upcoming competition.. my goal is to obtain a well defined hard physique.. gaining is not my biggest concern, i just really want to shred but still if possible maintain my muscle size or at least control muscle loss to a minimum.. Anyway, I am planning to go down with this cycle please tell me if this is a good one (any suggestion if any is very much welcome):

    Anavar 10mg ED for a month then raise to 20mg ED the next month
    Proviron 25mg ED for a month (then probably switch to winstrol aftr that or if sides like hair loss is starting - i am really very much concern about this)
    Arimidex 0.5mg ED for the whole cycle (i believe that this will help me prevent acne and some sides as well as help me get hard by lowering my estrogen)

  2. #2
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    What have you done for your previous contest preps?

  3. #3
    silverrangel is offline New Member
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    Dec 2010
    In my previous contest preps, i did deca 100mg twice a week for 4 weeks then continue with winstrol 10mg ED for 6 weeks along with ECA twice a day.. for my diet i eliminated carbs except for the oatmeal for 3 mos. and chicken, egg and fish for my protein source.. i had a good size but still not hard enough.. this time i wanted to really obtain a much more ripped/hard physique.

  4. #4
    silverrangel is offline New Member
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    Dec 2010
    This was taken last Oct 2010..

  5. #5
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    I agree, nice size and shape but a bit smooth, although that depends quite a bit on what level show you are competing at too. I think replacing the Deca with Proviron and adding in something to drop your estrogen levels is a very good call. My thinking is Nolvadex would work better on females as it will help with estrogen already present in your system as opposed to arimidex which basically works by stopping the conversion which shouldnt be an issue with you. BTW, my wife is a National Level competitive bodybuilder, so have a bit of experience working with them. Ask around on the arimidex and see if you get some differing opinions as I would be interested in hearing them.

  6. #6
    silverrangel is offline New Member
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    Dec 2010
    Thank you so much Mr. FireGuy.. About arimidex and nolvadex , I was actually thinking about it and have decided a couple of days ago to use Nolvadex.. I hope that this will really solve my current problem.. However, I would like to ask your wife for any suggestions that could help me too.. There will be 2 comps coming up, one in Feb and the biggest one on April (national comp) so I just hope I could be able to reach my target before then.

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