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Thread: Fat intake during last week carb up

  1. #1
    What's everyone's view on fat intake during the carb up the few days before a show? I personally eat 50g/day while dieting and on refeed days, where carbs are elevated, I keep them at a minimum being <10.

    I was thinking, to balance it out as if fats were on a scale with my carbs. As carbs go up, fat goes down, and vise versa. Keep in mind I do not eat fats with carbs during meals, only in minimal amounts.

    Looking for everyone's views and opinions on this.

    Edit: I would like to add that this is not my first show. I simply have forgotten what I did the during my first 2 competitions as someone else was helping me along with the diet.

    Editx2: I've come to the conclusion that I will simply drop my fat intake from the usual 50, to about 30, for the heavier carb up days, and increase slightly as my carbs drop during the week.
    Last edited by GluteStriations; 11-05-2012 at 09:45 AM.

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