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Thread: advice plz on what to do after my show

  1. #1

    advice plz on what to do after my show

    advice plz on what to do after my show
    so im competiting in my 1st local show nxt wknd and if i place in top 3 i qualify for regionals which i have a good feeling i will (i hope anyways lol).anyways so im inquriing abour what to do right after the show .the regionals would be in june so 7mos after this show and im not sure if i have time to do a proper pct or for that manner want to do one since i dont think i would still have time to do one and get in a good cycle for nxt show sincve i will be competiting against bigger guys im sure so i would need to be at my best .i also have read that we should take advantage of the anabolic window right after doin a show as well and i really wanna take advantage of this for that reason as well. im curently on 100mg mast and prop eod ,90mg var ed,50 proviron ed,.25 dex ed,4 ius gh and 100 mg t4 ed.i was thinkin aqbout droppin eeverythin right after the show except gh (the test and mast is actually dropped a wk before the show)and starting test enth 500 a wk (which i was doing before i started my cut) or just crusing on 250 a wk for cpl mos just to stay on test starting the sun or mon after the sat show .any advice is greatly appreciated guys and ty in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    lone star state
    You have to decide if your going to go down the road of never coming off AAS or not. You have 7 months so you could come off and get back on for a short bulk and then 12 weeks of contest prep.

    Honestly if this is your first show then I kinda doubt your ready for regionals. I would chalk this show up for good experence, come off and PCT, then run one or two good long bulking cycles and pick another show to do after that.

  3. #3
    ok thx for the input gymfu.i got some figuring out to do

  4. #4
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Well.......?????? Howd ya do?

  5. #5
    2nd place bro.i got robbed .im sure u have heard that before many times but im not being bias (i think thats how you spell it ) here .i know myself and many other people do as well as many people have come up to me and said so and if i showed you the pics as well im sure you would say the same.i wouild actually love to show you the pics of me and him for you to be the judge but i dnt think i should put his pics on here as thats not right .he was a bigger guy but he did not have the syymetry i had or defintion.i will be posting pics up as sson as possible of myself but im goin awy on vaca tom which is great timing btw after all this and will post some when i get bak bro.and im gonna be posting a speical thx to mike xxxl as he has helped me through the comp and i also followed his shitload protocol at the top of the page to a tee and it worked amazing.i was def hesitant about the shiload as many are but boy let me tell you i loved it.if u wanna know more about maybe just pm me bro.but i did qualify for regionals and will be doin that in june .im doin a pct as of now as well fyi. nolva clomid hcg

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada
    ^^^ you are welcome Bro, i know FG doesn't support the sh!tload approch too much, but when done correctly with a right person behind the wheel giving solid advice it works 99% of the time...there wil always be the odd case but i have yet to meet him or her...i believe i have mastered the craft of loading in this fasion, thanks to the inovators like Skip that went this route in the first place...i have mike-xxl-ized the protocol and now people win shows following my approuch, i figured since i can't win shows maybe i can help other do...LOL...dont get me wrong, i am not trying to dis FG, i more then respect and idolize guys like Fireguy, he's the kind of guy i look up to and stay motivated by, hard working with good chip on his shoulders, and smart to boot...anyway, you are welcome freak1, you were good to work with and followed advice pretty well, you did the work now you get to reep the benifit of working hard...good Job Bro on quaifying for provincials, if it's ontarios just maybe you will be beside me on stage next year :-)

  7. #7
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Not so much against shit loading, just found it didnt work really well on myself. That's one of the great things about this sport is there are several ways of arriving at the same destination. I think you will find even the top pro's all take different approaches to contest prep. There is no arguing with the success Mike has had on himself as well as his clients and I also have nothing but the utmost respect for him as well. As some of you may know Mike's wife and my wife are both very accomplished competitors as well. Having a spouse that competes along with you makes us both extremely fortunate as they know exactly what we are going through come contest time.

    Good job and congrats Freak. Looking forward to seeing some pictures!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada
    Totally agree FG, having a spouse that has same aspirations as us helps big time as they / we all understand what we go through...big adventage for sure...i know sh!tload is not for everyone adn seems like you are one of the very few non-responders...glad to hear about mutual respect, and i agree on many many approches to the final weeks prep and that's what make this sport interesting to me...i am glad to be part of this board and working here side by side people such as yourself...makes it an easy place to hang out...XXL

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