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If you're using AAS, this should protect your muscle tissue when using cytomel. Of course the more cytomel you use, the more you put your tissue at risk, but a decent plan with the steroids you listed should protect you. If you decide to use it, 25mcg/ed is normally a good starting point. What I prefer and what I always have most of my guys do is we'll increase the t3 by 12.5mcg every week or two as needed. Sometimes a 25mcg increase but 12.5 is more common. From there you simply keep ramping up as needed. Keep the dose as low as you can because this stuff can really drain your energy which is probably already drained from your diet. 75-100mcg/ed is as far as most need to take it if their overall plan is sound. Once you get to the end of your contest, continue running cytomel. Drop the dose down 25mcg every 3 days or so until you get back to 25mcg per day and run that dose for a full week. From there discontinue use.
Just a side note based on your comments, I don't know if you've ever competed before but part of a successful competition diet is suffering. You see, at least in the U.S. so many guys coming to the stage these days not in shape, or it least not what I'd consider impressive conditioning because they're so worried about staying full throughout their diet...staying full during the diet doesn't mean a thing. A good diet is going to make you feel like dragging ass at some point, especially towards the end. There are exceptions but not often. You can't be afraid to do large amounts of cardio if needed, and you can't be afraid to take your carbs down lower...often both are inevitable if you really want to come to the stage ripped and peeled to the bone.