HI IM GOING IN MY FIRST COMP IN 8 WEEKS TIME AND HAVE BEEN DIETING FOR LAST 4 WEEKS OR SO IM currently eating 6 chicken breasts a day 2 jacket potatoes veg. 1 x pro Mr 1 x pure whey shake after training. l-glutimine in a morning and gaba on a night im also taking clen 2 tabs a day for 2 days then 2 days off. just done 6ml of testoviron depot and 8 ml of deca and im starting wini and veremone next week. but i dont seem to be rippin up. im doing 1 hr cardio a day. and training 4- 5 times with the weights. im 5ft 6 currently weighing about 11 stone 10 i really wanna be showing about 11 stone please any advice appreciated. ill post a current pic tomorro