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Thread: Preparing for 1st Show in 24 Months - MY LOG ON DIET/TRAINING

  1. #81
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Thursday 2nd feb
    Missed gym today, felt really worn out from chest and legs... So far missed two days this week which means I got fri sat and sun to train shoulders, back and arms... So I can't and won't take another day off this week...
    Jp2011- what do you mean by a high carb day? Knock 6 pizzas back? Only messing... I think if I was to go off the diet plan I might end up having too many high carb days, so far diet feels good to be honest, eating chicken is ok with me just the tuna is hard to down at times... Will be weighing my self on Sunday to monitor progress... I don't trust my self with a high carb day... May be once the fat is off, but still appreciate your advice as your knowledge is much superior to mine on bb...
    Starting the clen on Monday and dropping the ephedrine for two weeks... What can I do to avoid the cramps??? Man they were bad last time I used clen.
    Try and post some progress pics up at the end of the month to see how I have changed in two months and to asses what needs sculpting on my body, probably the whole body...

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    North West, England
    Haha now 6 pizzas sounds like a high carb day that i would really enjoy myself lol. Basically all i do is eat exactly the same meals but just double the carbs for 1 day a week, sometimes ill have 2 high carb days a week depending on how close to the show i am/how much fat im still carrying/how well im performing in the gym and recovering. If everything is ok at the minute then theres no real reason to change anything though. You could always swap the tuna for cottage cheese, or even a tuna steak or other fish. I dont like fish so i have cottage cheese anyway lol. Keep up the good work though, you should be proud of how well you have done even though its still early days, at least your doing it, fair play to you

    Drink plenty of water when using clen, that will help with the cramps. Also will be worth investing in some potassium tablets if you arnt already taking them, they will help stop cramping up.
    Last edited by jp_2011; 02-02-2012 at 12:59 PM.

  3. #83
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Todays Log - 03/02/12
    Trained Shoulders, wasnt feeling strong so took it easy, donno whats wrong this week, cant get out of bed, cant train properly, i feel ok just a little worn out...
    Shoulder Press Smith Machine 4 sets
    Behind neck shoulder press smith machine 4 sets
    Upright rows on smith machine 4 sets
    Shrugs on smith machine 4 sets
    Lateral Raises 4 sets
    Front raises 4 sets
    Pec Dec Reversed 3 sets...
    No Cardio - running late
    Weighed my self last night before bed and i was 98kg...
    Planning on getting this week done and making a fresh start next week

    JP2011 - Your the Don - Cottage Cheese has enough protein??? Tuna is ok but am i ok to mix a little mayo or sweetcorn into it??? I like fish, just tuna alone is dry...
    How much water is plenty of water??? drinking around 2 liters in gym and 2 literes throughout day at the moment... Potassium tabs, where do i get them from, does asda stock these???

    Anyways thanks to all that are participating in my quest to sculputure my self into a better person physically and mentally...
    Respect you all

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    North West, England
    Ye cottage cheese is a great protein source, and its low in carbs and fat. I would stear clear of the mayo and sweecorn to be honest. Even xtra light mayo is high in sugar, and sweetcorn is high in starchy carbs. Any fish will do really, its all high in protein and full of good fats. I aim for 5 litres a day of water, sometimes i drink more sometimes less though. Ye i get my pottasium tablets from asda.

  5. #85
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Today's log 4 feb 2012
    Trained back
    Felt good even though I only slept for five hours... I know I need my rest but had no choice, travelling all night...
    Behind head pull downs 4 sets
    front pull downs 4 sets
    Dead lift 5 sets got to lift 160 kg one rep
    T bar rows 3 sets
    Seated cable rows 3 sets
    No cardio today, stomach was off so didn't risk it...

    Jp2011- I will try cottage cheese, never tried it before...
    Fish is good, I will steer clear of Mayo and sweetcorn...
    I will get some potassium tabs... Hope they help, what exactly do they do?
    Thanks for you help again man..

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    North West, England
    Ye cottage cheese is really nice, you can even have it before bed if you want. Basically potassium is needed for correct function of the heart, liver, kidneys, muscles, nerves and digestive system, the potassium tablets will make up for lack of potassium in your diet through food, you lose potassium through sweating and muscle activity. Although its probs best you see your doctor first and explain about your diet and you want to take them to make up for not getting enough from the foods your eating as the amount you need depends on different factors such as any past or present medical problems or any medication you might be taking including anti inflamatories. Also there is a risk of taking too much and that can cause side effects. I went to see my gp and he told me the correct amount to take and i had no problems. You might not have a potassium deficiency though, maybe just increase your water intake first because the main reason behind muscle cramps is dehydration.

  7. #87
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Today's log 5th feb 2012
    Trained arms
    Close grip bench press 4 sets
    Skull crusher 3 sets
    Rope pull downs 4 sets
    Straight bar pull downs 4 sets
    Barbell curls 5 sets
    Preacher curls 4 sets
    Dumbbell curls 4 sets
    21s 3 sets
    Still feeling a bit crap, got a bad stomach too, so not feeling 100%. Still completed the week nevertheless.
    Hopefully back to full cardio tomorrow..

    Jp2011- thanks for the advice, drinking loads of water, starting clen tomorrow 2 weeks on so I will be drinking loads of water to avoid the cramps. I will leave the potassium out for now, medical history is good, no major problems, touch wood.... I will get some cottage cheese to add to the variety... Again I appreciate your time and input...

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    North West, England
    No problem, happy 2 help

  9. #89
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Today's log Monday 6th Feb 2012
    Trained chest, didn't feel like training legs today, needed a bit of a change, leaving legs for wed this week.
    Started with bench press 5 sets, had to wait twenty mins cos somebody was hogging the bench... So annoying, would not even let me join in...
    Anyway started with 60kg 10 reps, then 100 kg for 6 reps followed immediately by 60kg 4 reps. Then 100kg 4 reps, immediately 60kg 6 reps, then 100kg 3 reps immediately followed by 60kg for 7 reps.
    Next was incline bench press 3 sets...
    Decline bench press 3 sets...
    Flat flyes 3 sets...
    Cable cross over 3 sets...
    1/2 hour cardio burnt 505 cals, felt good today and chest felt strong, stomachs better, was full of energy. Started the clen, didn't feel it kick in but sweated loads... Got a bit of a bloated stomach after drinking my shake once I got out of the gym... Maybe I need to change my shake???
    Watch this space, weighed in at 98.8 kg which is a slight increase of .3kg????? May be water? May be not enough cardio last week? Well I will try and get below 98 this week...

  10. #90
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Tuesday 7th Feb 2012
    Have to miss gym today - went to london on friday to buy a car for a friend, range rover sport, this morning the bloody car has been nicked - £14,000 gone... I feel responsible... Police have been informed and have spotted the car on the motorway...
    Back to Gym tomorrow and still sticking to diet, last night weight was 98.1kg before bed...

  11. #91
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Right, pissed off cause I didn't go training but still have 5 days, need to train 4 days yet. Sticking to diet, won't get a chance to go gym today...

    Jp2011 I see your from the northwest mate... I am from near manchester....

  12. #92
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    good to hear that youre getting yourself back in shape, and not only that but going for CONTEST shape! good for you man, i will be checking in on this, hope for the best, bro. keep up the hard work and dont let yourself slack :]

  13. #93
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    North West, England
    Quote Originally Posted by Ca$tro
    Tuesday 7th Feb 2012
    Have to miss gym today - went to london on friday to buy a car for a friend, range rover sport, this morning the bloody car has been nicked - £14,000 gone... I feel responsible... Police have been informed and have spotted the car on the motorway...
    Back to Gym tomorrow and still sticking to diet, last night weight was 98.1kg before bed...
    Shit, bad news mate, there are some real bastards out there. Hope you get everything sorted and get your motor back, lovely cars range rover sports.

    Ye im from bolton pal. Its a small world haha.

  14. #94
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Todays Log - 08th Feb 2012
    Trained Back -
    started with Behind Head Pull Downs - 5 sets
    Infront Head Pull Downs - 4 sets
    DeadLift - 60kg - 10reps/ 100kg - 8 reps/ 140kg - 5 reps/ 150kg - 1 rep/ 100kg - 8 reps
    Tbar Row - 3 sets - 40kg/60kg/80kg
    Seated Machine Row - 4 sets
    One Arm Pull Back (cant find the bloody name for this) Each Arm Alternatly - 40kg- 12 reps/ 60kg - 10 reps/ 80kg - 6 reps / 20kg - 20reps
    Dumbbell Rows three sets - 30kg - 10 reps/ 40kg -6 reps/ 45 kg - 3 reps
    By this time i was still feeling ok but had been in the gym for an hour so left out barbell rows...
    Cardio - 30 mins / 500 cals/ 1.9 miles/ incline 15 for 22 mins then slow jog for 6-8 minutes...
    Felt good today - trained hard, diet is clean, getting focused again...
    Felt the clen when i was doing cardio, little shakes here and there...
    Weighed my self before bed last night and i was standing at 97.9kg which is good, aiming to get to 98kg this week, anything below is a bonus...

    JP 2011 - Flipping small world, a true Lancs Lad Hey... The Range wasn't my motor - i only helped a good friend find a deal in the trader then went with him to look at it, so felt kind of responsible... They nicked it from his house in Bramhall, Stockport and drove it to Surrey, Cops found it today, but another poor sod had bought it, not realising it was stolen... Scum these people, ripping people off... dono if he will get the motor, its sat in a compound, but at least its not been shipped or stripped for parts...

    Ajordana - Thanks for the addded input to this log, i know i started to slack a bit last week, but getting back on the ball and feeling good...

    One thing i noticed is that when you DONT have a proper diet and regular meals you seem to crave food alot more, now my stomach has something in it regularly i dont feel the urge to go and buy something to eat...

    Man i appreciate all your advice and input - i wont/cant let you or my self down on this quest....

    Much Respect to all...

  15. #95
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    North West, England
    Haha ye true lancs lad, except no chippy tea lol. Well i hope everything gets sorted 4 your mate. Ye its amazing how well your body reacts to frequent meals, regardless of the portion size. Good on you, and im happy to be able to help you, anytime mate keep up the good work!!!

  16. #96
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Todays Log - 09th Feb 2012
    Trained Legs -
    Leg Extensions 4 sets
    Squats - 60kg 10reps/ 100kg 8reps/ 140kg 5reps/ 100kg 8reps - managed to do 5 reps my self today nobody around to spot...
    Leg Press - 160kg 10reps/ 240kg 8 reps/ 320kg 3 reps
    Calf Raises on Leg Press machine - 3 sets of 10 160kg
    seated calf raises 3 sets 40kg 10reps
    Standing Calf Raises 3 sets max out machine weight
    Lying curls 3 sets
    Man today my legs are shaking, did a good work out and found it hard to walk afterwards with the shakes, i think it was the adrenaline in the legs??? or may be the clen???
    I left the cardio out today as legs were done, barely managed to drive home...
    Back on the cardio tomorrow got to train arms and shoulders yet...

    JP2011 - Thankyou as always man...

  17. #97
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Today's log Friday 10 feb 2012
    Trained shoulders
    Smith machine military press 4 sets
    Smith machine behind neck press 4 sets
    Smith machine front raises 3 sets
    Barbell shrugs 4 sets
    Side raises 3 sets
    Front raises 3 sets
    Reverse pec dec 3 sets
    15 mins cardio
    Felt like crap, exhausted tired sleepy so didn't go heavy at all...
    5th day on clen, not had any bad cramps yet..
    Weighed in at 97.6 kg last night before bed...

  18. #98
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Yesterdays Log - Sat 11th Feb 2011
    Trained Tri/Bi
    Close Grip Bench Press 5 sets
    Skull Crusher/French Press 4 sets
    Rope Pull Downs 4 sets
    Stright bar pull downs 4 sets
    Barbell curls 5 sets
    Preacher curls 4 sets
    Dumbbell curls 4 sets
    Concentration curls 4 sets
    21's 3 sets
    Arms felt strong yesterday, lifted good heavy weights, good reps... felt good..
    Didn't have time to write up yesterday hence the late log today... Took a day off today today from gym/work/etc relaxing day at home... still sticking to the diet, weighed my self this morning on an EMPTY stomach and weighed 96.7KG, since then i have had my breakfast and chicken a few hours later, will be taking my weekly weight before bed so lets hope i am below 98KG, which was the target for this week...

  19. #99
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Monday 13th Feb
    Took Sunday off, needed a day off just to get some rest and my head screwed back on...
    Monday Trained Legs
    Leg Extensions 4 sets
    Squats 4 sets 60kg-10reps/100kg-8reps/140kg-5reps/100kg-8reps
    Leg Press 4 sets 160kg-10reps/240kg-8reps/280kg-6reps/160kg-10reps
    Calf Raises on Leg Press Machine 160kg 4 sets of 12 reps
    Seated calf raises 4 sets 40kg 12 reps/ 60kg 10reps /60kg 10reps/ 40kg 20 resps
    Standing Calf Raises 4 sets maxed machine out
    Lying curls 4 sets
    30 mins cardio/ 2miles/ 515 cals/ speed and incline varied
    Felt good after my workout and after doing a full half hour of cardio...
    Diet is going good... A little boring, added a bit of cottage cheese in to the mix just for a change...
    Weighed in last night at 97.7KG - 6 weeks gone 6 Kilos Lost, anticipating getting to around 95KG this week, plenty of Cardio...
    Had a bad cramp in my abs when doing leg press, think thats the clen...
    Loosing weight normally means a loss in strength but so far i find that my strength is being maintained and in some cases improving. Legs is the hardest day for me, thats why i like to get it out of the way early in the week, then i dont have a reason to miss the gym...
    Well watch this space, anyone have an idea of what weight i should be aiming for??? 85KG???

  20. #100
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Today's log
    Man been I'll with flu, bad headaches, stuffed nose, body aches and pains, been in bed for two days... Felling slightly better tonight, but feeling well guilty that I missed the gym on Tuesday and Wednesday. I have stuck to the diet nevertheless...
    Plan for the rest of the week is
    Thursday - chest and cardio
    Friday - shoulders and cardio
    Saturday - back and cardio
    Sunday - bi and tri and cardio

    I ain't going to mess my week up even if it kills me...
    Weighed in at 97.5 kg last night so weight is stagnant just don't feel strong with this messed up virus...
    I am aiming for 85 kg as my minimum weight? What do you think?

  21. #101
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    North West, England
    Quote Originally Posted by Ca$tro
    I am aiming for 85 kg as my minimum weight? What do you think?
    Suppose it all depends on what your looking like now and what your aim is to look like. I honestly dont bother with what i weigh (i dont compete in a weight class anyway so it doesnt matter much). Its all about how symetrical you are, your overall condition and obviously muscle. But ive competed against guys bigger than me, and beat them simply because of my condition and symmetry. If you have a 20 stone guy who is still smooth and cant display his muscle to its full potentiol, and a 15 stone guy whos shredded and you can see cuts and lines on every muscle. Whos looking better? Thats the way i see it. Just as long as the weight is coming off nice and steady your on track. Relay more on the mirror and photos than the scales. Keep an eye on it and make sure its still coming off, but scales can give false readings (like if your holding water, or you havent had a sit on the throne before you take your morning weight haha), but the mirror never lies.
    Keep up the good work though matey

  22. #102
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Jp2011 - Thanks for the reply mate... I guess i just want to get ripped up, more defined, in better shape. I will post up pics at end of the month to get your opinion. I thought most competitions were based on either weight or age? If i look in the mirror i am getting more defined, but cant see abs, not expecting that for abit yet. My arms and shoulders are pretty symmetrical, same goes for legs. Well thats what i think? The weight is defo coming off at around 1kg per week, weighed my self now and i am at 96.6KG. I agrree that the 15 stone guy cut up looks alot better than some weighing heavier and not looking lean or defined. I rely alot on scales and i check the mirror too but hardly photos, guess i will try this... I wanna get the weight down so that i can start a cycle of deca and sus eventually, i did one cycle of test and dbol last year when i weighed 87kg, i saw some good results, still kept the strength gains for sure but the asthetic look soon went once the gear was out of the system, then i crashed and had a bad time with work, family etc leading me to eat loads of junk. Anyway forget the cycle, long way away yet... Do as much as i can naturally then start the cycle.
    Ok so the diet is knocking my weight down along with the cardio, just feel my training could change around to progress with gains, some say you cant promote muscle growth whilst losing fat??? I was looking at Arnolds training regime and i know its some hard core shit, but i feel as though i could do it, many say again that it is much too advanced. Have you ever tried something so militant in the gym???
    Appreciate your advice and replies to my simple pain in the butt questions...
    Oh should i be drinking alot of coffee? apparently helps with fat loss??? i am only on one cup at the mo...
    Cheers mate and if you have any trade secrets to give to me you could always PM me, lol, there have got to be some trade secrets...

  23. #103
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    North West, England
    Ye taking photos weekly in the same poses will allow you to see the difference in your physique from a different perspective, especially your back, as you cant see it in the mirror lol. There are different opinions on gaining muscle when on low calories. I think that although a high calorie diet is much better for muscle growth, i think its still possible to lose fat and build muscle. At the end of the day if your eating enough protein and stimulating the muscles in the gym and getting enough rest its possible, although it will happen at a much slower rate. Alot of people say that you need carbs in order to build muscle, but thats not true. Carbs are an energy source, and nothing more. Its the protein that repairs the muscles and helps them recover and grow.
    Ive pretty much gone back to basics in the past 8-9 months while i was bulking, heavy compound movements and afew isolation exercises to finish off. I have tried fst-7 and y3t, and they were good but ive realised that old school training is a tried, tested and proven way of getting results for decades so im using that. I will still throw in some 7s here and there but its mostly just straight forward training for me now.
    Ye black coffee will help increase your adrenaline through the caffine, which will help increase your metabolism. I have 3-4 cups a day, but limit it to 2 when im on clen. A little tip i picked up, put a green tea bag in your water at the gym

  24. #104
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Today's log Thursday 16 feb
    Trained chest
    Bench press 4 sets 60kg 10 reps/ 100kg 7 reps 60kg 3 reps/ 100kg 4 reps 60kg 6 reps/ 60kg 10 reps
    Incline bench press 3 sets 60 kg 8-10 reps
    Decline bench press 4 sets 60kg 8-10 reps 3 sets then 40 kg till failure
    Dumbbell flat flyes 4 sets of 10 reps
    Cable cross overs 4 sets of 10 reps
    Cardio 30 mins / 530 cals / 2 miles

    Apart from the chest infection/flu gym felt good, just feeling a little weak but good.
    Jp 2011 - I will start taking weekly photos soon and post me up to see what you think...
    I understand what your saying as carbs is purely for energy and protein is purely for muscle growth, I also agree that the fat is being burned and the muscles are developing along side, but due to the calorie deficit they aren't growing as much as possible... I agree that compound movements such as bench press / squats / deadliest are the way to build muscle and to get the pump just finish off with isolating the particular muscle being trained...
    On clen till end of this week, have not had any major cramps this time, but will get on coffee and ephedrine next week.
    I will try the green tea bag in the water, might look a funny colour? But give it a try... What are the benefits of this?
    Man I am in debt to you and your knowledge, your willing to help me and I am very grateful for this mate...

  25. #105
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    North West, England
    Its a good fat burner (hence the green tea extract supplements available), full of antioxidents, the ginseng is good for increasing energy and endurance, and it rids your body of free radicals that eat away at muscle. Obviously its not conveniant to have a kettle n mug in the gym though so just pop a green tea bag in your water bottle and bobs your uncle lol. I get the flavoured ones, the normal green tea tastes like grass haha, blueberry is quite nice. No problem, im happy 2 help. Ive had and still get alot of help and advice, im always learning new things and its nice that i can use what ive learnt over the years to help someone else, its a pleasure to help you out mate

  26. #106
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Jp2011 enough respect to you as always...
    Today's log - Friday 17th feb
    Trained back
    Machine pull downs behind neck 4 sets
    Machine pull downs infront of head 4 sets
    Deadlift 4 sets 60kg 10 reps/ 100kg 10 reps/ 140kg 5 reps/ 140kg 5 reps/
    Tbar rows 3 sets 40kg/60kg/80kg
    Seated rows 5 sets last two sets drop sets
    Dumbbell rows 3 sets
    Cardio 20 mins / 400 cals/

  27. #107
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Today's log sat 18th feb
    Trained bi/tri/shoulders
    Was going to train shoulders tomorrow but family commitments mean I can't make it to the gym tomorrow.
    Got a chest infection and clogged up nose..
    Close grip bench press 3 sets
    Skull crusher 3 sets
    Rope pull downs superset with straight bar pull downs 3 sets each
    Barbell curls 3 sets
    Preacher curls 3 sets
    Dumbbell curls 3 sets
    Concentration curls 3 sets
    Shrugs 3 sets
    Military press 3 sets
    Lateral raises 3 sets
    No Caruso feel like crap today...
    Weight last night 94.9 kg

  28. #108
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Today's log Monday 20th feb 2012
    Trained Shoulders...
    Seated military press on smith machine 3sets of 60 kg 6 reps drop set of 50kg then 40 kg then 20 kg then just bar.
    Behind neck seated military press 3 sets
    Smith machine upright rows 4 sets
    Shrugs barbell 3 sets dumbbell shrugs 3 sets
    Lateral raises 4 sets
    Front raises 3 sets
    Arnold press 3 sets
    Cardio 30 mins 2 miles 535 cals burnt
    Feeling good today, finally getting the chest infection out of the system.
    My weekly weight stands at 96.7 kg losing 1 kg a week...

  29. #109
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Today's log Wednesday 22 nd Feb 2012
    Took yesterday off, got bad stomach issues man, running to the loo, think I didn't cook the chicken properly...
    Felt better today, trained legs, stomach still in pain but a lot better.
    Leg extensions 3 sets
    Squats three sets 60/100/120 kg
    Leg press three sets 160/240/320 kg
    Calf raises on leg press machine 160kg 3 sets
    Seated calf raises three sets of 60kg
    Standing calf raises three sets of max weight on machine
    Hamstring curls three sets
    10 min cardio
    Diet is going good

  30. #110
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Today's log sat 25th feb 2012
    So I trained shoulders mon took Tuesday off trained legs Wednesday then had thu and fri off then had to do a split to fit everything in for the week.
    Today trained chest and tris, I used do splits but I find that having individual days for each muscle group works the muscle harder and the muscle progresses more...
    Aft training chest today I struggled with tris...
    Got back and biceps tomorrow then back to normal on Monday... Think on saturday going to do abs and cardio, concentrate one hard workout for abs.... Ok ok cardio and diet is in check and I will update weight tomorrow with some pics this week....

  31. #111
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Today's log Sunday 26th feb 2012
    Trained back and biceps
    Had a good work out, just felt like I was training too much, missed out some exercise on back to allow biceps to be trained but I know now that I prefer individual days for each muscle opposed to split training...
    No cardio... My cheat meal today consisted of chicken as usual, grilled, a lot of rice some yoghurt and a slice of bread.
    My weight is at 95.8 kg, before I had my cheat meal... Aim to get to 94kg dead this week... Time to push harder and train harder... 8 weeks in I feel good lost the wobble on the belly, strength is still good even though my weight has gone down... Just got my new protein shake, synth 6 by BSN so try that this week too...had a tiring weekend training and decorating my mums house...
    Well I will post some pics this week for bf% estimations....

    Cheers ppl

  32. #112
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Tuesday 28th feb 2012
    Today's log - trained legs
    Leg extensions 5 sets
    Squats 5 sets 60/100/140/100/60
    Leg press 5 sets 160/240/320/240/160
    Calf raises 5 sets on leg extension machine
    Seated calf raises 5 sets
    Standing calf raises 5 sets
    Lying extension 5 sets
    Half hour cardio, 525 cals,
    Man I missed gym yesterday, big domestic at home...
    Today felt good just tired, legs are killing me, pushed my self to increase sets.
    Got a new shake by BSN Synth 6 man I got some tummy issues on this new shake... Anyone know which is better Propeptide by CNP or this stuff by BSN, which has less fat and more protein per shake...
    Anyways will try and get pics up this week...

  33. #113
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Wed 29th feb
    Trained chest
    Bench press 5 sets
    Incine bench 5 sets
    Decline bench 5 sets
    Flat flyes 4 sets
    Cable cross overs 4 sets
    Quick log today running late

  34. #114
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Today's log
    Trained back
    Behind neck pull down 4 sets
    Front pull downs 3 sets
    Deadlift 4 sets
    Tbar row 3 sets
    Seated cable rows 4 sets
    15 mins cardio

  35. #115
    Quote Originally Posted by Ca$tro
    Tuesday 28th feb 2012
    Today's log - trained legs
    Leg extensions 5 sets
    Squats 5 sets 60/100/140/100/60
    Leg press 5 sets 160/240/320/240/160
    Calf raises 5 sets on leg extension machine
    Seated calf raises 5 sets
    Standing calf raises 5 sets
    Lying extension 5 sets
    Half hour cardio, 525 cals,
    Man I missed gym yesterday, big domestic at home...
    Today felt good just tired, legs are killing me, pushed my self to increase sets.
    Got a new shake by BSN Synth 6 man I got some tummy issues on this new shake... Anyone know which is better Propeptide by CNP or this stuff by BSN, which has less fat and more protein per shake...
    Anyways will try and get pics up this week...
    how many reps are you doing

  36. #116
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Reps vary mate - for example squats - 60 kilos 10 reps/ 100 kilos 8 reps/ 140 kilos 5-6 reps/ 100 kilo 8 reps/ 60 kilo 10 reps...
    Some days i will do three sets ten reps each, depends on how i feel (strong/weak) and lift accordingly... Normally warm up light then go heavier then the heaviest i can take then back to a light set. It also depends on if i can find some one to help me out with squats and bench press, the two i need a spot...

  37. #117
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Today's log sat 3 march2012
    Trained bi and tri. Didn't get a chance to log in yesterday trained shoulders.
    Trained arms as usual felt strong but tired.
    Been slacking on cardio this week, managed a full half hour session just twice this week. therefore not expecting to get to my anticipated 94 kg... I will weigh my self tomorrow and post the updated weight with some progress pics...
    I would ask for advice but I guess at this stage it's just about getting on with training diet and cardio as usual...

  38. #118
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Last edited by Ca$tro; 03-05-2012 at 10:20 AM.

  39. #119
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Monday 05th March 2012
    So today i trained my legs - man this was hard today, had some hard core bodybuilders making squat till failure on light weights, much appreciated lads...
    Any way leg extensions 5 sets
    Squats 5 sets 60kg 10 reps/ 100kg 8 reps/ 140kg 7 reps/ 60kg till failure/ 60kg till failure... I could not walk after this ordeal but felt good...
    Seated calf raises 3 sets till failure with 20kg weight.
    Leg Press again was light today 3 sets till failure
    Calf raise on leg press machine 3 sets with 120kg weight normally get to 160kg.
    Half hour of cardio - felt knackered could have easily fallen asleep standing up... managed to burn 510 cals.
    Diet is good and weight is around 96-97kg at the moment.
    Had a mission uploading pics using forum tools so i have had to use image shack. Help appreicated, target to see abs after 35 yrs, so far lost 7-8kg in 9 weeks of training and dieting... Whats my BF% around people?

  40. #120
    Join Date
    May 2009
    06th March
    Trained Chest
    Bench press 5 sets 10 reps 60kg
    incline bench 3 sets 8 reps 60kg 2 sets 8reps 40kg
    decline bench press 3 sets 8 reps 60kg 2 sets 10 reps 40kg
    flat flyes 4 sets 8 reps 10kg
    cable cross over 5 sets 15 reps
    cardio 30 mins 520 cals burnt 2.0 miles covered
    feeling good, aching ;like mad from legs yesterday but i love the pain...
    diets good so far...

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