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Thread: looking for advice for 1st show

  1. #1

    looking for advice for 1st show

    hey guys just lookin for some advice as im about to do my 1st amatuer show in mid november.stATS are 35 yrs old,250 lbs and 10-12%bf calipers .im currently taking 4 ius hgh ,500 test enth a wk (which is actually my 1st cycle ever ) and . 25 dex eod and just coming up to my 11th wk soon so im gonna just continue unitl the show now and than do a good proper pct after the show since i wont have time to do it after this cycle.i was thinking of throwing in some anavar at 60 mg a day in a wk cause i really wanna try it and think its good time to throw in anther compound as well and can probably even start shedding some fat slowly with it as well.i was also thkining of throwing in some winnie for the last 4 wks as well and probablly uppping the dex for the last cpl wks to really dry up .from what ive read i should also cut the test e 2wks out .just looking for some advice or some more guidance from some more experienced guys .ty in advance

  2. #2
    what the ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Syd, Aust

  4. #4
    i dont know how to dwnload them on here or i would .im not a big computer guy lol

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    blue trunks
    steroids are the last thing to worry about when doing your first show

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    For your first show your plan sounds good. The key will be the diet and then cardio, followed by supplement as long as your diet is in check and cardio you wil be good to go...good luck...XXL

  7. #7
    thx alot mike xxl .ive read some of your psts and you sound like the man to talk to .anuyway i can pm you for more advice??i would like to show you some pics as well and see what you think.if thats you in the avatar you look great btw

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Freak, yes you can send me a PM and time allowing i will give you direction and my input if desired...yes that's me and thanks. Trying and thinking of making a competitive come back this year...see how it goes...

  9. #9
    hey MIKE XXL having hard time pm you.havent pm before but pretty sure i did it right but not sure

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