advice plz on what to do after my show
so im competiting in my 1st local show nxt wknd and if i place in top 3 i qualify for regionals which i have a good feeling i will (i hope anyways lol).anyways so im inquriing abour what to do right after the show .the regionals would be in june so 7mos after this show and im not sure if i have time to do a proper pct or for that manner want to do one since i dont think i would still have time to do one and get in a good cycle for nxt show sincve i will be competiting against bigger guys im sure so i would need to be at my best .i also have read that we should take advantage of the anabolic window right after doin a show as well and i really wanna take advantage of this for that reason as well. im curently on 100mg mast and prop eod ,90mg var ed,50 proviron ed,.25 dex ed,4 ius gh and 100 mg t4 ed.i was thinkin aqbout droppin eeverythin right after the show except gh (the test and mast is actually dropped a wk before the show)and starting test enth 500 a wk (which i was doing before i started my cut) or just crusing on 250 a wk for cpl mos just to stay on test starting the sun or mon after the sat show .any advice is greatly appreciated guys and ty in advance