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Thread: Prep guideline

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Prep guideline

    What would you take or add to this?

    Start your diet 12-16 weeks out (if 15+ % bf) 12 weeks out (if 10-15 % bf) or 8-12 weeks out (if less than 10%bf), lean body mass in lbs X 15-20 cals (depending on metabolism and current bf) 50-60 % carbs, 30 % protein 10-20 % fats. Drop 25-50g of carbs ew or eow (depending how much weight you're dropping) add 30-50% cals from protein from dropped cals from carbs (if dropped 25g of carbs = 100 cals, 30% would be 30cals that's about 8g of protein)

    Cardio everyday (if bf higher than 10%) or eod (if leaner than 10%bf) 20 minutes to start, increase 5-10min ew or eow (depending how the things are going)

    For the first 8-12 weeks
    - Under 220lb lean body mass
    500-1000mg long testosterone
    400-600mg deca or eq
    225mg tren
    300mg masteron
    4-6iu gh ed
    1mg arimidex eod
    t3, clen if needed
    - Over 220 lean body mass
    1000-2000mg long testosterone
    up to 1000 mg deca or eq
    300-500mg tren
    500 mg masteron
    6-10iu gh ed
    1mg arimidex eod
    t3, clen if needed

    Last 4 weeks
    Switch long test to short acting one
    drop the deca
    add winstrol, oxy, halo last few weeks
    increase masteron
    drop gh 2-3 weeks before
    add proviron
    increase arimidex 1-2mg ed

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    I wold never show prep with deca, just my opinion, i would also do short esters all the way from bigging, why swith mid prep, plus you will have overlap then as long esters exit the short ones would start working right my opinion, no two ppreps can be the same, basics are simple calories in - calories out = weight loss, but we all have different insulin sensitivity levels, one peron might hav to go below 100gm of carbs per day and another might get away wiht 250gm per's a constant tweeking process and 2-3 weeks of learning curve, see how people react to foods etc...i never take on more then 10 clients at the time as it is very time consuming to do everything very personal and suited for individuals, usually 5 clients keep me busy as crap, between work, family life, my own training, business development and then other peoples needs i already need extra 4 hours per day, just no where to find it...also the amount of gear you have for someone over 220lbs...if you add it all up you got 3000-4000mgs + gh, for an average individual that is insane amount of gear, i would recomend 750-1200mgs per week for dieting purposes for most...once you venture north of 1000mg there are diminishing returns and less gains and more side effects as you get higher and higher...hard to control water with this kind of dosing as well...anyway, bottom line it is hard to develop cookie cutter aproach, 1 shoe fits all strategy, i know a lot of trainers sell that bullsh!t, but that's why most people don't reach their potencial...but if you don't have to personalize it, you can train 100 people and give them all the same advise and charge all 100.00 sounds like a good business, but sh1tty results for most...anyway that's my .02 cents...XXL

  3. #3
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    MikeXXL pretty much covered this one. Cookie cutter templates might work for guys wanting to get to 10% bodyfat but contest prep is a totally different animal. It is way too dynamic and each individuals needs are completely different to even attempt to make up a prep guideline. Why do you think even the top pro's pay thousands of $$$ to guys like Farrah and Rambod to oversee their prep? Plus not a word about posing practice, this is by far the most overlooked aspect of contest prep amongst the majority of competitors. I could go though and pick apart the specifics of the guideline as well but that wouldnt really serve much purpose either. Appreciate the thought that went into making this up but I cant really see it being of any use to anybody.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Thanks for the detailed reply guys, this was lifted from a different forum just wanted to gauge what you thought of this as a general guidelines. I have very little knowledge when it comes to prep, and from what I take from your posts it can be very individualistic.
    If someone was planning on entering a first timers contest, do you think it would be a good idea to prep a few months before the contest to gauge how your body reacts or do you feel it would be a pointless venture as you don't have the drive of the competition to keep you focused to truly give 120% that and your body may respond completely different on the lead up to the actual comp.

  5. #5
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post
    Thanks for the detailed reply guys, this was lifted from a different forum just wanted to gauge what you thought of this as a general guidelines. I have very little knowledge when it comes to prep, and from what I take from your posts it can be very individualistic.
    If someone was planning on entering a first timers contest, do you think it would be a good idea to prep a few months before the contest to gauge how your body reacts or do you feel it would be a pointless venture as you don't have the drive of the competition to keep you focused to truly give 120% that and your body may respond completely different on the lead up to the actual comp.
    arent you like, only 19 or something?

  6. #6
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  7. #7
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post
    its not worth it mate, wait a good 5-10yrs and see how you feel then

  8. #8
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    Even for a first timers contest just to get a taste, I always though it would be a good idea to get a perspective from a judge to see what they are looking for?

    You think it would be more productive to just spend a few more years putting on more size before giving it a whirl?

  9. #9
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post
    Even for a first timers contest just to get a taste, I always though it would be a good idea to get a perspective from a judge to see what they are looking for?

    You think it would be more productive to just spend a few more years putting on more size before giving it a whirl?
    i ended up on plenty of podiums naturally, you can do it also

  10. #10
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    PK-V i hope we don't / didn't discourage you frmo competing. I have done many shows and did trial and error for most of them, always trying something new, messing around with different ideas and ways to prep, diet, maipulate water, last week prep, carb up , fat load, sh!tload etc...many many attempts, very detailed notes, lots of research, reading, from medical journals to people testimonials and their own stories and now i help others get ready for shows with what i have learned and have been able to apply to myself and others, so by all means do a show or two, test the waters see what the judges say, see if you like it and have what it takes...go get it...XXL

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Thanks guy's, appreciate the honest feedback!

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